
  • 网络sanmenxia;Sanmenxia City
  1. 三门峡市部分HIV感染者感染、发现途径分析

    Analysis of routes of HIV-infected and detection in Sanmenxia

  2. 三门峡市崤山西路发现三座古墓

    Three Ancient Tombs Discovered on Western Xiaoshan Road in Sanmenxia City

  3. 应用灰色模型预测三门峡市痢疾发病趋势

    Prediction prevalence of dysentery in Sanmenxia City by grey mathematical model

  4. 2005年三门峡市某造纸厂自备生活饮用水污染事故调查

    Investigation on the Pollution of Self-sustaining Drinking Water in a Paper-mill

  5. 三门峡市饮用水藻类污染及影响因素研究

    Drinking Water Pollution by Algae and Its Affecting Factors in Sanmenxia

  6. 三门峡市新一代人工影响天气综合技术系统

    Integrated Technology System for New Generation Weather Modification in Sanmenxia

  7. 三门峡市烟叶生产资源与可持续发展分析

    Analysis on Production Resources and Sustainable Development of Tobacco Leaves in Sanmenxia City

  8. 三门峡市农村中学无烟学校控烟干预模式效果评价

    Tobacco Control Intervention Effect of Smoke-Free School Model in Sanmenxia Rural Middle Schools

  9. 2004-2005年三门峡市结核病防治的卫生经济学评价

    Health Economic Evaluation on Tuberculosis Control in Sanmenxia City

  10. 河南三门峡市北朝和隋代墓葬清理简报

    Tombs of the Northern Dynasties and Sui Periods Discovered in Sanmenxia City , Henan

  11. 三门峡市的旅游资源及其开发意见

    Tourist Resource and Its Development in Sanmenxia City

  12. 三门峡市北宋墓发掘简报

    Excavation of Northern Song Tombs in Sanmenxia City

  13. 三门峡市烟田土壤养分现状及动态变化分析

    Analysis of Nutrients Situation and Its Dynamic Variation in Tobacco Field Soil of Sanmenxia City

  14. 河南省三门峡市社区糖尿病健康教育效果评价

    Effectiveness evaluation of diabetes mellitus health education in community of Sanmenxia City , Henan Province

  15. 三门峡市司法局、刚玉砂厂秦人墓发掘简报

    Excavation of Qin People Tombs at the Sanmenxia Municipal Judicial Bureau and Corundum Placer Plant

  16. 三门峡市1986~2007年流行性乙型脑炎流行特征分析

    Epidemic features of Japanese encephalitis B in Sanmenxia City from 1986 to 2007 and control measures

  17. 三门峡市盆景园8号战国墓为战国早期偏晚的棺椁墓。

    No.8 tomb at Penjingyuan in Sanmenxia city is a coffin tomb in the early Warring States period .

  18. 三门峡市2004&2007年肺结核痰检室间质量评估效果分析

    Analysis on the effect of external quality assessment of the pulmonary tuberculosis sputum examination in Sanmenxia from 2004 to 2007

  19. 洛阳市、三门峡市农村人畜饮水困难现状与发展规划

    The Difficult Situation of Living Water for People and Livestock in Countryside in Luoyang and Sanmenxia and the Corresponding Development Plan

  20. 第三部分为三门峡市夹心层群体住房的需求分析,主要对夹心层群体购房或租房的需求特点及影响因素进行分析。

    The third part , on the " sandwich class " group purchase or rent demand characteristics and influence factors analysis .

  21. 笔者在河南三门峡市苹果产区,进行了10种药剂17个处理防治苹果叶螨的田间药效试验。

    The control efficiency of ten new pesticides on red spider mites ( tetranychids ) was examined in apple orchards with 17 treatments .

  22. 区域旅游景观结构与景观效应配置的系统分析&以三门峡市为例

    A systematic analysis of the structure of regional tourist landscape and the disposition of landscape effects & with Sanmenxia City as an example

  23. 采用电阻率层析成像二维测量的方法,对河南省三门峡市沿河开发的建筑场地进行了勘探,获取了地下隐伏沙洞的准确位置、埋藏深度、含水情况、尺寸大小等。

    The building site developed along the river in Sanmenxia city of province Henan ; The construction site surveyed by 2D Resistivity Tomography method .

  24. 爆炸事故于周五早上发生,造成三门峡市渑池县境内30米高的大桥坍塌。

    The blast , which occurred on Friday morning , caused the collapse of a 30-meter-high expressway viaduct in Mianchi County , Sanmenxia City .

  25. 2009年三门峡市被评为国家园林城市后,三门峡在十二五规划中拟将三门峡库区湿地国家级自然保护区建成三门峡黄河湿地公园。

    2009 sanmenxia was recognized as the national park in the city , sanmenxia in the planning to build national reserves sanmenxia wetlands sanmenxia the wetland park .

  26. 其次依据三门峡市城镇家庭人口等历史数据使用趋势外推法预测未来5年内的城镇家庭户数。

    Secondly , based on the historical data of urban family population in Sanmenxia , we forecast the urban family population in the next five years by trend extrapolation model .

  27. 据新华社报道,河南省三门峡市渑池县的巨源煤业公司一煤矿发生瓦斯爆炸,现已确定26人死亡。

    Twenty-six people were confirmed dead after a gas explosion at a coal mine of Juyuan Coal Industry Company in Mianchi County , Sanmenxia City , Henan Province , Xinhua reports .

  28. 参与本实验研究的学生是来自三门峡市高一年级的学生,共75人。实验班有42人,对照班33人。

    Students involved in this experiment are from SanMenxia No.1 Senior High School , a total of 75 students , namely : there are 42 students in experimental class , while there are 33 students in the control class .

  29. 第四部分为三门峡市夹心层群体住房的供给分析,主要从商品房市场、住房租赁市场、政策性住房以及住房公积金制度等方面分析了三门峡市夹心层住房供应存在的问题。

    The fourth part , analysis of Sanmenxia city in response to the " sandwich class " housing supply problems , the real estate market , the rental housing market , housing policy and housing accumulation fund system problems were studied .

  30. 在实证部分,在借鉴国际经验的基础上,主要从以下几个方面对三门峡市廉租住房进行研究:(1)预测2011~2015年三门峡市廉租住房开发建设需求量。

    In the empirical part , based on the international experience , I make the research on low-rent housing in Sanmenxia city as follows : ( 1 ) Forecast the development scale of low-rent housing in Sanmenxia city from 2011 to 2015 .