
sān dú
  • the third reading;three readings;final reading;third reading of a bill in a legislative session
  1. 共同议定的程序包括一读、二读和三读。

    The codecision procedure involves one , two or three readings .

  2. 三读·三动·三会&师范语文课堂教学模式

    Three Readings , Three Actings and Three Skills & The Chinese language ′ s classroom teaching model for a normal school

  3. 聋校语文传统教学和三读教学的课文教学模式比较研究

    A Study of The Traditional Chinese Teaching and Three & Read Teaching

  4. 在议会,法案通过以下几个阶段:一读,二读,讨论,下院辩论和三读。

    A bill pass through the following stage In parliament : first read , second read , committee stage , report stage and third read .

  5. 上述的法案若获议员支持及通过二读,将会进入全体委员会审议阶段并进行三读。

    If the above bills are supported by members and receive their second readings , they will then go through the committee stage and be read the third time .

  6. 如通过二读,则会进入委员会审议阶段。在此阶段,可对法案提出修订,然后再进行三读。

    If the bill receives second reading , it will then go through the Committee stage , at which amendments can be moved , and receive the third reading .

  7. 他说若政府一意孤行要在下周如期表决,自由党会在二读和三读时提出动议,要求押后立法。

    He said his party would move an adjournment to defer the bill 's second and third readings if the government I isted on going ahead with the vote next week .

  8. 负责法案的议员或官员,可在立法会会议上于会议开始进行二读或三读法案的程序时,宣布撤回或押后处理该法案。

    The member or public officer in charge of a bill may , by announcement in Council at the beginning of proceedings for its second or third reading , withdraw or postpone the bill .

  9. 这本书我还有三页要读。

    I have three pages left to read in the book .

  10. 在三月份我读了许多书。

    In March , I read a lot of books .

  11. 我是在这杂志的三月刊上读到他的文章的。

    I read his article in the March issue of the magazine .

  12. 我能用三种语言读和写。

    I can read and write in three languages .

  13. 这本书他跳过了三章没读。

    He skipped three chapters in the book .

  14. 开学了,我从三年级开始读。

    With the commencement of our school , I started my study in grade three .

  15. 他就这样在过去三年中读了一百本书。

    That is the way he has read nearly a hundred books in the past three years .

  16. 乔伊斯和《尤利西斯》批评在西方经历了一个从破解天书到成为批评界关注热点的发展过程。它大体上可分为三类:读解及辞书类批评、一般批评、版本批评。

    Joyce and Ulysses criticism in West has a process developing from the deciphering of the book to the Joyce Industry .

  17. 在伦敦的俄国使馆,一位克格勃上校一边吞云吐雾,一边读着一张手写的字条,这已是他第三次在读这张字条了。

    Inside the Russian Embassy in London a KGB colonel puffed a cigarette as he read the handwritten note for the third time .

  18. 第三,在读青年知识分子的交往不仅可以满足互惠的需求,还对团体构建与维系、个人成长与发展起到重要作用。

    Thirdly , the functions of the communication are full filling of the needs , constructing and maintaining the group , developing the individuals .

  19. 在伦敦的俄国使馆,一位克格勃上校一边吞云吐雾,一边读着一张手写的字条,这已是他第三次在读这张字条了。便条的作者不必表示遗憾了,上校这样想着。

    Inside the Russian Embassy in London a KGB colonel puffed a cigarette as he read the handwritten note for the third time . There was no need for the writer to express regret , he though .

  20. 本文从波兰舞曲的起源和民族特色、肖邦波兰舞曲[英雄]所表现的历史背景、民族艺术特色三方面析读这种民族的和人民的音乐。

    The paper discusses the Polish people and their music from the origin and national characteristics of Polish dance music , the historical background of The dance music " the Hero " and the national art features .

  21. B:三次。每次读它,我都能学到新的东西。

    B : Three times.Every time I read it , I can learn something new .

  22. CACHE节点有三种状态:读、写与FLUSH。

    CACHE node has three states : read , write and FLUSH .

  23. 三足鼎&读《名哲言行录》笔记

    Tripod : Notes after Reading Quotations and Deeds of Famous Philosophers

  24. 我还有另外三本书要读。

    I 've got another three books to read .

  25. 雅克三号贪婪地读着,嗓门嘶哑。

    Croaked Jacques Three , as he read greedily .

  26. 麦康纳:你在三个小时里读了两遍?

    McCONAUGHEY You read it twice in three hours ?

  27. 一般的射频系统由三部分组成:读写器、天线和标签。

    A RF system usually consists of three parts : the reader , antennas and tags .

  28. 从第三页开头开始读,一直读到第三页末尾。

    Start at the beginning and read until you get to the bottom of page three .

  29. 如果您希望让该计算机上其他的用户可以读取您的文件,可以为所有的三类用户设置读权限

    If you want to let everyone else on your computer read one of your files , enable the read permission for all three constituencies

  30. 在实验过程中,本研究结合高中阅读教学的实际特点,将高中英语阅读教学过程分为三个阶段:读前、读中、读后。

    In the experiment , according to the practical situation , the reading process can be divided into threeparts : pre-reading , reading and post-reading .