
miǎn diàn yǔ
  • Burmese;Burmese language
  1. 市场上的缅甸语招牌证明社区中有缅甸人。

    Burmese language signs in the market are testament to the Burmese in the community .

  2. 少数民族将缅甸语作为第二语言,而巴玛人(bamar)通常将英语作为第二语言。

    Minorities often speak Burmese as a second language , while the bamar commonly speak English as a second language .

  3. 缅甸语属于SOV型语言,在述宾结构中缅甸语的宾语中有宾语助词,而汉语却没有宾语助词。

    In predicate object structure , the object in Myanmar language have object particle while there is no object particle in Chinese .

  4. 克伦邦(Kayin)有7%的人口,说的语言与缅甸语相关。

    The Karen ( Kayin ) make up7 % of the population , and speak languages distantly related to Burmese .

  5. 主要的民族是说缅甸语的缅甸族。

    The dominant ethnic group is the Bamar who speak Burmese .

  6. 缅甸语是缅甸的官方语言。

    Burmese is the official language of Myanmar .

  7. 把现代汉语和现代缅甸语的形容词重叠式的基本形式做了比较。

    They were compared with the basic form of reduplicative adjectives in modern Chinese and Burmese .

  8. 诸如泰米尔语、缅甸语和泰国语之类的脚本在进行显示之前都需要这种重新排序过程。

    Scripts such as Tamil , Burmese , and Thai all require such re-ordering procedures before any rendering can occur .

  9. 然后在此基础上比较了汉语和缅甸语的形容词重叠后的语法功能,总结出他们的异同点。

    They were compared on the basis function , after the overlap of the Chinese and Burmese adjective grammatical function , and summarize their similarities and differences .

  10. 缅甸语和汉语的组词在意义上虽然差别不大,但是在功能上,尤其是对语序的控制功能上,却有很大的差异。

    Burmese and Chinese particles are not much differences in meaning , but , there are substantial differences in functional , in particular , the functional difference in word order in higher .

  11. 我们通过对汉缅语助词在处置范畴内对应关系的对比分析,发现汉语与缅甸语的助词在语序中存在着显著差异,并且在语法范畴、功能及位置等方面也有很多不同。

    We use Comparative Analysis of correspondence in Chinese and Burmese language utterances by disposal area , found particle in the Word Order of Chinese and Burmese are differences and different grammatical categories particular function and location .

  12. 大部分缅甸人民都使用缅语对话。不过,在缅甸?语的使用也较广泛。

    The majority of the people speak Myanmar Burmese and English is widely used .

  13. 如果我们回到缅甸,我希望他们钻研缅甸语。”他说道。

    If we go back to Burma , I want them to study Burmese , " he said .