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  • Delaware
  1. 特拉华州被称为第一州(FirstState),因为它是美国的第一个州——第一个通过新的美国宪法。

    Little Delaware is called the First State because it was the first state -- the first to approve the new United States Constitution .

  2. 在特拉华州提交的文件被VCExperts获悉,由《财富》(Fortune)率先报道。

    The Delaware filing , obtained by VC Experts , was first reported by Fortune .

  3. 对AMD有利的先例,可能有助于该公司对英特尔提起的民事诉讼将于明年3月在特拉华州审理。

    Favourable precedent could help the company 's civil suit against Intel set for trial in Delaware next March .

  4. 而iPhone用户最少的新墨西哥、衣阿华和特拉华州大学毕业生也较少。

    Meanwhile , New Mexico , Iowa and Delaware have the lowest percentage of people who use iPhones , and a lower number of graduates .

  5. 摩根士丹利向pbfenergy位于俄亥俄州的一家炼油厂供应原油,并向该公司位于特拉华州和新泽西州的另外两家炼油厂购买汽油、柴油和润滑油。

    Morgan Stanley delivers crude to an Ohio refinery owned by PBF energy and buys petrol , diesel and lubricants made by its two other refineries in Delaware and New Jersey .

  6. 近几个月来,苹果公司在美国特拉华州和德国对宏达电公司(HTCCorp.)提起了专利诉讼。

    In recent months , Apple has sued HTC Corp. ( HTC , 2498 . TW ) in Delaware and Germany over one of those patents and others .

  7. 诺基亚向美国特拉华州联邦法院提起的上述诉讼,涉及10项专利。该公司表示,自2007年iPhone上市以来,苹果公司出厂的所有型号的iPhone手机都侵犯了这些专利。

    The legal complaint , filed in a US federal court in Delaware , involved 10 patents that Nokia said had been infringed by all Apple iPhone models shipped since the iPhone was introduced in 2007 .

  8. 德克萨斯州拉雷多市的市长RaulSalinas,特拉华州维明顿市的JamesBaker和印第安纳州Elkhart市的DickMoore。

    The mayor of Laredo , Texas , Raul Salinas , also Mayor James Baker of Wilmington , Delaware and Elkhart , Indiana , Dick Moore joining us .

  9. 吉尼斯评委SarahWagner宣布Milton打破2003年特拉华州威尔明顿JohnBain创下的3120磅纪录。Milton像拳击获胜者一样把手臂高举过头顶示意。

    He raised his arms over his head in Rocky-esque style when Guinness judge Sarah Wagner announced his ball had bounced ( 5 ) the previous 3120-pound record-holder from the books . That record was set by John Bain of Wilmington , Del . , in 2003 .

  10. 但不要担心,确实有一个办法可以厘清两人的不同言论——找到LivingSocial提交给特拉华州企业管理部门的监管文件。

    But have no fear . There is indeed a way to settle this he-said / he-said once and for all -- find the filing that LivingSocial sent to the Delaware Division of Corporations .

  11. 位于纽约皇后区的FreshDirect每填都有2500名员工在辛勤劳作,确保当地的新鲜食品能够送达纽约州、新泽西州、康涅狄格州、宾夕法尼亚州和特拉华州。

    FreshDirect , based in Queens , has 2,500 employees working each day to ensure that fresh local food gets to customers in New York , New Jersey , Connecticut , Pennsylvania , and Delaware .

  12. 它是加利福尼亚州,特拉华州,纽约州还是华盛顿州?

    Was it California , Delaware , New York or Washington ?

  13. 它是特拉华州,宾夕法尼亚洲,新泽西州还是乔治亚州?

    Was it Delaware , Pennsylvania , New Jersey or Georgia ?

  14. 特拉华州:我们真得很不喜欢我们的水源中携带的化学物质。

    Delaware : We Really Do Like The Chemicals In Our Water .

  15. 少年时遭遇不幸詹姆斯在特拉华州威尔明顿市长大。

    Tragedy hits a teen James grew up in Wilmington , Del .

  16. 该项研究由美国特拉华州威尔明顿的阿斯利康公司赞助。

    The research was funded in part by AstraZeneca of Wilmington , Del .

  17. 多佛尔位于美国特拉华州中部的首府。

    The capital of Delaware , in the central part of the state .

  18. 我在独立战争期间,曾穿过特拉华州。

    I crossed the Delaware during the Revolutionary War .

  19. 现在属于是特拉华州蓝湾的一个公司。

    It 's now owned by a company out of blue cove , delaware .

  20. 特拉华州开创了先河,在1987年12月7日认可了宪法。

    Delaware led the way , ratifying the Constitution on December 7 , 1787 .

  21. 其中一个是在特拉华州。

    One of them happened in Delaware .

  22. 稍微挖掘一下数据你就能一眼看出原因:特拉华州没有机场。

    A little digging turned up the very straightforward reason : Delaware has no airports .

  23. 是年3月,苹果公司在美国特拉华州对宏达电公司提起诉讼,指控宏达电侵犯了苹果滑动解锁和其他一些功能的专利权。

    That March , Apple sued HTC in Delaware for allegedly infringing slide-to-unlock and other features .

  24. 美国特拉华州最大的城市。

    The largest city in Delaware .

  25. 乔·拜登,从斯克兰顿的一个爱打架的孩子成长为特拉华州最爱的儿子。

    To Joe Biden , the scrappy kid from Scranton who became Delaware 's favorite son ,

  26. 在特拉华州大学,乔拜登取得历史和政治学学位。

    At the University of Delaware , Joe Biden got his degree in history and political science .

  27. 然而出乎意料的是,具有最高飞越航班与飞抵航班比值的州竟然是:特拉华州。

    The state with the highest ratio of flights-over-to-flights-to , however , is a surprise : Delaware .

  28. 迈克尔·杰弗里·乔丹出生在纽约的布鲁克林纽约和在特拉华州威尔明顿市长大,北卡罗莱那州。

    Michael Jeffrey Jordan was born in Brooklyn New York and grew up in Wilmington , North Carolina .

  29. 太平洋海岸或特拉华州北部的大西洋海岸,禁止勘探。

    Exploration will not be allowed on the Pacific Coast or along the Atlantic Coast north of Delaware .

  30. 本周,注意力集中到茶叶党支持者在东部特拉华州取得的胜利。

    This week , attention centered on the victory of a supporter in the small eastern state of Delaware .