
tè xiào
  • Special effects;specially good effect;special efficacy;special efficiency
特效 [tè xiào]
  • (1) [specially good effect]∶特别好的效果或效力;特殊的疗效

  • (2) [special efficacy]∶有特殊的效果或效力的

  • 特效药

  • 特效疗法

  • 特效试剂

特效[tè xiào]
  1. 由于目前尚无治疗HCV感染的特效药物,所以对HCV的感染者进行早期检测,防止其经血或其它途径传播,是目前阻断HCV传播、降低HCV感染率的主要途径。

    Because there is no specially good effect drug , The early examination of HCV infected person is quite important to prevent it from spreading through blood and other channel .

  2. 现在没有能根除乙肝的特效药物,因此彻底治愈乙肝是很困难的。

    There is not the medicaments of specially good effect of liver of can eradicative second now , because this cures second liver thoroughly , be very difficult .

  3. 他们希望这种新药能在缓解疼痛方面产生特效。

    They hope the new drug will prove especially efficacious in the relief of pain .

  4. 威廉斯医生称其可能会成为特效药。

    Dr Williams describes it as a potential wonder drug .

  5. 这部新的系列剧将会是一场特效和舞美的盛宴。

    This new series promises a feast of special effects and set designs

  6. 这是杀菌的特效药,能将其全部消灭。

    It is an effective treatment for the bacteria and does kill it off

  7. 有很多特效的时候,高清电视就格外有用了。

    HDTV is especially useful if there are a lot of special effects .

  8. 这部电影的特效未能出彩。

    The movie 's special effects fail to dazzle .

  9. 特效有点夸张,但是我喜欢。

    The special effects are a bit over the top but I enjoyed it .

  10. 尚没有治疗感冒的特效药。

    There is still no cure for a cold

  11. 数字剪辑、数码特效以及数码摄像机改变了电影摄制方式。

    Filmmaking was transformed by digital editing , digital f / x , and digicams .

  12. 在纪录片《与恐龙同行》中可以看到最新的、更加生动的电脑特效技术。

    Recent , more dramatic use of CGI was seen in “ Walking With Dinosaurs ” .

  13. 这种特效去污剂基本去不掉汤渍。

    This special stain remover was almost ineffective in removing the soup stain .

  14. 所谓的特效药原来是骗人的东西。

    The so-called specific was a fraud .

  15. 这药治胃溃疡有特效。

    This medicine is especially effective for gastric ulcers .

  16. 没有医治这种病的特效药。

    There is no specific remedy for the malady .

  17. 大荧幕上最著名的这两只巨兽曾在1962年的一部日本电影中交过手,但是新片的特效更强大,而且拥有一流的演员阵容(亚历山大·斯卡斯加德、丽贝卡·豪尔、米莉·波比·布朗),导演亚当·温加德对于影片的关键点也把握得很准确。

    Cinema 's two most famous behemoths fought each other in a Japanese film in 1962 , but the rematch has better effects , a classy cast ( Alexander Skarsg å rd , Rebecca Hall , Millie Bobby Brown ) , and a director , Adam Wingard , who has the right idea about one crucial point .

  18. 3D特效和真实故事之间的平衡让我印象非常深刻。

    I was so impressed with the balance of the 3D and the actual story .

  19. 那我很喜欢星际大战电影里的特效,我能不能说theywereboss?

    They were much better than in the older Star Wars movies .

  20. 当我初次想到使用3D特效,我认为这是个不可能的方案。

    When I first thought about using 3D , I thought this is an impossible project .

  21. 视点替用特效本质就是精灵―可替代实时3D模型的2D图像。

    An impostor is essentially a sprite-a2D image that replaces a real3D model .

  22. 任仲伦介绍说,3D版《大闹天宫》的对白、音乐和特效等将稍有变化。

    Only small changes to dialogue , musical and other effects will be made in the3D version , Ren said .

  23. 新的FlashPlayer自夸除了期待已久的高级文字布局方面的提高之外,还有许多新的3D特效。

    The new Flash Player boasts much needed improvements for advanced text layout , in addition to new3D effects .

  24. RA的发病机制至今尚未完全阐明,也无特效疗法。

    Pathogenesis of RA has not yet been fully elucidated up to now .

  25. 用Delphi实现图像特效

    Creating Specific Image Effects With Delphi

  26. 3D特效扮演着整合这艺术型态的角色,而我觉得似乎我们创造出的科技造就了一部旷世巨作。

    The 3D is an integrated part of the art form , and I feel like the technology that we created has contributed to a masterpiece .

  27. Animation对象需要计算完成度消息并将其发送给每种特效的apply方法。

    It 's the job of the Animation object to calculate a percent complete message and send it to the apply method of each effect .

  28. 然而对宫颈HPV感染的治疗,目前尚无特效药物。

    Drug Addiction However there are still no specific remedy to treat cervical HPV infection at present .

  29. 您已经开始添加某些Ajax技术和特效,使您的站点更具交互性,更具响应能力。

    You 've even started to add some Ajax technologies and cool effects to make your sites more interactive and responsive .

  30. 肾组织中找到HBV抗原是诊断乙型肝炎病毒相关肾炎的最重要条件。由于缺乏相关的动物模型,基础研究相对滞后,发病机理尚不清楚,乙型肝炎病毒相关肾炎至今无特效药物。

    Because of lacking suitable animal model , lag of basic research and pathogenesis being unclear , there is no specific treatment to HBV-GN .