
  • 网络Special Event
  1. 发送贺卡(而不是明信片或传单)来宣布销售或特殊活动,或者邀请客户参加店铺开业。

    Send a greeting card instead of a postcard or flyer to announce a sale or special event or to invite customers to a store opening .

  2. 有一个配备特殊活动和工作坊以及学校假期时其他活动的新室内游戏中心。

    There 's a new indoor play centre , plus the special events and workshops , and others during school holiday periods .

  3. 如果利用50m射电望远镜对脉冲星的特殊活动现象进行观测与研究,可能获得突破性的进展。

    Therefor the future work on pulsar observations by using the 50 meters radio telescope is discussed in this paper .

  4. 范围是WS-BPEL中的一个特殊活动,可为其所包含的活动提供行为上下文。

    A scope is a special activity in WS-BPEL that provides behavior context for the activity it contains .

  5. 另外,Nemtsov说,政府在选举区完全实施了特殊活动,拘留了他的家人,并胁迫其支持者。

    In addition , Nemtsov says government special services were 100 percent engaged in the electoral process , detaining his family members , and intimidating supporters .

  6. 参加特殊活动时,梅林很信赖复古服装。

    For special events , Ms. Melling swears by vintage clothing .

  7. 特殊活动还会在美国和以色列的大屠杀博物馆中举行。

    Special events also take place at Holocaust museumsin the USA and Israel .

  8. 专心于特殊活动的会议。

    A meeting devoted to a particular activity .

  9. 公证是公权介入私权、保护私权的一项特殊活动。

    Notarization is a special activity that intervenes public rights and protects private rights .

  10. 特殊活动的停车选择模型研究

    Parking choice model study for special events

  11. 我想我会带个袖珍相机去特殊活动或度假的。

    I could imagine taking one of these cameras to special events or on vacation .

  12. 但是其他责任中心的经理们无权过问与投资相关的特殊活动。

    But managers of the other responsibility centers cannot control over specific behaviors related to investment .

  13. 图腾柱是用来庆祝特殊活动的。

    Totem poles commemorate special events .

  14. 各个剧院都会举办特殊活动来庆祝。

    Theatre groups of all kinds put on special performances and events to mark the day .

  15. 例如,其中一些建议包括,通过社区卫生工作者和特殊活动来提供治疗装备。专家称,感染痢疾的儿童应该继续吃饭,婴儿应该继续接受哺乳。

    Experts say children with diarrhea should continue to eat , and babies should continue to breastfeed .

  16. 有时,这是当地文化待客的标准,以及通过安排特殊活动是客人留下深刻的印象。

    Sometimes , it 's standard hospitality for that culture , and special events may be organized to impress .

  17. 在原理设计中,考虑了特殊活动下小汽车出行者的行为约束因子,建立了特殊活动下的选择行为模型;

    Behavior restriction factors for special events are considered in the principle design , and behavior utility model is established .

  18. 优秀运动员在某种特殊活动中,尤指大学生体育竞赛中,荣获学校名称缩写标志的中学生或大学生。

    A secondary or college student who has earned a letter in a particular activity , especially a varsity sport .

  19. 在哀悼日期间,包括奥运火炬传递在内的特殊活动暂停进行。

    Special events , including the Olympic torch relay , have been suspended for the duration of the mourning period .

  20. 在经济发展的过程中,经济活动并不是游离于生态环境系统之外的一种特殊活动,而是生态环境的重要组成部分。

    In fact , economic activities , instead of imagined isolation from the eco-environment system , constitute an essential part of it .

  21. 我们在庆祝生日或特殊活动的时候吃饭,也如你所说下班之后出去吃饭。

    We celebrate by eating at birthdays and special events , or even at casual functions like you described , going out after work .

  22. 他也为夏威夷和世界各地的大公司,创造过引人注目的商标图案,以及特殊活动的文宣海报。

    He has created eye-catching logos for major companies in Hawaii and around the world , as well as posters and brochures for special events .

  23. 美国语言学社为社员举办学术会议、出版刊物、并规划提升语言学训练的特殊活动。

    The Linguistic Society of America serves its members through scholarly meetings , publications , and special activities designed to advance the discipline of linguistics .

  24. 不然,就是进行特殊活动源的实验,运用声波的产生与记录&这时,状况好坏就得看经费多寡啰!

    Alternatively , they conduct the occasional active source experiment , in which sound waves are created and recorded - conditions somewhat dependent on funding .

  25. 借鉴国际上对特殊活动的定义与分类方法,提出了特殊活动事件分类的新方案。

    With reference to the definition and classification of special events adopted abroad , a new scheme for the classification of special events is brought forward .

  26. 健康教育部会定期举行健康讲座、提高各项健康意识之特殊活动及疫苗注射活动,并且为永久性伤健学生提供意见。

    The health education unit organises regular health talks , special awareness campaigns , vaccination programme , and also advises on the special needs of permanently disabled students .

  27. 该研究可以用于进行特殊活动下基于停车选择行为的出行选择分布预测,解决特殊活动下的停车预测和管理的理论问题。

    This study can be used to forecast travel diversion based on parking choice behavior for special events , and resolve parking forecast and management theory problems for special events .

  28. 针对特殊活动下的停车问题,提出了出行者选择行为的效用模型和针对各部分效用的标定方法。

    Aim at resolving the parking problem for special events , the utility model for travelers ' choice behaviors and each part utility calculating methods are proposed in this paper .

  29. 比如,在谷歌眼镜中分析图像,调取具有特殊活动的图像,过滤掉重复性或无特殊事件发生的图像。

    LiveLight 's algorithm can analyze footage from Google Glass , for example , and pick out unique activity while skipping over parts that are repetitive or where nothing happens .

  30. 在此基础上对人体神经信息与大脑意识作出了可能的解释:意识是引导大脑皮质特殊活动的复杂信息。

    On the basis of above analysis possible explanations are made on human body nerve information and cerebral consciousness that cerebral consciousness may be a complex information guiding cerebral cortex to carry out special activities .