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  • histamine
  1. P物质对人增生性瘢痕组织块中组胺释放的影响

    Influence of substance P on the release of histamine in the human hypertrophic scar tissue

  2. 组胺H2受体拮抗剂对骨髓造血重建的影响

    Effects of histamine h_2-receptor antagonists on hemopoietic reconstruction in bone marrow

  3. 抗组胺药是药物最常用的,以减少过敏症状

    Antihistamines are the medications most commonly used to diminish allergic symptoms .

  4. H1和H2组胺受体拮抗剂对中华硬蜱感染宿主的影响

    The Effects of H_1 and H_2 Histamine antagonists on Ixodes sinensis infection Host

  5. 组胺H3受体拮抗剂对大鼠难治性癫痫的治疗作用

    Anti-convulsion action of histamine H3 receptor antagonists to rat model with intractable epilepsy

  6. 利用PCR与DNA探针技术能够快速检测葡萄酒中的组胺产生菌。

    Histamine-producing strains could be detected by PCR test or DNA probe technology .

  7. 新型组胺受体:组胺H4受体

    A novel histamine receptor : histamine H_4 receptor

  8. 我院1996~1998年组胺H1受体阻滞药使用情况分析

    Analysis of the Use of Antihistamines during the 1996 to 1998 in Our Hospital

  9. 组胺H3受体定位于心交感神经末梢突触前膜的进一步证明

    Further evidence for the presynaptic location of histamine

  10. 中枢组胺H3受体对哮喘豚鼠呼吸运动的影响

    The effect of central histamine h_3 receptor on breathing activity of asthmatic guinea pigs

  11. 西替利嗪的抗组胺H1受体作用

    Inhibitory effects of cetirizine on histamine H_1 receptor

  12. 犬出血性、组胺性休克时血浆血栓素B2和6-酮-前列腺素F(1α)的变化

    Plasma Levels of TXB2 and 6-Keto-PGF_1 α In the Dogs During Hemorrhagic Shock and Histaminia

  13. 组胺H3受体拮抗剂的研究进展

    Progress of Histamine H_3 Receptor Antagonist

  14. 第一代和第二代组胺H1受体拮抗剂对大鼠戊四唑点燃癫痫形成过程的作用比较

    Effects between the first-and second-generation histamine H_1-antagonists on seizure development of pentylenetetrazole - induced kindling in rats

  15. 组胺H1和H2受体在兔灌流肺低氧性肺动脉加压反应中的作用

    Role of h_1 and h_2 receptors in hypoxic pulmonary pressor response in perfused rabbit lungs in situ

  16. 脑室注射组胺H1受体激动剂对大鼠胃酸分泌的作用机制

    Mechanism of effect of intraventricular administration of histamine h_1 & receptor agonists on gastric acid secretion in rats

  17. 五步蛇毒对大鼠脑区海马组胺受体H2mRNA和蛋白质表达的影响

    The effects of Agkistrodon Acutus venom on protein and mRNA expression of histamine H_2 receptor in rat hippocampus

  18. 抗组胺药物在临床上已应用多年,其机理主要是通过阻断H1受体而起抗过敏作用。

    Antihistamines have been used clinically for many years . They have anti-allergic effect by blocking histamine H_1 receptor .

  19. 目前治疗AD患者多为抗组胺及皮质类固醇类药物,易出现副作用,治疗效果不太满意。

    Treat Ad currently the sufferer is corticosteroid drug and easily appear side effect and not satisfied .

  20. 组胺H2受体抑制剂西米替丁对大白鼠抵抗华支睾吸虫再感染拮抗作用的实验研究

    Study on the effect of histamine H_2 receptor inhibitor cimetidine on the resistance to reinfection with Clonorchis sinensis in rats

  21. 组胺H2受体拮抗剂cimetidine抗心律失常机制的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Antiarrhythmic Mechanism of H_2 Receptor Antagonist Cimetidine

  22. 目的探讨G蛋白在组胺H3受体信号转导机制中的作用。

    Aim To explore the signal transduction mechanism of histamine H3 receptor .

  23. 组胺对T细胞IL-2产生及增殖活性影响的实验研究

    Influence of histamine on interleukin-2 production and proliferation of T lymphocytes in vitro

  24. 本文首次报道豚鼠心肌存在一种新型突触前抑制性受体&-组胺H3受体。

    This is the first time to report the existence of new presynaptic inhibitory autoreceptors-histamine H3 - receptors in guinea pig myocardium .

  25. 百日咳毒素和代谢抑制剂均能抑制CI引起的组胺和类胰蛋白酶释放。

    Pertussis toxin and metabolic inhibitors were able to inhibit mast cell response to CI .

  26. 结论R2具有止痒、抗炎、抑制Ⅰ、Ⅳ型变态反应作用,其机制与抗组胺、稳定肥大细胞膜及抑制肥大细胞脱颗粒等有关。

    One of its mechanisms may be related to the actions of antihistamine , stabilizing mastocyte membrane and inhibiting degranulation of mastocyte .

  27. 目的:研究脑内P物质(SubstanceP,SP)对呼吸活动的影响及其与组胺能系统的关系。

    Objective To investigate the effect of substance P ( SP ) on respiration and the relationship between SP and histaminergic system .

  28. 组胺H_1受体拮抗剂特非那定对正常和致敏豚鼠气管螺旋条的作用

    A study on the effect of terfenadine , a histamine H_1 receptor antagonist , on normal and sensitized guinea-pig tracheal spirals in vitro

  29. 组胺、内毒素对慢性HBV感染者Th1/Th2失衡的影响

    The Influence of Histamine and Endotoxins to the Equilibration of Th_1 / Th_2 in Patients with HBV Infection

  30. 筛选的药物当中,双黄连注射剂可出现大鼠MAP下降、组胺升高、IgE不变等情况。

    Shuanghuanglian Injection can make the MAP decrease significantly , the content of histamine increase and IgE unchanged .