
shì yìnɡ chénɡ dù
  • Adaptation;degree of adaptability
  1. 通过综合评价,可以得到城市公共交通与社会经济相适应程度,公共交通有哪些方面发展比较欠缺。

    Through the comprehensive evaluation , we can get the degree of adaptability between urban public transport and the socio-economic , we can find out where there is a lack of development of public transport .

  2. 隶属函数表明n维资源空间的一个点x属于生态位的程度,也表明物种对环境资源(点)的适应程度。

    Membership of a point in the niche is equivalent to the adaptive degree of the species to the point of the environmental resources .

  3. 开发者可以按自己的适应程度逐步的使用IDE更多的特性。

    Developers can gradually use more features of the IDE as their comfort level increases .

  4. 孕育铸铁的强度白口比BI是反映孕育剂对铸造薄壁高性能铸件适应程度的一项重要判据。

    Ratio of strength to chill depth of inoculated cast iron ( BI ) is a key criterion of reflecting the suitability of inoculators to the high property cast iron casting with thin wall .

  5. 注入水水质对储层适应程度评价方法研究

    Evaluation method for the adaptation degree of injected water quality to reservoirs

  6. 对大学生利用计算机辅助英语学习适应程度的研究

    College Students ' Adaptability to Computer Assisted Language Learning

  7. 但各品种适应程度有差异。

    But the degree of adaptation are different .

  8. 此外,本文还对企业对市场的适应程度及经营效绩提出定量加定性的全方位评估系统。

    Suggesting the evaluation system of the construction enterprise 's adaptation for the market .

  9. 但对严寒的适应程度却越发的好了。

    and increasingly susceptible to the extreme cold .

  10. 它们之间的相互适应程度往往就决定了企业组织有效发展的程度,决定了企业目标有效实现的程度。

    The degree of their mutual adaptation determines the extent of organization effective development and organization goals realization .

  11. 但在经济体制改革中,农民表现出的不适应性行为与心理更多,既:对市场经济改革的适应程度比较低;

    However , there also exist more unsuitable behaviour and thinking : the fitting degree is small and low ;

  12. 首次提出并建立了水质影响储层渗流物性的实验研究新理论&水质适应程度系数法。

    We put forward two parameters which are named as reservoir synthetic physical property and water quality adaptation degree coefficient .

  13. 研究表明,跨界民族的政治认同倾向、经济发展水平和社会适应程度对族际关系的影响最为重要。

    The study investigates that the ethnic groups identity trend , economic development and adaptation level matter the ethno-national relations .

  14. 需要管理人员不断根据机构对企业业务流程的变化的适应程度而阶段性调整。

    We need the managers constantly make adjustment according to the adjustment organization does to the changes of companies business progress .

  15. 机体对高原缺氧的反应与在高原停留的时间长短和适应程度有关。

    Body 's reaction to high altitude hypoxia is associated with the stay length at high altitude and the degree of adaptation .

  16. 制度本身并无效率。制度能否促进系统的效率增长的关键取决于它同人和组织的适应程度。

    System itself has no efficiency , whether the system can promote the efficiency of system depends on its adaptation to the organization .

  17. 分析表明,城市老年人自评越健康身体变化和家庭地位适应程度越高。

    The analysis shows that the elderly whose self-assessment is healthier , the adaption level of physical changes and family status is higher .

  18. 最后从动车组利用、旅客旅行时间节省和旅客需求适应程度等方面对3种模式进行了比较。

    Three models are compared with the usability of UMV , economization of traveling time , and the adaptability of the passengers need .

  19. 复试的主要目的是雇主能判断你对公司文化适应程度。

    A major reason for the second interview is so the employer can see how well you fit in with the company culture .

  20. 因此,水分逆境下植物的适应程度及其耐性机理研究日益受到重视。

    At present , more and more studies are focused on the plant adaptability to water stress and the adaptation mechanism of stress .

  21. 惊飞距离是指人在鸟类惊飞之前能接近鸟类的距离,反映了鸟类对人为侵扰的适应程度。

    Flush distance , how close one can get to a bird before it flushes , reflects the adaptation of birds to human intrusion .

  22. 本文阐述了外来词对俄语系统的适应程度,并提出如何正确对待俄语系统中的外来词的新观点。

    This paper discusses the degree of the loanwords applied to Russian and a new viewpoint which how to treat the loanwords in the Russian system correctly .

  23. 学习效能感越强,自我价值和家庭地位的适应程度越高;一般效能感越强,人际交往适应程度越高。

    Learning efficacy is stronger , adaption level of self-worth and family status is higher ; general efficacy is stronger , adaption level of social association is higher .

  24. 测试结果将显示求职人员在对应工作中团队协作环境的适应程度、以及求职人员将怎么处理工作中的需求。

    This information can be used to assess how well you would fit within certain work environments and teams , and how you may cope with the job requirements .

  25. 计划是推动运动进攻,从而获得一个了解,然后把修改方案,使其符合这个团队的技能和适应程度。

    The plan was to push the motion offense , gain an understanding of what worked then massage the scheme to fit the skills and comfort level of this group .

  26. 通过两年20个地点产量差异显著性分析,该品种在20个地点产量差异显著,在不同的地区表现适应程度不同。

    By the yield difference significant analysis of 20 places in two years , this cultivar had significant differences in 20 places and different adaption character in different place . 6 .

  27. 实验还确定出临界水质适应程度系数为0.667,大于该值岩心渗透率保留率都较高,小于该值岩心渗透率保留率都急剧下降。

    The test also has determined critical water quality adaptation degree coefficient as 0.667 . Core permeability retention rate is high when above this value , while decreases rapidly when below this value .

  28. 农村正规金融机构运行消费信贷的成本源于自身的机构制度设计特征以及机构与农村信贷环境的适应程度。

    The cost of providing rural consumption credit due to the features of the institutional design of the financial institution and the extend to which it can adapt to the rural credit environment .

  29. 通过实证验证,发现模型对不同样本的适应程度很高,将无效授信判断为有效授信的概率比传统的有效性衡量模型低很多。

    Through the empirical verification , it is found that the model applies highly to different samples , and its probability of right judgments in validity of credit is much higher than traditional ones .

  30. 虽然初级、中级阶段教师和学生的课堂沉默类型一致,但课堂沉默发生次数的差异显示,由于跨文化调整和跨文化适应程度不同,初级阶段学生的课堂表现要优于中级。

    The types of classroom silence are the same in different stage . But some difference in number shows , students of primary stage perform better than that of intermediate stage because of Cross-cultural Adaptation .