
  • 网络Whole-Person;holistic education;whole person education;all-round education
  1. 全人教育思潮的兴起与教育目标的转变

    The Rise of Holistic Education and the Transition of Educational Goal

  2. 全人教育可以培养孩子的批判性思维能力,从而能够保护自己。

    Holistic education allows children to develop critical thinking skills to be able to defend themselves .

  3. 主体性教学是立足于学生主体全面发展的全人教育。

    Principal part-Teaching is established in the students ' full developments .

  4. 西方当代全人教育思想探析

    Analysis on the Modern Holistic Education Ideas in the Western World

  5. 我们提供具天主教价值观的全人教育。

    We provide an all-round education enriched in Catholic values .

  6. 文化素质教育应确立全人教育理念

    On idea of whole-man education in cultural quality education

  7. 高等教育的新理念:全人教育

    A New Idea of Higher Education : Whole-Man Education

  8. 作为“全人教育”的拥护者,郑元山鼓励学弟学妹们全面参与大学各项活动。

    An advocate of'total education , 'Vincent urges students to participate fully in university life .

  9. 生命教育是关照生命的人本教育,是一种全程、全人教育。

    Life education is the humanistic education of caring life and a kind of whole-life and wholesome education .

  10. 大学鼓励同学于入学的第一年住宿,接受全人教育及舍堂教育的训练。

    The University encourages students to live in the halls in the first year of study in hkbu .

  11. 无论是在西方还是在中国,全人教育经过漫长的历史发展后形成有完整和清晰的脉络。

    Regardless of in west or in China , Holistic education has shaped integrated and clear venation through lengthy historical development .

  12. 尤其,要培养人的领导统御能力,大学的全人教育、通识教育更绝对不能少。

    Subjects in general education are very important for university students besides knowledge and skill , especially when leadership is emphasized .

  13. 第二部分阶段地对西方和我国传统全人教育理念的内容及其对体育发展产生的影响做出研究和探讨。

    The second part studies and discusses the content of western and Chinese traditional holistic education idea and the effects for sports development .

  14. 真育是指以学生为中心的教育,养成良好基础学问教育,责任意识教育以及全人教育;

    The education for truth is students-centered , in which students are educated to gain basic knowledge , form responsibility consciousness and behave perfectly .

  15. 全人教育是充分发展个人潜能以培养完整个体的教育理念与模式。

    Perfect man education is an educational idea and model which is aimed to cultivate a complete individual through abundantly developing a person 's potentials .

  16. 第四部分立足于先前研究的基础上,从历史维度就全人教育理念对体育产生的重要影响提出客观的评价。

    The forth part is established in the previous studies to do an objectives assessment about the important effects from holistic education idea to sports .

  17. 全人教育理念从产生之日起便对体育拥有不可忽略的影响,并且这种影响伴随着全人教育理念发展而延续。

    From creating , holistic education idea has held inevitable effect to sports and this effect will accompany the development and extension of the idea .

  18. 在中国古代教育思想中,全人教育的思想雏形已散见于诸多典籍之中。

    Ancient times education thought in China , " the perfect person education " the thought embryonic form has dispersed seen in many ancient books .

  19. 对他提出的全人教育思想,教育的目的是培养由真、善、美、圣四者铸成一体的文化人格及育成多方面和谐发展人的思想进行探讨。

    Aim of education , which is going to cultivate the personality combined with truth , kindness , beauty and holy ; developing human thoughts harmoniously .

  20. 我相信浸大独特的全人教育和世界级的学术水平可令诗钧得到全面的发展机会。

    I am reassured that HKBU 's distinctive whole-person education and its reputation for academic excellence will help March develop his talents in a complete way .

  21. 自古至今,人类对自身的全面发展在不断探索中,全人教育是浩瀚宇宙中人类寻找自我的沧海一粟。

    From ancient time , human is pursuing their all-round development , and " Holistic Education " is a drop in the universe of human find yourself .

  22. 使美术学科在全人教育理念指导下积极发挥其功能与价值,实现学科建设和教育水平的全面提高。

    Enabling fine arts fully play an important role under the guidance of over-all education so that one can realize subject construction and improve education quality greatly .

  23. 小原国芳是新教育运动的开拓者,他敢于向传统教育挑战,创立自己的全人教育的理论与实践,在国际上享有很高声誉。

    He dared to challenge traditional education , and created his own theory and practice of the whole-person education . So , he enjoyed a high international reputation .

  24. 特殊儿童全人教育观强调共性与个性,完整与动态,障碍与潜能,阶段性与系统性全生涯发展的整合。

    Concept of Whole-human development of special children emphasize integration of commonness and personality , integrity and dynamic , handicap and potential , including milestone development and longitudinal development .

  25. 第三部分总结了近当代世界范围内全人教育理念发展的成果及其与体育发展的关系。

    The third part summarizes the fruits of the development of holistic education and the relation with sports in modern times and the present age all over the world .

  26. 所以研究情感问题有助于提高英语课堂教学学习效果,并有利于促进课堂教学中全人教育的发展。

    Thus , to study emotion is helpful to improve and produce great results , at the same time , to promote the development of whole-person education in class .

  27. 吴校长简介了浸大的课程,「全人教育」的办学理念和为配合四年制大学而进行的课程改革。

    He also gave a brief introduction to HKBU 's academic programmes , its " whole-person education " ethos , and curriculum reform in preparation for the four-year university system .

  28. 香港浸会大学「全人教育教与学中心」今日开幕,中心将积极推动和发展浸大的全人教育教与学工作。

    HKBU opened today ( 29 September ) its Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning to promote and develop programmes to advance the University 's distinctive mission of whole person education .

  29. 第五部分提出了当前我国体育发展出现的困境,并试图参照全人教育理念积极作用来寻求体育发展的新思路。

    The fifth part offers the puzzledom appearing in current Chinese sports development and attempts to quest new thinking of sports development by referring the positive function of holistic education idea .

  30. 全人教育观将引发我们对特殊儿童身心健康,正常化生活,成功和挫折适度的教育以及自我选择和自我决定能力的培养,超越障碍等问题的进一步思考和实践。

    The concept certainly will extend thinking and practice on physical and psychological health of special children , normalizing life experiences , and fostering self-choice ability and self-decision ability in overcoming the impairments .