
quán shí
  • Totality;total eclipse
全食 [quán shí]
  • [total eclipse] 一个天体完全被另一天体的影子所遮掩的食

  • 日全食

全食[quán shí]
  1. 全场比赛;全食;完完全全的灾难。

    A full game ; a total eclipse ; a total disaster .

  2. 而在印度至太平洋2009年全食带大都会和高密度人口中心的人们,则可以目睹此次的日全食。

    Still , major cities and populated areas lie along the2009 total eclipse track that begins in India and sweeps eastward across Asia and into the Pacific Ocean .

  3. 甚至在全食超市(WholeFoods),我都看到过花椒。

    I 've even seen them at Whole Foods .

  4. 要不是这样的话,那就怪以全食超市(wholefoods)为代表的提倡健康和本土化饮食的养生食品运动吧。

    If not that , then blame the Whole Foods-fueled movement toward healthy and local eating .

  5. 全食公司(WholeFoods)是一家蓬勃发展的采用联席CEO模式公司。

    One company that has thrived with co-CEOs is whole foods ( WFM ) .

  6. 全食食品公司(WholeFoods)的联合创始人约翰·马克(JohnMackey)是一个嬉皮士。

    John Mackey , the co-founder of Whole Foods , was a hippie .

  7. 作为全食食品公司(WholeFoods)CEO,60岁的沃尔特•罗伯正在四处宣传健康生活理念。

    Walter Robb , 60 , is all about promoting healthy living as CEO of Whole Foods WFM 0.98 % .

  8. 从全食超市(wholefoods)到沃尔玛(Wal-Mart),许多超市都在采购冻虾尾和熟龙虾爪等龙虾新品。

    Grocery stores from Whole Foods to Wal-Mart are stocking new lobster items such as frozen tails and cooked claws .

  9. 最近一个星期天下午,在曼哈顿上西城一家全食餐厅(wholefoods)的长桌旁,一场月度会议如期举行。

    ON a recent Sunday afternoon , a monthly meeting convened around a long table in a Whole Foods cafeteria on the Upper West Side of Manhattan .

  10. 比如全食超市公司(WholeFoods)就向当地2000多家农场购买农产品等。

    Small companies have thrived as suppliers , for example , to whole foods , which , among other things , buys produce from more than 2,000 local farms .

  11. 我还用它在纽约支付了打车费,在全食超市(WholeFoods)结账,并向机场安检人员展示了我的登机牌。

    I also used the Watch to pay for New York cabs and groceries at Whole Foods , and to present my boarding pass to security agents at the airport .

  12. 该连锁店的价格对我影响不大(我更偏爱全食超市(wholefoods)),但据福尔曼估测,它们使美国中低收入群体每年获益共计约2500亿美元。

    The chain 's prices don 't much affect me ( I prefer Whole Foods ) but Furman reckoned that they benefited low - and middle-income Americans to the tune of around $ 250bn a year .

  13. 在最新款iPhone里输入信用卡信息之后,消费者就可以在零售商的有效支付终端前晃动手机来付款了,比如在全食超市(WholeFoods)和麦当劳餐厅(McDonald’s)。

    After entering their credit card information into the latest iPhones , customers can wave their phone in front of a properly equipped payment terminal at retailers like Whole Foods and McDonald 's.

  14. 目前,Vosges在包括全食超市(WholeFoods)在内的3000家商店销售;此外,主打低价优势的新品牌WildOphelia则在沃尔格林连锁店(Walgreens)等商店销售。

    Vosges is now sold in 3,000 stores , including whole foods ; a new lower-priced brand named wild Ophelia sells in places like Walgreens .

  15. 我们一直跟沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)、塔吉特百货(Target)和全食超市(WholeFoods)等客户保持接触,试图了解他们对当今局势的看法和理解,最后得出了这样的结论。

    And that 's a result of all the customers we 're dealing with from Wal-Mart to Target to Whole Foods and just trying to get a sense of how they 're thinking and just understanding their environment .

  16. 自一年前加入Twitter以来,美国有机食品零售商全食超市(wholefoods)已累积了逾100万名追随者,主要是因为它对自己所说的非常有见识的客户群回应迅速。

    Whole Foods , the US organic grocer , has accrued more than 1m followers on Twitter since joining a year ago , not least because of quick responses to what it says is a very knowledgeable customer base .

  17. 比如,奥斯汀地铁站区域是财富五百强中两大骄子Dell(戴尔)和WholeFoods(全食公司)的家乡,奇怪的是,二者都是当地大学退学学生在1980年早期办起来的。

    The Austin metro area , for example , is home to just two Fortune 500 companies , Dell and Whole Foods ; both , oddly , were founded in the early 1980s by dropouts from the local university .

  18. 全食CEO约翰麦基的《自觉资本主义》(ConsciousCapitalism)一书让公司高管们不得不思考这样一个观点,那就是处于最佳运转状态的企业能为所有利益相关方创造价值,而不仅仅是投资者。

    With the release of his book Conscious Capitalism , Whole Foods ( WFM , Fortune 500 ) CEO John Mackey got business leaders thinking about a compelling idea : Companies work best when they create value for all their stakeholders -- not just investors .

  19. 她们的眼睛隐藏在硕大的太阳镜下,她们从座位上下来,打开后车厢,一个接一个去拿象征中产阶级上层生活图腾的那些袋子:Nordstrom的银色袋子,全食超市(WholeFoods)的普通袋子。

    Their eyes concealed by giant sunglasses , they hopped from their seats to their open trunks and , one by one , reached for the bags that are the totems of upper-middle-class life : silver ones from Nordstrom , plain ones from Whole Foods .

  20. Instacart的运作方式如下:客户在网上或者通过移动应用程序购物,从上至诸如西夫韦(Safeway)、全食(WholeFoods)、TraderJoe's及好市多(Costco)等连锁零售商,下至规模较小的独立超市的存货目录中选购商品。

    Here 's how it works : Customers shop online or via mobile app , choosing from the inventories of chains like Safeway ( SWY ) , Whole Foods ( WFM ) , Trader Joe 's , and Costco ( COST ) , down to small , independent markets .

  21. 胃大部切除术后食管中段部癌7例,5例施行了全食管切除、结肠代食管术;

    Seven cases of middle part of esophageal cancer underwent subtotal gastrectomy .

  22. 很少露面;全食是很罕见的事。

    A rare appearance ; total eclipses are rare events .

  23. 你是否还记得2014年末全食超市的杏仁召回事件?

    Do you remember the Whole Foods almond recall in late 2014 ?

  24. 全食往往只对直接提问进行答复。

    It tends to limit its replies to direct questions .

  25. 当日全食食甚来临,重庆市的天空被一片黑暗笼罩。

    A total solar eclipse darkens the skies in Chongqing municipality in China .

  26. 带内发生日全食的,就叫全食带。

    With the total solar eclipse occurred , is called total eclipse zone .

  27. 宣传小册子的背后附有全食宿价格。

    Full - board rate is shown on the back of the leaflet .

  28. 全食超市没有立即置评。

    The retailer did not have an immediate comment .

  29. 但全食公司是一个罕见的例外。

    But whole foods is a rare exception .

  30. 4例化学腐蚀性下咽狭窄并全食管闭锁患者的术后护理

    Postoperative care of 4 patients with corrosive hypo pharyngeal stenosis and total esophageal atresia