
  • 网络Gongfu;seigneurie
公府 [gōng fǔ]
  • [government office in ancient] 古代官署名。三公(太尉,司徒,司空)的官署,属中央一级的机构

  • 连辟公府不就。--《后汉书.张衡传》

  1. 可恨我为什么生在这侯门公府之家有时侯,现代派艺术家被认为是激进派。

    Why did I have to be born into this noble family ? Sometimes modern artists are considered radicals .

  2. 汉代公府掾吏作为最高国家行政机关的基本成员,在国家政治生活中起着十分重要的作用,是皇帝和三公的重要参谋和助手。

    As the main members in Gongfu , which was the highest organ of state administration , the official business played an important role .