
  • 网络publie nuisance events;public nuisance events;public nuisance incident;public hazard incident
  1. 世界八大公害事件与绿色GDP

    Events Eight Social Pollution Nuisance and Green GDP

  2. 从日本的四大公害事件到印度的博帕尔惨案,人类经历了太多的痛苦。

    Form the four pollution affair in Japan to the Bhopal Disaster in India , we have suffered too much .

  3. 通过闻名世界的大气污染公害事件,说明大气对人类的重要性,并着重阐述主要大气污染物的发生机制及对人体健康的危。

    And it pays more attention to the cause systems of the main air pollutant and the harmness to the human health .

  4. 震惊世界的四大公害事件使日本付出了惨痛的代价,但在环境犯罪的防治问题上日本能够实现较快转型。

    The four world-shocking pollution events hurt and cost Japan a lot , but Japan could transfer quickly in preventing and controlling the environmental crimes .

  5. 工业发达国家在快速发展经济的同时,忽视了对工业污染的防治,致使环境问题日益严重,公害事件不断发生。

    While the developed countries develop their economy rapidly and the pollution of industry is ignored at all time , the environment problem becomes increasingly serious .

  6. 八大公害事件的出现给人们敲响了警钟,让人们不得不开始重视环境的保护。

    The appearance of nuisance events was a wake-up call to people , they had to start to pay attention to the protection of the environment .

  7. 自上世纪中叶爆发一系列的环境公害事件后,潜在的、隐蔽性的生态危害不可估量,并严重威胁着人体健康。

    Since the outbreak of a series of environmental hazards incident in the middle of the last century , the potential , and concealment of ecological harm is incalculable and threats the human health .

  8. 20世纪40年代,震惊世界的八大公害事件让人们受到了惩罚,也让人类认识到经济的良性发展需要良好的生态环境。

    People were punished by the world " eight public nuisance " incident which happened in nineteen forties . It also made people understanding that the benign development of economic requires a good ecological environment .

  9. 一协调有关机关研拟公害纠纷事件之处理方法及对策。

    Coordinate relevant agencies to study methods and strategies for settling public nuisance disputes .

  10. 随着我国工业化程度的加深,我国的疑似公害病事件日益增加,给患者利益造成了重大的损害。

    With the development of Chinese industrialization , the events about of public nuisance disease have increased gradually . It has brought great damage to the patients .

  11. 但是人类文明喧嚣的背后却是一系列的生态灾难:全球变暖、土地沙化、自然资源枯竭、垃圾堆积成山、厄尔尼诺现象引起的水旱灾害、公害和暴力事件在全球各地频频上演。

    But behind the hustle and bustle of human civilization is a series of ecological disaster : global warming , desertification , depletion of natural resources , garbage piled up a mountain , Frequent El Ni ?