
  • 网络Global studies;global problems
  1. 在全球学的研究中,已有大量的论著。

    Though there are lots of works in the global studies , scholars have different ideas about many problems .

  2. 综述了主观流派对全球学定义、研究对象、特点及研究趋势等方面存在的争议和看法。

    There are debates on definition , study object , distinctive features and research trends of it in the academic world .

  3. 上世纪九十年代,学习型组织(learningorganization)理论一经推出,立即在全球管理学界引起极大的震动。

    Once the theory of Learning Organization came out in the nineties of twenty century , it enormously shocked the international Academia of Management .

  4. 全球地学断面(GGT)编图指南

    Guidelines for the global geoscience transect projects

  5. 本文作者潘卡基•格玛沃特是西班牙IESE商学院Rubiralta教席全球战略学教授,著有《世界3.0》一书。

    Pankaj Ghemawat is the rubiralta professor of global strategy at IESE and the author of world 3.0 .

  6. 伦敦大学学院的全球健康学教授ThereseHesketh通过一份来自中国东部浙江省的电邮告诉外交政策:普通中国民众相信因为不想生女儿而堕胎是一对夫妇个人的决定,而且他们有权利这样做。

    Therese Hesketh , a professor of global health at University College London , told Foreign Policy via email from eastern China 's Zhejiang province that many ordinary Chinese believe that aborting a girl is simply a choice made by a couple & and they are entitled to this .

  7. 全球地学断面数字化图形数据库建设

    The Construction of Digital Global Geoscience Transect Map Database

  8. 我们的全球政治学还无法适应永续力的挑战。

    Our global politics is not yet adapted to the challenges of sustainability .

  9. 当前,对隐孢子虫病的研究已经成为全球寄生虫学领域的热点之一。

    Currently , research of cryptosporidiosis has become one of global hot spots .

  10. 全球地学断面图数字化指南

    The GGT digitization guidelines

  11. 在21实际维持健康的人口将要求系统工程学方法重新设计保健实践,并整合本地、地区、国家以及全球信息学网络。

    Maintaining a healthy population in the21st century will require systems engineering approaches to redesign care practices and integrate local , regional , national and global informatics networks .

  12. 然而,印度在这方面的困惑不太可能妨碍全球对管理学硕士日益扩大的认可。

    The confusion in India is unlikely to hamper the growing recognition of the MiM , however .

  13. 在2017年FT对全球95个管理学硕士项目的排行中,虽然瑞士圣加仑大学(UniversityofStGallen)继续蝉联冠军,但法国和英国商学院分别以24个和18个项目入围成为中坚力量。

    While Switzerland 's University of St Gallen retains the top spot , French and British business schools , with 24 and 18 programmes respectively , are the backbone of the 2017 FT ranking of 95 programmes around the world .

  14. 全球构造与成矿学

    Global tectonics and metallogeny

  15. 当前,世界人口资源环境问题日益突出,全球变化成为地学研究的前沿和热点。

    At present , the population-resource-environment problems of the world are increasingly outstanding , making the research on global environmental variation hotspot .

  16. 这两位周二在联合国总部都对彼此大加赞扬,潘基文还向这位风靡全球的说唱歌手学了几招骑马舞。

    The two lavished praise on each other at UN headquarters Tuesday , with Ban even risking a few of Psy 's trademark dance moves from the viral smash video Gangnam Style .

  17. 90年代后,关注全球发展问题成为当代哲学的中心视界,发展哲学也发生了全球学转向。

    From 1990s , modern philosophy pays much attention to the questions of global development , and development philosophy has moved from Dependence Theory and New Concept of Development to Globalization Direction .