
  • 网络gsm;Global System of Mobile communication;Global System for Mobile Communication;UMTS
  1. 全球移动通信系统(GlobalSystemforMobilecommunication),是数字蜂窝移动通信网的简称,是当前发展最成熟的一种数字移动通信系统。

    Global System for Mobile Communication is a short form of the digital mobile communication net , which is the most developed and advanced digital mobile communication system .

  2. 连接蜂窝网络会动用全球移动通信系统(GSM)模块。

    The connection to the cellular network uses the global system for mobile communication ( GSM ) module .

  3. 全球移动通信系统(UMTS)是一种3G移动蜂窝通信系统。

    The universal Mobile Telecommunication System ( UMTS ) is one of the 3G mobile cellular communication systems .

  4. 代表全世界移动运营商的行业协会——全球移动通信系统协会(GSMA)已接近公布一项协议,协议涉及的是生产一种面向消费者设备的标准化嵌入式SIM卡,智能手机生产商将参与其中。

    The GSMA , the industry association which represents mobile operators worldwide , is close to announcing an agreement to produce a standardised embedded Sim for consumer devices that would include the smartphone makers .

  5. 主办此次大会的行业组织——全球移动通信系统协会(GSMA)的总干事马茨?格兰吕德(MatsGranryd)表示:“今年我们将不再对5G前景模糊不清,而是会有具体的建议。”

    Mats Granryd , director-general of the industry body GSMA , which organises the conference , says : " We will move away from being vague on the prospects of 5G this year to concrete proposals . "

  6. 基于全球移动通信系统网络的远程数据监控系统的设计

    Design of Remote Monitoring System Based on Global System for Mobile Communication Network

  7. 全球移动通信系统(全球通)

    Global system for mobile communication ( GSM )

  8. 全球移动通信系统

    GSM ( global system for mobile communications )

  9. 全球移动通信系统的协议

    Protocols of Global System for Mobile Communication

  10. 斯寒是全球移动通信系统协会大中华区总裁。

    Sihan Bo Chen is the head of Global Systems for the Mobile Communication Association in Greater China .

  11. 低轨卫星移动通信系统自从提出以来就成为全球移动通信系统的一个重要分支。

    LEO satellite mobile communication system has become an important branch of global mobile communications system since it proposed .

  12. 随着全球移动通信系统移动通信网络的迅速普及,基于短消息业务的各种应用也蓬勃发展起来。

    As the communication network of the global mobile communication system moves fast popularization , various use based on short message service item develop vigorously too .

  13. 在人们普遍给予全球移动通信系统高技术高效益评价的同时,其高投入高成本所带来的高风险也是不容忽视的。

    While being widely evaluated as a high technology providing high efficiency , the global mobile satellite system entails enormous investment and costs , causing high risks .

  14. 随着构建全球移动通信系统的提出,低轨卫星移动通信系统以自身传播损耗少、传播延时小以及发射功率小等优点正在飞速的发展。

    With the construction of the proposed global mobile communications systems , LEO satellite mobile communication system on its own low propagation loss , small propagation delay and small transmit power is developing .

  15. INMARSAT全球卫星移动通信系统的新进展

    New Development of INMARSAT Global Satellite Mobile Communication System

  16. 全球星卫星移动通信系统及其发展现状

    The Global Satellite Communication System and Its Development

  17. 简述第三代移动通信和卫星移动通信关系和全球星卫星移动通信系统的特征。

    In this article , it describes the relations between the third generation mobile communication and satellite communication , the characteristics of global satellite mobile communication .

  18. 在这种情况下,正如地面有线网和3G移动网的相互融合,卫星网和地面网的差别也将逐渐消失而共存于一个全球覆盖的通用移动通信系统(UMTS)。

    In this scenario , distinctions between terrestrial networks and satellite networks , as well as between fixed networks and 3G mobile networks , will cease to coexist in the universal mobile telecommunication system ( UMTS ) .

  19. 新一代宽带全球低轨移动卫星通信系统

    Advanced Broadband Global LEO Mobile Satellite Communications System

  20. ICO全球通信系统是著名的全球个人移动通信系统(GMPCS)之一,它由空间段和地面段两部分组成;空间段由运行在中圆轨道上的12颗卫星组成;

    ICO Global Communications System is one of the Global Mobile Personal Communications Systems , which consists of two parts : the space segment consists of 12 satellites operating on the intermediate circular orbits ;