
  • 网络all nippon airways;ana;All Nippon Airways Co;All Nippon Airlines
  1. 全日空航空公司表示,由于涡轮机叶片出现腐朽和裂痕造成的一系列引擎问题,该公司将替换掉旗下所有波音787梦想飞机的引擎。

    ANA says it will replace the engines on its fleet of Boeing 787s after a series of engine failures caused by corrosion and fatigue cracking of turbine blades .

  2. 本来就在为这一架飞机晚交付了两年正寻求赔偿的全日空航空公司现在面临的是它可能到原本承诺的明年初无法获得的前景。

    ANA , which is already seeking compensation for the plane 's being two years late , now faces the prospect that it will not be available for delivery early next year , as had been promised .

  3. 全日空航空公司(AllNipponAirways)拟出售的日本酒店资产吸引了30个买家参与竞价,反映出对于渴望拥有日本不动产的投资者而言,此次出售带来了非同寻常的机会。

    All Nippon Airways ' Japanese hotel portfolio has drawn 30 bids , reflecting the unusual opportunity the sale gives to investors keen on exposure to real estate in Japan .

  4. 最明显的是航空旅行,全日空航空公司昨天宣布从9月到11月中日航班已有40000个座位预订被取消。

    Most notable was air travel , with All Nippon Airways announcing yesterday that 40000 seat-reservations had been canceled for flights between Japan and China from September to November .

  5. 日本全日空航空公司表示,尚无变更航线班次的计划,但也正密切关注相关情况。

    Meanwhile , Japan 's All Nippon Airways , says although there have been no changes to its flight schedule , it will continue to pay close attention to the development of the dispute .

  6. 对于创建亚洲航空的马来西亚企业家托尼•费尔南德斯(TonyFernandes)来说,双方的合作将成为他进入日本的第二次努力。在此之前,他与日本全日空(ANA)航空公司的合资项目未能取得成功。

    A tie-up between the two would be the second attempt by Tony Fernandes , the Malaysian entrepreneur who founded AirAsia , to enter Japan after the failure last year of a venture with ANA , the Japanese carrier .