
  • 网络secondary sources;Secondary literature;secondary document
  1. 高校图书馆要重视二次文献的开发和利用

    Library of High Colleges Must Pay Attention to Exploitation of Secondary Document

  2. 本文对比研究了中外在基于网络的全文数据库的建设、网络化期刊、图书馆书目数据库的建设、二次文献数据库的建设等。

    The paper researches construction of domestic and foreign database based on network , network periodicals , library book category database , secondary document database .

  3. 中文二次文献自动生成系统的开发

    Development of an Automatic Generation System of Chinese Second Documents

  4. 未来生物医学二次文献库发展模式之探索

    Explore in Developmental Pattern of Biomedical Bibliographic Database in Future

  5. 三农服务与二次文献工作

    Services for Agriculture , Countryside and Farmer and Work on Secondary Documents

  6. 循证医学最佳二次文献及其检索

    The best secondary literature and searching for evidence-based medicine

  7. 积极开展二次文献服务&充分发挥情报资料室的作用

    Carrying out abstracting service positiuely & how to make full use of reference rooms

  8. 我国二次文献出版延时问题及其国内外对比分析

    The Publication Delay Issues of Domestic Secondary Document

  9. 二次文献发表延时过程的数学模拟及其分析

    Mathematical Modeling of Index Documents Publishing Process

  10. 浅论民办高校图书馆二次文献开发

    Secondary Literature Exploiture of Private College Library

  11. 它也为二次文献检索数据库建立了定量化研究方法。图2。参考文献1。

    It has also established a quantitative method for databases of index documents . 2 tabs . 1 ref.

  12. 论文须用到至少两种原始文献和四种二次文献。

    Your paper must draw on at least two primary sources , as well as at least four secondary sources .

  13. 二次文献发表延时过程模型的建立,为研究利用二次文献查新的漏检问题提供了定量化工具。

    The mathematical modeling of index documents publishing process provides a quantitative tool for the study of hit rate of index documents .

  14. 文献查新,不仅要检索二次文献数据库,还要检索学科范围内近期的核心期刊和相关期刊的一次文献。

    To check topics , we should search not only index databases , but also primary documents in core journals and related journals .

  15. 二次文献数据库对于来源期刊的遴选标准直接影响着二次文献数据库的质量和影响力。

    The selection standard of source journal is very important for the Second Literature Database , which has effect on its quality and impaction .

  16. 开发了中文二次文献自动生成系统,介绍了该系统的体系结构、主要构成、设计思想及其基本原理。

    In this paper , the architecture , main components and the design idea of an automatic generating system of Chinese second documents are introduced .

  17. 本次作业要写10-12页,关于一个具体的历史争论,并引用主要和二次文献证明。

    In this assignment you will be writing a10-12 page paper that advances a specific historical argument and supports it by citing primary and secondary sources .

  18. 对数据收集的研究是通过定量和定性主要的及二次文献,像访谈,焦点小组讨论,参与观察和问卷调查的数据收集方法。

    On the gathering of data the research is done by both quantitative and qualitative as a primary and secondary source . Interview , focus group discussion , participant observation and questionnaires are the primary data collection methods .

  19. 结合文献资源开发中的具体工作,分析了二次文献、三次文献编辑中的著作权问题,并提出了一些防范侵权的建议。

    Based on her experience in the work about the library literature resource development , the writer discusses the issue of copyrights in compiling secondary documents and tertiary documents , and makes some suggestions against the abuse of copyrights .

  20. 最后,指明了国外网络版二次文献数据库的发展态势:检索平台的一体化、资源集成的规模化、服务功能的拓展性、检索技术的创新性。

    Finally , the author points out the development trends of foreign web databases of secondary documents : the integration of retrieval platform , the large scale of integrated resources , the extension of service function and the innovation of retrieval technique .

  21. 本文从信息检索与信息服务两大功能着手,介绍了国外网络版二次文献数据库的现状,重点介绍了其个性化服务、全文链接、信息通报等信息服务功能。

    This paper introduces the status of foreign web databases of secondary documents from its two functions : information retrieval and information service . It lays stress on the function of information service , including personal service , full-text links and information alerts .

  22. 《图书情报工作》被二次文献利用状况分析(1996&2001)本文对比研究了中外在基于网络的全文数据库的建设、网络化期刊、图书馆书目数据库的建设、二次文献数据库的建设等。

    A Statistical Analysis and Evaluation of the Using of Library and Information Service by the Secondary Document Services during 1996 - 2001 The paper researches construction of domestic and foreign database based on network , network periodicals , library book category database , secondary document database .

  23. 二次学术文献编辑的素质要求,既有一般编辑的素质要求,更有自己的特殊素质要求。

    The editors ' quality for the secondary academic documents not only requires the general quality but also has its special meanings .

  24. 《新华文摘》是十一届三中全会的重要文化产物,也是国内学术界公认的权威二次学术文献之一。

    Xinhua Digest is both the important cultural product of the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee and the authoritative secondary academic literature .

  25. 一次文献占83%,二、三次文献(含译文)占17%;

    The original articles account for 83 % , and the secondary and tertiary articles ( including translated papers ) account for 17 % .