
xìng gōng néng zhàng ài
  • sexual dysfunction
性功能障碍[xìng gōng néng zhàng ài]
  1. 中国市场研究报告(ChinaMarketResearchReports)发布的中国西地那非市场2009-2018年调查报告估计,中国有5千多万男性患性功能障碍。

    The Investigation Report on China Sildenafil Market , 2009-2018 put out by China Market Research Reports estimates that more than 50 million men in China suffer from sexual dysfunction .

  2. 勃起功能障碍(erectiledysfunction,ED)是男性常见的性功能障碍。

    Erectile dysfunction ( ED ) is a common male sexual dysfunction .

  3. 中国市场研究报告(ChinaMarketResearchReports)发布的“中国西地那非市场2009-2018年调查报告”估计,中国有5千多万男性患性功能障碍。

    The " Investigation Report on China Sildenafil Market , 2009-2018 " put out by China Market Research Reports estimates that more than 50 million men in China suffer from sexual dysfunction .

  4. 将术后性功能障碍发生率进行配对分析和χ2检验,P<0.01,两组比较差异有非常显著性。

    Then make a matched pair analysis and examined ation χ 2 of the incident rate of sexual disorder , the result is Ρ < 0.01 , showing marked difference between the two groups .

  5. 尤其擅长采用国际最新技术“DEA性腺定位冲击疗法”根治性功能障碍,取得令人瞩目的成就。

    Especially adept at using the latest technology " DEA targeted the impact of sexual therapy " cure sexual dysfunction , and achieved remarkable success .

  6. 结论:TME可以降低直肠癌的局部复发率,降低排尿障碍和性功能障碍的发生率;

    Conclusion : TME technique could signifcantly reduce the local recurrence rate , urinary dysfunction and sexual dysfunction .

  7. 纽约&最新研究提示,脱氢表雄酮(HEA)平明显降低的更年期女性更容易发生性功能障碍。

    NEW YORK - Women who have particularly low levels of the hormone DHEA during menopause may be more likely to have sexual dysfunction , a new study suggests .

  8. 结论全部MSA患者的EAS-EMG都有不同程度的异常,自主神经功能障碍,特别是尿便障碍和性功能障碍对EAS-EMG有一定影响。

    Conclusion EAS-EMG should be abnormal in some extent in all of MSA patients . Autonomic dysfunction might have some relationships to the changes of EAS-EMG .

  9. 结论:直肠癌术中TME可明显降低直肠癌术后局部复发率及提高直肠癌切除保肛率,减少性功能障碍发生,但也给病人带来一些不利的因素。

    Conclusion : TME greatly lower the local recurrence rate of rectal cancers cases post-surgery , and increases the rate of remaining archos of rectal cancer resection , lower sexual dysfunction . But the patients will endure some negative outcomes .

  10. 根据FSFI对女性性功能障碍的判断点,本调查中患者性功能障碍发生的比例达78%。

    According to female sexual dysfunction point tested by FSFI , the rate of patients with incidence of sexual dysfunction in the investigation reached up to78 % .

  11. 男性性功能障碍与脊髓损伤及其他神经系统疾病

    Male Sexual Dysfunction with Spinal Cord Injury and Other Neurologic Diseases

  12. 男性性功能障碍,不孕不育、前列腺疾病。

    Male function barrier , sterile sterile , prostate gland disease .

  13. 525例男性性功能障碍血清中激素放射免疫分析的临床研究

    Clinical study of serum hormone levels in male sexual insufficiency by radioimmunoassay

  14. 乳腺癌患者性功能障碍相关因素分析

    Exploratory Study on Related Factors of Sexual Dysfunction among Breast Cancer Patients

  15. 一片50毫克,是治疗男性性功能障碍的标准剂量。

    The dosage was50 milligrams , the standard for male sexual dysfunction .

  16. 高原地区慢性前列腺炎患者性功能障碍的调查研究

    Investigation of Sexual Dysfunction Among Chronic Prostatitis Patients in High Altitude Area

  17. 冠状动脉疾病患者心房机械性功能障碍的组织多普勒超声心动检查证据

    Tissue Doppler echocardiographic evidence of atrial mechanical dysfunction in coronary artery disease

  18. 精神分裂症患者抗精神病药物治疗后的血清催乳素水平及其与性功能障碍的关系

    Relationship between Serum Prolactin and Sexual Dysfunction Induced by Antipsychotic

  19. 不孕症夫妇的性功能障碍调查

    The Survey of Sexual Disturbance in Tubal Infertility 's Couple

  20. 慢性前列腺炎相关的性功能障碍及心理治疗

    Chronic Prostatitis Related Sexual Dysfunction and Its Psychologic Treatment

  21. 噻奈普汀合并西地那非治疗抑郁伴性功能障碍

    Tianeptine in combination with sildenafil for treatment of depression accompanied with sexual dysfunction

  22. 对运动性功能障碍后的康复治疗过程进行了系统的研究。

    The systematic treatment process for rehabilitation after motor functional disorders was studied .

  23. 慢性肾功能不全女性性功能障碍研究

    Sexual Dysfunction in Female Patients with Chronic Renal Insufficiency

  24. 曲唑酮治疗性功能障碍的文献调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Literature of Trazodone in the Treatment of Sexual Dysfunction

  25. 男性不育与性功能障碍患者生殖激素水平的改变

    The level of serum reproductive hormone in male infertility and sexual function insufficiency

  26. 中老年男性对性功能障碍认知和态度的相关研究

    Study on the Knowledge of and Attitude to Sexual Dysfunction in Aged Men

  27. 208例Ⅱ型糖尿病男子性功能障碍调查

    An investigation of erectile dysfunction in 208 patients with type ⅱ diabetes mellitus

  28. 慢性前列腺炎与性功能障碍的调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Chronic Prostatitis and Sexual Dysfunction

  29. 26例性功能障碍患者14例恢复正常或改善;

    14 of 26 patients improved in sexual function ;

  30. 癌症患者性功能障碍的初步调查

    Preliminary Investigation of Cancer Patients with Sexual Dysfunction