
xìnɡ nüè dài
  • sexually abuse;abuse
  1. 这个男孩曾遭受过性虐待。

    The boy had been sexually abused .

  2. Thorn集团的首席执行官朱莉·科尔多瓦说,大约一半的儿童性虐待内容为视频格式。该公司开发了一项帮助执法人员侦查性贩卖的技术。

    Julie Cordua , chief executive of Thorn , a group that has developed technology to help law enforcement officials detect sex trafficking , said about half of child sexual abuse material is formatted as video .

  3. 在目前好莱坞女性在受到性虐待时勇敢发声的风口浪尖,这位曾出演《傲慢与偏见》的女明星接受《Variety》采访时称,感觉到自己演的这个角色很有力量。

    The Pride & Prejudice star told Variety that the role was empowering especially during such an important time in Hollywood with sexual abuse being openly discussed .

  4. 受害人家人谴责教练John,称对他寄予免职处分,并不能抵消他在宾夕法尼亚大学足球馆对儿童进行性虐待的过失。

    The family of blamed coach * says the removal of his status from outside Penn State football stadium is not serverd victims since child sex abuse scandle that * in the university .

  5. 我们将Crystal的视频给了TrudyNovicki,他之前是控诉人,现在在迈阿密经营一个为遭遇性虐待的孩子讨还公道的中心。

    We showed Crystal 's video to Trudy Novicki , a former prosecutor who now runs a center for sexually abused children in Miami .

  6. 现在教皇Benedict为澳大利亚受神职人员性虐待的儿童道歉。

    Now Pope Benedict said sorry for the sexual abuse suffered by children in Australia at the hands of Catholic clergy .

  7. 在做客BBC四台的《荒岛唱片》时,这位前英格兰国家队队长被问到了当下在足球界里发生的儿童性虐待丑闻。

    The former England captain was asked about the current child sex abuse scandal in football during his appearance on BBC Radio Four 's " Desert Island Discs . "

  8. 1988年,温特伯格拍摄的道格玛电影《庆典》(TheCelebration)讲述家庭性虐待的故事,维坎德与霍珀都说,这是自己最爱的丹麦电影。

    Both Ms. Vikander and Mr. Hooper cited Mr. Vinterberg 's raw 1998 Dogme film , " The Celebration , " about family sexual abuse , as one of their favorite Danish movies .

  9. 据称加拿大司法机关在量刑时参考了FBI分析员罗伊·哈兹伍德的一篇题为《性虐待中顺从的受害者》的报告。然而,一切尘埃落定之后,卡拉公开承认了自己的全部罪行。

    In assessing her culpability , Canadian investigators were reportedly influenced by a paper , written by Roy Hazelwood , an F.B.I. profiler , called " Compliant Victims of the Sexual Sadist . " It was only after Homolka 's deal was in place that she provided a fuller confession ,

  10. 尽管对处理性虐待问题有争议,教皇仍表示,悉尼的世界青年日是成功的。

    Despite the abuse controversy , the pope says Sydney 's World Youth Day has been a success .

  11. 她说,儿童面临性虐待,被杀,致残,强迫入伍等危险。

    She says children are at risk of sexual violence , killing and maiming , and forced into armed groups .

  12. 前宾夕法尼亚大学校长斯格拉汉姆·斯潘尼尔已被指控与杰瑞·桑达斯基儿童性虐待丑闻有关。

    Former Penn State President Graham Spanier has been arraigned on charges stemming from the Jerry Sandusky child sex abuse scandal .

  13. 联合国反虐待委员会在日内瓦询问了梵蒂冈官员有关牧师性虐待的问题。

    Vatican officials were subjected to a bourrage question on clerical sexual abuse by the UN Committee Against Torture in Geneva .

  14. 幼年时期遭遇的欺凌、性虐待、失宠让他依赖越来越多地进食来发泄情绪。

    Bullied , sexually abused and unloved as a child , he said he dulled his feelings with more and more food .

  15. 林恩将被控性虐待的牧师派往毫不知情的教区,他可能会面临3至6年的监禁判罚。

    Lynn is serving a prison sentence of 3 to 6 years after he moved priests accused of sexual abuse to unwitting parishes .

  16. 随着公布越来越多的女性名单这件扣人心弦的事件如期待般被传的沸沸扬扬,甚至指责他性虐待77岁的老女人。

    Cosby 's event going on as scheduled as a growing list of women are speaking out , accusing the 77-year-old of sexual abuse .

  17. 他表示自己的报告和调查都是正确无误,他发现包括帕特诺在内的四名宾夕法尼亚州立大学官员未能阻止儿童性虐待的发生。

    He says that his report and investigation were accurate and he found that four Penn State officials including Paterno , failed to stop a child sexual predator .

  18. 您关于自我割伤、儿童期性虐待和家庭暴力的研究证实了过去几十年来我从自己的患者或者亲身经历中所见证的事实。

    Your research on cutting , child sexual abuse , family violence confirms what I have seen in my own patients , or experienced myself , for decades now .

  19. 在其他两个大学管理员因为儿童性虐待丑闻被捕后,斯潘尼尔被剥夺了宾夕法尼亚州立大学校长的职务。

    Spanier was ousted from his post as Penn State President last year when Sandusky and two other university administrators were arrested in connection to the child sex abuse scandal .

  20. 有研究人员提醒说,人们不应过于关注身体虐待或性虐待方面的问题,而忽略了家暴的根本原因或无形的暴力。

    Some researchers caution , though , that people shouldn 't focus too much on the physical or sexual aspects and forget the root causes or the more invisible abuse .

  21. 调查期间警察审讯了许多和杰克逊在一起过的小孩,他们都发誓他并没有性虐待他们。

    Dozens of kids who spent time with Jackson were questioned during the investigations , and all of them swore that he 'd never done anything sexual in their presence .

  22. 宾夕法尼亚州立大学橄榄球队教练乔尔·帕特诺的家人晚些时候发布了一份报告,指出早些时候涉及他前助理杰瑞·桑达斯基的儿童性虐待丑闻的结论中存在矛盾之处。

    The family of late Penn State football coach Joe Paterno has released a report contradicting the findings of an earlier report on the child sex abuse scandal involving his former assistant Jerry Sandusky .

  23. 但牛津主管人员称,这项举措旨在防止研究战争、种族灭绝、自然灾害、家庭暴力、关押监禁和性虐待等领域的研究生们遭受“替代性创伤(想象别人的痛苦而给自己带来的创伤痛苦)”。

    But university chiefs say the aim is to avoid ' vicarious trauma " for postgraduates researching fields such as war , genocide , natural disaster , domestic violence , imprisonment and sexual abuse .

  24. 如今专家们建议,对配偶有家暴史的家庭,有关部门应该重视起来,他们的孩子很有可能正在遭受身体虐待和性虐待。

    Experts are now suggesting that if there is any past history of violence against the spouse , that authorities should treat it as a strong possibility that the children are also being physically and sexually abused .

  25. 许多红衣主教会选择本笃的继任者,已经在罗马包括罗杰·马奥尼在内的草根运动呼吁要求撤换自己掩盖牧师性虐待行为。

    Many cardinals who will choose Benedict 's successor , are already in Roma , including Roger Mahony , the target of a grassroots campaign calling on him to recuse himself for having covered up clerical sexual abuse .

  26. 安娜·萨斯特雷曾代表西班牙救助儿童会表示:“从根本上来讲,这是一种保护措施,可以防止任何逼婚、性虐待,以及针对儿童、特别是女童的犯罪。”

    Ana Sastre , speaking on behalf of Save the Children from Spain , previously said : ' Fundamentally it 's a measure of protection to avert possible forced marriages , sexual exploitation or offenses against children , especially girls . '

  27. 我们有理由相信,那些虐待配偶的人不仅有可能虐待他们的孩子,还有可能进行性虐待。

    There is also reason to believe that those who abuse their spouses are not only likely to abuse their children , but very likely to make that abuse of a sexual nature as well , instead of simply being violent .

  28. 2013年,编舞家瓦德·罗伯逊(曾在2005年审判时出庭作证迈克尔没有对他动手动脚)却对杰克逊提出控诉,称事实上在他小时候他曾遭受过迈克尔的性虐待。

    In 2013 , choreographer Wade Robson ( who had testified in the 2005 trial that Michael had never touched him inappropriately ) filed a suit against the Jackson estate , claiming that he had in fact been abused by Michael as a child .

  29. 据推测,他所经历的波兰社会主义政权经常用诬告来诋毁牧师,这可能是导致他对长时间存在的牧师性虐待丑闻视而不见的原因,批评者称这些在他担任教皇期间不断加重的丑闻给他的任职抹了黑。

    It 's speculated that his experience with Poland 's communist regime that often discredited priests with false accusations may have let him to turn a blind eye for so long to clerical sexual abuse scandals that festered under his papacy which critics say still tarnish his legacy .

  30. 斯科特的电影拍摄完成并准备上映,主演凯文·史派西卷入了一场性虐待丑闻,斯科特决定让普卢默饰演史派的角色盖蒂,为了在圣诞节上映,他疯狂地拍摄了六周。

    With Scott 's film completely shot and awaiting release , co-star Kevin Spacey became involved in a sexual abuse scandal , and Scott made the decision to recast Plummer in the Spacey role as J.P. Getty , filming furiously for six weeks in order to make the film 's Christmas Day release date .