
tóng gōng
  • child labourer;child labor
童工 [tóng gōng]
  • [child labor;child labourer] 在商业或工业中雇用的未成年的工人,尤指违反禁止使用一定年龄以下儿童法令而雇用的

童工[tóng gōng]
  1. 他被一家工厂雇佣,在翻砂车间当童工。

    He was taken on by a factory as a child labourer in the foundry shop .

  2. 王大妈为家境所迫,十二岁就到上海一家针织厂作童工。

    Granny Wang was forced by familv circum-stances to enter a knitting mill in Shanghai as a child labourer at the age of twelve .

  3. 我们正呼吁大家抵制雇用童工的公司的产品。

    We are asking people to boycott goods from companies that use child labour .

  4. 法律禁止棉纺厂雇用十岁以下的童工。

    The law prevented the employment of children under ten in the cotton mills .

  5. 100多年前童工在欧洲很普遍的时期,青少年中曾出现过类似的症状。

    The last time such symptoms were observed was more than 100 years ago , when child labor was common in Europe .

  6. KevinWillcutts是劳工部童工办公室一名官员。

    Kevin Willcutts is an official in the Labor Department 's Office of Child Labor .

  7. PatrickQuinn是国际劳工组织消除童工国际项目成员。

    Patrick Quinn is with the ILO 's International Program on the Elimination of Child Labor .

  8. 「我们试著要让来自全美国各地的民众告诉贺喜,在他们的巧克力生产过程中,不应该有童工或是强迫劳动牵涉其中。」GreenAmerica的拉森表示。

    " We are trying to get people from around the country to tell Hershey that there shouldn 't be child labor or forced labor ( 3 ) in their chocolate ," said Todd Larsen with Green America .

  9. 上个月,三星表示,在发现新洋电子(ShinyangElectronics)存在雇佣童工的证据之后,已暂停与其所有业务。位于中国南方城市东莞的新洋电子为三星组装手机外壳。

    Last month Samsung said it had suspended all business with Shinyang Electronic , which assembled Samsung phone cases in the southern Chinese city of Dongguan , after finding evidence of underage workers .

  10. 三星电子上月展开的最新调查是对非政府组织ChildLaborWatch一份报告的回应。报告称,该组织在6月和7月共对海格国利进行了三次调查,结果发现该工厂存在雇佣童工现象。

    The latest audits were conducted last month in response to a report by a non-governmental organization Child Labor Watch that three investigations it conducted during June and July found child labor in use at the factory in southern China .

  11. Cornell教授说,就连苹果自己的报道也发现了自己工厂里的问题,包括非自愿劳动及童工问题。

    Professor Cornell says even Apple 's own reports noted issues at some of its factories . These included involuntary labor and labor .

  12. 在活动人士找到三星电子(SamsungElectronics)的一家中国承包商使用童工的证据后,几乎不到一个月,这家韩国公司遭到在中国雇佣童工的新指控。

    Samsung Electronics has been hit by new allegations of child labour in China , barely a month after activists found evidence of child workers at another Chinese contractor used by the South Korean company .

  13. 三星电子(SamsungElectronics)已恢复了与一家雇佣童工的中国供应商的业务合作,理由是这些童工受雇于一家劳动中介机构,而并非由该公司管理层直接雇佣。

    Samsung Electronics has resumed business with a Chinese supplier that employed child workers , on the basis that the children were recruited by a labour broker and not directly by the company 's management .

  14. AP报告说,一个显著的零售商,Tiffany&Company为童工问题感到很担忧,同时表示很沮丧,因为不知道自己出售的金子是不是由童工生产的。

    The AP reports one prominent retailer , Tiffany & Company , has expressed concern about child labor and frustration that it can 't certify its products are free of gold mined by youngsters .

  15. 三星电子(SamsungElectronics)面临其一家中国供应商使用童工的新指控。就在一周前,这家韩国集团还向投资者保证,没有未成年劳工参与其产品的生产。

    Samsung Electronics has been hit by fresh allegations of child workers at a Chinese supplier , a week after the South Korean group assured investors that there was no underage labour involved in making its products .

  16. 三星电子(SamsungElectronicsCo.)周一说,发现该公司一家中国供应商的工厂在工作条件方面存在若干问题,但没有证据表明该工厂非法雇佣16岁以下童工。

    Samsung Electronics Co. said Monday it found some problems with working conditions at the plant of one of its suppliers in China but no evidence of the use of staff under the legal working age of 16 .

  17. 北京奥组委(BeijingOlympicorganisingcommittee)副主席蒋效愚表示:雇用童工是非法的,北京奥组委遵守一切法律法规。北京奥组委负责为2008年奥运赛事官方商品制造商发放许可证。

    The use of child labour is illegal and the Beijing Olympic organising committee abides by all laws and regulations , said Jiang Xiaoyu , executive vice-president of the committee , which licenses manufacturers to produce official merchandise for the event in 2008 .

  18. 中国劳工观察还指控,另一家供应商海格国利电子(heg)频繁雇佣童工,但三星表示,没有发现任何雇佣童工的证据。

    CLW also alleged repeated use of child labour at HEG , another supplier , but Samsung says it has found no evidence of this .

  19. 9年前,当瑞典家具公司宜家(ikea)受到关于使用童工的质疑时,其负责人决定,公司不应回避这个问题,而应该积极应对。

    Nine years ago , when IKEA , the Swedish furniture company , was being challenged over the use of child labour , its executives decided that instead of distancing themselves from the issue they should engage with it .

  20. NVC致力于打击童工和使这些孩子从劳动力恢复到自由,并对那些露宿街头的孩子进行教育,将他们带到社会和主流的发展上。

    NVC aims to fight against Child labor and rehabilitate them making them free from labor , and educate all the street children & bring them back to the society and the main stream of development .

  21. BAMAATHREYA:“我认为大家非常不情愿执行,因为这是受生产可可的廉价的童工产生的巨额商业利润驱使的。这是最大的挑战。”

    BAMA ATHREYA : " There 's been a real unwillingness to act that I think is driven by the business proposition of getting cheap child labor to produce the cocoa for quite some time . And that is a major challenge . "

  22. 孤儿奥利弗(巴尼·克拉克BarneyClark饰)由教会抚养长大,9岁时被送去童工厂拣填絮,后被卖给棺材铺当学徒,屡受欺侮。

    Young orphan Oliver Twist is forcibly brought to a workhouse on his ninth birthday . He and the other resident children are treated poorly and given very little food . Facing starvation , the boys select Oliver ( through a lottery ) to ask for more food at the next meal , which he tentatively does .

  23. 伊拉克童工存在的主要原因也是贫穷。

    The main reason for child labor in Iraq is poverty .

  24. 18亿儿童从事被确定为童工劳动的工作。

    218 million children are in work defined as child labour .

  25. 显然,严格的童工保护法的施行

    It was obvious that the introduction of strict child labor laws

  26. 童工占农业劳动力的三分之一

    Children account for one third of the agricultural work force

  27. 我真不敢相信你靠童工赚钱!

    I can 't believe you profit from child labor !

  28. 招收童工是不道德的,这得到了广泛的公认。

    It is widely acknowledged that child labor is immoral .

  29. 我们打算曝光那些雇用童工的公司。

    We intend to name and shame companies which use child labour .

  30. 劳工组织关于消除最恶劣形式童工的公约

    ILO Convention on the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour