
jiā suǒ
  • chains;shackles;yoke;fetters
枷锁 [jiā suǒ]
  • [yoke;shackles] 旧时的两种刑具。比喻所受的压迫和束缚

枷锁[jiā suǒ]
  1. 人们仍然生活在奴隶制的枷锁之下。

    People are still suffering under the yoke of slavery

  2. 他们已经挣脱了殖民统治的枷锁。

    They have thrown off the yoke of colonial rule .

  3. 若不用于为他人谋福祉,俗世的成功到头来不过是个枷锁而已。

    Worldly success could prove a snare unless used for the good of others .

  4. 他们决心把自己从奴隶制的枷锁中解放出来。

    They were determined to free themselves from the shackles of slavery .

  5. 婚姻是一种枷锁。

    Wedlock is a padlock .

  6. 他们被因袭主义的枷锁所束缚。

    They were bound up in fetters of conventionalism .

  7. 教育的目的在于解除思想的枷锁。

    Education aims at removing fetters from the mind .

  8. 为摆脱殖民主义的枷锁而斗争的国家

    a country struggling to free itself from the shackles of colonialism

  9. 我不会让那些从我手中获得自由的人重新戴上枷锁。

    I will not let those I have freed slide back into chains .

  10. 他们的商业投机从一开始就注定不幸;注定不幸的商业投机;注定不幸的恋情;那个不幸的囚犯又一次被套上了枷锁wh普雷斯科特。

    Their business venture was doomed from the start ; an ill-fated business venture ; an ill-starred romance ; the unlucky prisoner was again put in irons-w.h.prescott .

  11. 《日本及其历史枷锁》(JapanandtheShacklesofthePast),R•塔格特•墨菲著,牛津大学出版社美国部(OUPUSA)出版,建议零售价20英镑或29.95美元,472页

    Japan and the Shackles of the Past , by R Taggart , Murphy OUP USA RRP £ 20 / RRP $ 29.95 , 472 pages

  12. 另一个成功的创业者挣脱公司的枷锁,开创了一家食品服务公司,这一小小的成功就足以让他加入排名前五的MBA。

    Another successful entrepreneur left the trappings of corporate life behind to start a food services firm , the modest success of which has propelled him into a top-five MBA program .

  13. 智能手机、skype账号、宽带连接和广大公众能接入的wifi把他们从办公室的枷锁中解放出来,允许他们在任何感觉工作效率最高的地方工作。

    A smartphone , Skype account , broadband connection and wide public access to WiFi have liberated them from the shackles of the office to work wherever they feel most productive .

  14. Nashiri被解去枷锁,由戴着外科手套的看守者带到法庭。

    Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri was led into court , unshackled by minders wearing surgical gloves .

  15. 脚镣;手铐vt.束缚;加枷锁例句互联网发明是为了丰富我们的生活,连接你和我,为提高工作效率,而非束缚我们的枷锁.迷信是人们思想的一大桎梏。

    Internet is invented to enrich our life , and to improve the efficiency of our rather than shackle us with a chain . Superstition is a great shackle on men 's minds .

  16. 此外,在解决方案中使用开源组件实现了VHA对灵活性、可维护性,以及避免厂商枷锁的额外目标。

    Moreover , the use of open source components in the solution achieved the additional objectives of flexibility , maintainability , and avoidance of vendor lock-in .

  17. 他们尽力设法摆脱形而上学的枷锁。

    They tried to quit themselves of the shackles of metaphysics .

  18. 背枷桥――这是从前给叛逆者上枷锁的地方。

    Carry Cangue Bridge : where traitor was put on cangue .

  19. 也许你好心到可以帮我把这些铁枷锁打开?

    Perhaps you would remove these charming iron bracelets as well ?

  20. 我离婚了,挣脱了这个枷锁

    I 'm divorced . I 'm broke from getting divorced .

  21. 一个被疏离了的主人公&浅析《人性的枷锁》中的审美距离

    An Alienated Protagonist & On the Distance in Of Human Bondage

  22. 我们必须解开我们的年轻人身上天赋的枷锁,

    We have to unleash the genius of our young people ,

  23. 重新分配财富摆脱唯物论的枷锁

    Redistribution of wealth , freedom from the chains of materialism ,

  24. 这些表面追求自由的绑架者和臆想者本身,却深陷于道德的俘获与精神的枷锁之中。

    It is the kidnapper who is in moral and spiritual capacity .

  25. 为何不为你的创造物卸下枷锁?

    Why not let your creation out of her harness ?

  26. 枷锁,奴役,是世界上最丑陋的事。

    Bondage , slavery , is the ugliest thing in the world .

  27. 带着枷锁的舞蹈&壁画构图的限制与弥补

    Dancing with Shackles : Limitations and Remedies of Fresco Composition

  28. 要想把愚者从他们所信仰的枷锁中解放出来是很困难的。

    It is hard to free fools from the chains they revere .

  29. 是时候摆脱过去的枷锁、摆脱这些人了。

    It is time to shake off the past and dump them .

  30. 他们终于从殖民统治的枷锁中解脱出来。

    At last they were freed from the shackles of colonial rule .
