
shén huà shí dài
  • mythological age
  1. 神话时代,各民族对于世界与人类起源命题的解答与诠释往往是融合在一起的,且常常成为特定民族对其族源历史进行认同的表达方式。

    The answers and interpretations to the origins of the world and human being in the mythological age , quite often connected and combined , have become the expression of identification with an origin by a people .

  2. 古代诗赋飞鸟意象的文化渊源主要有三:神话时代的飞鸟崇拜;

    The first one is the worship of fly bird in mythological period ;

  3. 论中国神话时代的基本划分&以盘古、女娲、伏羲三个神话时代为例所做的历史文化考察

    Basic Division of Myth Ages in China

  4. 神话时代是人类信仰的调整期,神话英雄的所作所为折射出人类的意志与愿望。

    The era of mythology serves as a period for adjustment of human religious conviction .

  5. 中国的亚文明时代是从爻号、母系社会、神话时代演变过来的。

    Chinese sub civilization originates from line in the eight diagrams , matriarchal society and mythology .

  6. 这些都是人类早在神话时代就具有的集体无意识。

    These are human beings in the mythology of the times early on with the collective unconscious .

  7. 具体地说,就是探讨维吾尔族神话时代人们的自然美思想,以及他们社会美意识的萌芽;

    In other words the ideas of natural beauty and the consciousness of social beauty belongs to Uyghur mythological epochs ;

  8. 在原始的孪生龙之间爆发了全面的战争,战争覆盖了现实世界的每一个层面。神话时代终结了。

    The Mythic Age ends with an all-out war between the primordial twins , fought on all levels of reality .

  9. 带领你回到美洲土著传说中的神话时代,鸟类,动物和人类使用着相同的语言。

    Travel back to the mythical time in Native American lore when birds , animals and people spoke the same language .

  10. 当神话时代渐渐消去,艺术渐趋成熟,仪式就被艺术戏剧所代替。

    As the myth age goes down and the art becomes matured , the rituals are replaced by the art of drama .

  11. 对日益技术化的人类来说,神话时代才是健康的生命之火取之不尽用之不竭的能源。

    It is the age of mythology that is the inexhaustible source of the fire of healthy life for human beings living in a hi-tech society .

  12. 尽管经过几十年的女权运动,女人得到的信息是美貌仍然是有价值的,就像在神话时代一样。

    Despite decades of feminism , women get the message that it still pays to be beautiful , just AS in the days of fairy tales .

  13. 从神话时代到英雄时代再到诸子时代,《故事新编》疏理了人类认识世界、解释世界和改造世界的各种方式。

    From " the mythic age " to " the hero age " and then to " Pre-qin times ", Old Tales Retold showing the human how to know the world , explaining the world and transform the world .

  14. 本文通过对从神话时代到中世纪的自然与自然法进行分析,认为自然法试图解决的是人与人之间,人与政治社会之间的张力的一套标准。

    This treatise analyzes the nature and the Law of Nature from the Myth Age to the Middle Age , concluding that the Law of Nature is the standard to resolve the contradiction between the humane and their political society .

  15. 克里特岛是希腊6000个岛屿中最大的。从神话时代起,它就出现在地图上,当时有谣言称它是牛头人身的牛头怪之都。

    The largest of Greece 's 6,000 islands , Crete has been on the map since mythological times when it was rumored to have been the home of the Minotaur , a creature with the head of a bull and the body of a man .

  16. 女性神话是童年时代的人类对女性的审美理想。

    Female myth is an aesthetic ideology in childhood of femineity .

  17. 汉代神话流变的时代特征及动因

    Age Features and Age Reasons about the Spreading and Developing of Han Dynasty 's Myths

  18. 再次,从汉代神话流变的时代动因角度来看,这种时代特征是时代政治氛围、思想文化转向、社会心态倾向、个人意识影响等多方面作用下的结果。

    Thirdly , from the age reasons to see , the age features are four sides ' results , which are era political atmosphere , thoughts and culture , the tendency to the social mentality , influence from personal ideology .

  19. 神话和奇迹的时代又回到人间。

    The age of myth and miracle had come upon the world again .

  20. 这就是根据神话资料重新复原和构拟的神话时代太阳循环的模式。

    This is the mode of the sun 's circulation in the age of myth restored based on mythologies .

  21. 从神话所反映的婚姻状况看原始神话产生的时代

    Study of mythology 's birth : marital status in mythology

  22. 神话所内在的人类文化基因,决定了神话即便远离人类神话时代依旧神力无限,不仅为人类提供了诗性智慧,也为人类提供了返归自身的航向与能力。

    The inherent culture gene of mythology decides that it not only provides poetical wisdom for human being , but also the course and ability returning to themselves , even if apart from the mythology times .