
tóng huà
  • fairy tales;children's story
童话 [tóng huà]
  • [fairy tales;children's story] 儿童文学体裁之一,经过想象、幻想和夸张等编写而成适于儿童看的故事

童话[tóng huà]
  1. 对爱情充满着童话般的想象,憧憬着属于自己的缘分到来的那刻。

    To the love imagination as being full of children 's stories , be longing for the preordained relationship belonging to self arrival 's that carves .

  2. 她写了几个童话故事。

    She 's written several children 's stories .

  3. 她就像童话里的公主。

    She was like a princess in a fairy tale .

  4. 故事从一个哥特式悲剧升华为神奇的童话。

    The story ascends from a gothic tragedy to a miraculous fairy-tale .

  5. 她深深爱着他:这是个童话般的浪漫故事。

    She loved him so much : it was a fairytale romance .

  6. 在这个卡通童话里王子变成了一只青蛙。

    A prince turns into a frog in this cartoon fairytale

  7. 在诺丁汉我经历了自己在童话剧演出中最尴尬的时刻之一。

    I had one of my most embarrassing moments in panto in Nottingham .

  8. 他目前正在滨海韦斯顿主演圣诞童话剧。

    He is currently starring in pantomime in Weston-super-Mare .

  9. 童话故事不仅仅是写给孩子们的。

    Fairy tales weren 't just meant for children

  10. 圣诞童话剧旨在把欢笑带给千千万万的人。

    Pantomime is about bringing laughter to thousands

  11. 她擅长圣诞童话剧演出。

    What she does very well is pantomime

  12. 这是发生在现实中的童话般的罗曼史。

    It was a real storybook romance .

  13. 在很多方面,这都是种童话般的生活。夏天在萨尔茨堡度过。周末在康涅狄格打猎。

    In many ways it was a storybook life . Summers in Salzburg . Weekends hunting in Connecticut

  14. 小时候她通过描摹母亲旧童话书里的插图学会了画画。

    As a child she learned to draw by tracing pictures out of her mother 's old storybooks .

  15. 请用英语复述这篇童话故事。

    Please retell the fairy story in English .

  16. 有人能讲童话故事吗?

    Is there anybody who can tell a fairy tale ?

  17. 这部古老的童话所暗含的意义是什么呢?

    What were the subtexts of this venerable tale ?

  18. 孩子们缠住了母亲,想听一则童话。

    The children hung about their mother , hoping to hear a fairy tale .

  19. 我曾经写过一篇关于童话故事对罗尔德·达尔写作的影响的论文,这篇论文让我重新认识了他奇异而令人愉快的语言。

    I once wrote a paper on the influence of fairy tales on Roald Dahl 's writing and it gave me a new appreciation for his strange and delightful words .

  20. 伟大的丹麦作家安徒生(HansChristianAndersen)以其童话故事而闻名。

    Hans Christian Andersen , a great Danishwriter , is very famous for his fairy tales .

  21. 然后他开始写诗和童话。

    Then he began to write poems and fairy tales .

  22. 他的童话给全世界的孩子们带来了幸福。

    His fairy tales have brought happiness to children across the world .

  23. 我是拥有童话婚礼的美国梦代表。

    I 'm the American dream with a fairy-tale wedding .

  24. 那是讲一个男巫的童话。

    That 's a fairy story about a wizard .

  25. 也许爱情是一部忧伤的童话。

    Perhaps love is a dolorous fairy tale .

  26. 童话只是童话,最终我们都要回归现实。

    Fairy tales are just that and eventually we all have to come down to earth .

  27. 每个人都希望能有魔法来帮他们解决难题,可是却没有人愿意相信真的有魔法。——《童话镇》

    Everyone wants some magical solution for their problem and everyone refuses to believe in magic .

  28. 这个温柔而天真的童话故事提醒我们,在这个世界上,有些事情是值得为之奋斗的。

    This gentle and naive9 fairy tale reminds us that there are things in this world that are worth fighting for .

  29. 如果要说实话,我必须坦白我依然喜欢读童话,而且最喜欢读的书就是童话书。

    If I 'm honest I have to tell you I still read fairy-tales and I like them best of all .

  30. 王子和公主爱上了对方,然后幸福地生活在了一起,这是命中注定的童话结局的又一个例子。

    The prince and the princess fell in love with each other and lived happily ever after – yet another fairy tale ending written in the stars .