
  • 网络mixed constitution;mixed government;mixed regime;hybrid Regime
  1. 北美社会相对英国有自己的特殊性,英国混合政体中的三要素在殖民地只有平民因素有完全的体现,王权、贵族因素是母国强加的,在北美并没有生存的土壤。

    North American society had its own particularity , and there embodied only the civilian factor of the three essential factors in British mixed government system .

  2. 共和思想在近代最重要的发展变化是混合政体理论的完善。

    All of which constituted the contents of modern democracy . As for the republican theory , the most significant development was perfection of the theory of mixed government .

  3. 通过我们的分析,可以认定罗马共和政制为贵族混合政体。

    According our study , we can conclude that Roman regime was mixed constitution leading by patrians .

  4. 个人自由充其量,仅是附加于,亚里士多德式混合政体的产物,而非其所要定义,或首要的目标。

    Individual freedom may be at best a desirable byproduct of the Aristotelian mixed regime but individual freedom is not its defining or principle goal .

  5. 亚里斯多德是政治学的开创者,对后世影响巨大,尤其是其混合政体思想,也即共和政体思想,更是受到西方学者的重视。

    Aristotle is the founder of political science , big impact on future generations , especially in the Mixed System of Government , namely the republican ideology , but also by the attention of Western scholars .

  6. 政治国家与市民社会分离,多元利益集团出现,表征在法的分类上,则是公法与私法开始相区分,表征在宪政上,则是首次实践了混合政体理论。

    Political state was departed from civil society , pluralistic interest groups had come into being , which is expressed by the partition of public law and civil law in law classifying , and by implementing of mixed constitution theory for the first time .

  7. 总结长期的经验教训,马克思主义者需要在平民与精英之间寻找平衡,构造一种能够容纳合理等级和有限斗争的混合政体。

    As a reflection on its experience and lessons , the article argues that it 's necessary for Marxists to search a balance between the mass and the elite , constitute a mixed form of government which can accommodate both reasonable hierarchy and limited struggle .

  8. 论西塞罗的共和思想&共和国的基石:混合均衡政体、公民和法

    Republic Thought of Marcus Cicero & The Cornerstone of Republic : Mixed Balanced Polity , Citizens and Law

  9. 根据目前的欧盟宪法草案,未来的欧盟政体,不论其是否有联邦的称号,都将是一个混合的政体,即具有联邦制、邦联制混合特征。

    According to the draft of the constitution of EU , the future of the system of it has the nature of federal system and confederal system .

  10. 混合型政体比单一型的政体更有助于社会的和谐稳定发展。

    As far as Mixed form of government is concerned , it is more conducive to social harmony and stable development than a single type of regime .

  11. 通过对古典共和主义的思想纲领的历史梳理与逻辑归纳可知,古典共和主义的核心理念在于其混合均衡政体思想。

    Based on the historical introduction and logic analysis of ancient republicanism , this article has pointed out that the core idea of ancient republicanism is its mixed balanced constitution thought .