
hùn luàn
  • confusion;chaos;disorder;in a mess;turmoil;anarchy;muddle;turbulence;jumble;mix-up;tumult;tailspin;perplexity;jumble up;muddledness;mêlée;pêle-mêle tumble
混乱 [hùn luàn]
  • (1) [confusion;perplexity]∶没条理;没秩序

  • 思想混乱

  • (2) [disorder;chaos;turmoil]∶杂乱,缺乏秩序、规律、系统性的状态

  • 战后工业方面的混乱

混乱[hùn luàn]
  1. 战斗爆发了,一切都陷入了混乱不堪的状态。

    Fighting had broken out and all was chaos and confusion .

  2. 大雪导致道路上交通一片混乱。

    Heavy snow has caused total chaos on the roads .

  3. 这些政策可能引起严重的经济和社会混乱。

    These policies could cause severe economic and social dislocation .

  4. 在一阵混乱之中我忘了告诉他那个消息。

    In all the commotion I forgot to tell him the news .

  5. 一声巨响之后顿时一片混乱。

    There was a loud bang and then all hell broke loose .

  6. 接下来是很长一段时间的困惑和混乱。

    There followed a long period of confusion and muddle .

  7. 我们的计划因她的到来而陷入一片混乱。

    Our plans were thrown into disarray by her arrival .

  8. 在上下班高峰时间,城市的交通混乱不堪。

    The traffic in the city is chaotic in the rush hour .

  9. 他们居住在一个社会秩序混乱的城区。

    They live in a rough part of town .

  10. 他的突然离去使这个部门陷入一片混乱。

    His sudden departure threw the office into chaos .

  11. 她的脑子里一片混乱。

    She was in a disturbed state of mind .

  12. 这篇散文思想混乱,使人不知所云。

    The essay was a meaningless jumble of ideas .

  13. 政府在欧洲问题上政策十分混乱。

    The government is in a shambles over Europe .

  14. 众人蜂拥而出,造成了极大的混乱。

    There was absolute mayhem when everyone tried to get out at once .

  15. 和谈在混乱中破裂了。

    The peace talks broke up in disarray .

  16. 他的陈述使得法庭陷入一片混乱。

    His statement threw the court into turmoil .

  17. 那通告反而引起了混乱。

    The announcement only succeeded in creating confusion .

  18. 政局混乱只加速了国家经济的衰退。

    The climate of political confusion has only reinforced the country 's economic decline .

  19. 任课老师不在时,班上一片混乱。

    There was complete anarchy in the classroom when their usual teacher was away .

  20. 她开开门,一片混乱不堪的景象呈现在她的眼前。

    When she opened the door she was greeted by a scene of utter confusion .

  21. 她考试时脑子里突然一片混乱,一个题也没答。

    She had a brainstorm in the exam and didn 't answer a single question .

  22. 这个国家陷入一片混乱。

    The country was descending into chaos .

  23. 罢工造成了严重的混乱。

    The strike caused serious disruptions .

  24. 他需要他们来防止这个国家陷入混乱。

    He needs them to stop the country sliding into chaos .

  25. 我必须查清造成这一混乱局面的真正原因。

    I have to get to the bottom of this mess .

  26. 他最终被推翻,整个国家则陷入了混乱。

    He was ultimately overthrown and the country descended into chaos .

  27. 这些互相矛盾的说法反映了管理的混乱。

    The contradictory statements are symptoms of disarray in the administration .

  28. 一连串相当混乱的影像在屏幕上闪过。

    A series of largely formless images rushed across the screen .

  29. 冬天的突然降临让铁路和航空运输系统陷入混乱。

    The sudden onset of winter caused havoc with rail and air transport

  30. 在国家动荡不安的时代,该国的金融市场一般都会出现混乱。

    Times of national turmoil generally roil a country 's financial markets .