
dú zhí
  • malfeasance;dereliction of duty;malpractice
渎职 [dú zhí]
  • [malfeasance;dereliction of duty] 玩忽职守;不尽职

  1. 完善渎职罪罪刑处断。

    Fourth , the perfect crime and malfeasance at the break .

  2. 渎职犯罪主体的界定

    On the Determination of the Subject of the Crime of Malfeasance

  3. 这些警察被判犯有严重渎职罪。

    The police officers were found guilty of serious dereliction of duty .

  4. 李医生严重渎职的罪名被撤销了。

    Dr Lee was cleared of serious professional misconduct .

  5. 法官裁定为无效审判,并以严重渎职为名传讯了检察官。

    The judge ruled a mistrial and cited the prosecutors for outrageous misconduct .

  6. 法官们说至少有一个证据确凿的渎职案可作答辩。

    The judges said there was at least a good arguable case of negligence to answer .

  7. 在把机密文件交给新闻界之后,他就因严重渎职而被解职了。

    He was dismissed from his job for gross misconduct after handing over confidential documents to the press

  8. 那位警官被控渎职。

    The police officer was accused of neglecting his duty .

  9. 同时,Loyola法学院的教授LaurieLevenson称,过失性杀人并不同于一般的渎职。

    " It 's not the same as malpractice ," said Laurie Levenson , a professor at Loyola Law School .

  10. 有人声称他渎职,因为他未能阻止遭受巨亏的保险巨擘美国国际集团(AIG)发放奖金,该公司接受了逾1700亿美元的纳税人资金,从中拿出1.65亿美元为高管发放奖金。

    Some allege he slipped up when he failed to prevent AIG , the bleeding insurance giant , from paying out $ 165m in bonuses to executives from the more than $ 170bn it has received in taxpayer funds .

  11. 你会被军事法庭以渎职罪论处。

    You 'll be subject to a court-martial for professional misconduct .

  12. 司法工作人员渎职犯罪的检察监督

    Procuratorial Supervision of the Crimes of Malfeasance Committed by Judicial Functionary

  13. 它是构成渎职犯罪的前提条件。

    It constitutes a prerequisite for crimes of dereliction of duty .

  14. 渎职罪立法缺陷与完善

    On Crimes of Dereliction of Duty : Legislation Faults and Perfectings

  15. 渎职罪主体解释回顾及立法建言

    Review on Interpretation of Subject of Malfeasance and Suggestion to Legislation

  16. 而林业渎职犯罪是一类常见的渎职犯罪。

    And malfeasance crime concerning forestry is a common malfeasance crime .

  17. 他控告她渎职或许有可疑的动机。

    He might have suspect motives in accusing her of malpractice .

  18. 四是提出渎职犯罪案件审理的建设性对策。

    Four is put forward constructive countermeasures of crime of malfeasance trial .

  19. 这些司法渎职罪的规定对官吏的司法活动形成比较严格的法律制约,对于保证司法公正具有一定的积极意义。

    It had a great significance for guaranteeing judicial justness .

  20. 犯了渎职罪,他试图毁掉证据。

    Accused of malfeasance , he tried to destroy evidence .

  21. 该职员从事渎职行为,导致重大损失。

    The employee has engaged in serious misconduct leading to material damage .

  22. 其他失职、渎职行为。

    Other relevant acts of malpractice or dereliction of duty .

  23. 涉林渎职犯罪的立案标准与法益的类型化衡量

    The Criterion and Genre about the Crime of Malfeasance Related with Forest

  24. 我会把这个带回“渎职”的实验室。

    I 'm gonna take this back to our shoddy lab.

  25. 关于修订渎职罪立案标准的几点建议

    Suggestions on the Revision of Case Establishment Criteria of Crime of Malfeasance

  26. 为渎职辩解的小说译本;

    A version of the story that is an apologia for malfeasance ;

  27. 在反渎职侵权工作中强化法律监督的路径研究

    Research About Way For Strengthening Legal Supervision In Anti-Dereliction Of duty Infringement

  28. 但是渎职问题比我想的还严重。

    But the graft is even more involved than I originally thought .

  29. 要求我上报任何可疑的渎职行为。

    They asked me to report on any suspected malfeasance .

  30. 谈渎职侵权检察工作的发展

    On the Development of Procuratorial Work on Infringement of Dereliction of Duty