
dú zhí zuì
  • malfeasance;crime of dereliction of duty;crime of malfeasance
  1. 完善修改渎职罪的法定刑。

    Fifth , the perfect punishment to the crime of dereliction of duty changes .

  2. 完善渎职罪的客观方面。

    Third , complete the objective aspect of the crime of dereliction of duty .

  3. 这些警察被判犯有严重渎职罪。

    The police officers were found guilty of serious dereliction of duty .

  4. 完善渎职罪罪刑处断。

    Fourth , the perfect crime and malfeasance at the break .

  5. 你会被军事法庭以渎职罪论处。

    You 'll be subject to a court-martial for professional misconduct .

  6. 渎职罪立法缺陷与完善

    On Crimes of Dereliction of Duty : Legislation Faults and Perfectings

  7. 渎职罪主体解释回顾及立法建言

    Review on Interpretation of Subject of Malfeasance and Suggestion to Legislation

  8. 这些司法渎职罪的规定对官吏的司法活动形成比较严格的法律制约,对于保证司法公正具有一定的积极意义。

    It had a great significance for guaranteeing judicial justness .

  9. 犯了渎职罪,他试图毁掉证据。

    Accused of malfeasance , he tried to destroy evidence .

  10. 关于修订渎职罪立案标准的几点建议

    Suggestions on the Revision of Case Establishment Criteria of Crime of Malfeasance

  11. 渎职罪主体相关问题探究

    Study on Related Problems about the Subject of Crimes of Dereliction of Duty

  12. 浅议渎职罪主体的完善

    On the Improvement of the Subject of Malfeasance Crime

  13. 刑法渎职罪主体界定问题刍议

    On The Scope of the Subject of The Crimes of Dereliction of Duty

  14. 渎职罪犯罪主体辨析

    Analysis on Subject of Crimes of Dereliction of Duty

  15. 受贿型渎职罪是因受贿而实行渎职行为的犯罪。

    The malfeasance of bribery is a type of malfeasance crime for taking bribes .

  16. 由法官不作为案看渎职罪之立法缺陷

    Judging Defects of Legislation Exist in Malfeasance Crime from Judge Taking Attitude of Omission

  17. 这个寡妇以渎职罪起诉她的医生。

    The widow sued his surgeon for malpractice .

  18. 论渎职罪的罪过形式

    On Forms of Crime of Dereliction of Duty

  19. 渎职罪刑法适用及完善问题研究

    The Study of Application and Perfection of Laws for Crimes of Dereliction of Duty

  20. 汉律中的司法官吏渎职罪考评

    Study and Review on Crime of Malfeasance by Judicial Officer in Han Dynasty 's Law

  21. 如何正确处理受贿型渎职罪已成为当前迫切需要解决的问题。

    How to correct the malfeasance of bribery has become an urgent problem to be solved .

  22. 渎职罪主体可分为纯正国家机关工作人员和非纯正国家机关工作人员两类。

    This article classifies the subjects of malfeasance as pure government functionary and non-pure government functionary .

  23. 同时,陈述渎职罪主体相关的背景研究。

    At the same time , this part states the main background study of dereliction of duty .

  24. 渎职罪因果关系理论是植根于刑法因果关系理论的大框架之下的。

    Malfeasance causality theory is rooted in the theory of criminal law causality under the large frame .

  25. 这违背了刑法关于渎职罪主体的规定超链接侵权的法律规制

    Regulation of Law on Hyperlinks

  26. 综合来讲,条件说对于渎职罪的因果关系分析更为适宜。

    Generally speaking , conditions is more suitable for analysis of the causality between the crime of malfeasance .

  27. 而徇私舞弊型犯罪是渎职罪中的一个重要类型。

    Practicing favoritism of dereliction of duty crime is an important type of the crime of dereliction of duty .

  28. 渎职罪,是发生在行使国家权力,管理国家事务过程中的犯罪。

    Dereliction of duty is the crime which is committed in the exercise of state power , management of state affairs .

  29. 本文从三个方面进行了阐述:首先,笔者从对渎职罪危害结果的含义与特征进行了分析和归纳。

    This paper discussed from three aspects . Firstly , the author analyses the meaning and characteristics of malfeasance harm results .

  30. 当前渎职罪呈多发态势,已成为腐败犯罪的一种严重形态。

    Nowadays , the crime of dereliction of duty was prone posture , has become a serious form of corruption crime .
