
  • 网络elector;electoral;Voter
  1. 选举人宣布反对他们的前任议员。

    The electors declared against their former Member of Parliament .

  2. 他们已经知道了选举人的决定。

    They have had the verdict of the electors .

  3. 他态度恶劣,显得很不情愿接受选举人的意见。

    He displayed a curmudgeonly unwillingness to accept the voters ' verdict .

  4. 根据CNN的预测,拜登目前得到253张选举人票,而特朗普得到213张。

    Biden has 253 electoral votes and the President has 213 , according to CNN projections .

  5. 密歇根州有16张选举人票,因此CNN预测拜登将获得253张选举人票,领先特朗普40张。

    With Michigan carrying 16 electoral votes , CNN now projects Biden to have 253 electoral votes , leading Trump by 40 .

  6. Cotlear说,世行工作小组用了一年的时间“试图让教育者建立一种衡量标准,即父母和选举人可以轻松使用和理解的标准。”

    Cotlear says the Bank team spent a year " trying to get educators to produce a standard & something that could be easily measured and understood by parents and voters . "

  7. 选举人通过寄选票进行选举。

    Election where the voter send their ballot papers by post .

  8. 730.微不足道的贡品形成(构成)了选举人的报告的属性。

    730 . Trivial tributes constitute the attribute of constituent 's report .

  9. 试析美国的选举人团制度

    A Tentative Exploration into the Electoral College System of the United States

  10. 论美国总统选举人团制度与其政党制度的互塑

    On Mutual Influence of American Presidential Electoral College and Political Party System

  11. 赢得美国总统大选需要270张选举人票。

    It takes 270 electoral votes to win the U.S. presidential election .

  12. 1979年每一选举人只准投一个候选人的票。

    In 1979 each voter only definitely threw the candidate 's ticket .

  13. 总统竞选按各州选举人票的票数决定。

    The presidential race is decided by a state-by-state tally of electoral votes .

  14. 需要新一届选举人的进一步支持。

    Needs continued support by constituents to be re-elected .

  15. 上个月的白杨调查显示选举人在福利改革问题上更倾向工党。

    Populus poll this month showed that voters favour Labour on welfare reform .

  16. 年纪较轻的选举人倾向于支持左翼。

    Younger voters tended to be on the left .

  17. 美国总统选举人团制度评析

    Analysis on Electoral College in US Presidential Election

  18. 摘要总统选举人团制度是美国总统选举制度的重要组成部分。

    The electoral college is an important part of the American presidential selection institution .

  19. “选举人的:选举人的,关于选举人的或由选举人组成的。”

    " Electoral : of , relating to , or composed of electors . "

  20. 候选人的承诺使许多选举人上当受骗。

    The candidate 's promises misled many voters .

  21. 大选的结果有时不能真实反映选举人的意见。

    The election results do not always reflect back the views of the voters .

  22. 举例来说,加州有54张选举人票,而新墨西哥州只有5张。

    For example , California has 54 electoral votes while New Mexico has only five .

  23. 在总统竞选中获胜需要538张选举人票中的270票。

    A candidate needs 270 electoral votes out of a total of 538 for victory .

  24. 而是由选民投票给支持各个候选人的「选举人」。

    Instead , voters cast their ballots for " electors " who support each candidate .

  25. 新成立的选举人团体很快就成了参议员最大的麻烦。

    The new voter organization soon became the biggest thorn in the senator 's side .

  26. 与选举人相关或者由选举人组成的。

    Relating to or composed of electors .

  27. 照宪法原文规定,总统选举人并不分开选举总统和副总统。

    Under the original Constitution the electors did not vote separately for President and Vice-President .

  28. 选举人的名单贴在地方办公室的布告栏上。

    The list of elector is put up on the noticeboard in the local office .

  29. 我已经拿到我的外地选举人票了。

    I got my absentee ballot already .

  30. 而且,总统选举人票的分布在某些方面对共和党人更有利。

    And he faces an Electoral College map that favors Republican presidential candidates in some ways .