
  • 网络voting system;the electoral system;Elections and Voting
  1. 这个国家的选举制度非常复杂。

    The country has a very complicated voting system .

  2. 目前的选举制度歪曲选民的愿望。

    The present voting system distorts the wishes of the electorate .

  3. 选举制度是维持议会民主所必不可少的。

    Elections are essential for the sustenance of parliamentary democracy .

  4. 我们的选举制度迫切需要现代化。

    There is a pressing need to modernise our electoral system .

  5. 代表们投票表决,以微弱多数票赞同考虑选举制度的改革。

    Delegates have voted by a narrow majority in favour of considering electoral reform .

  6. 如果与卡梅伦的谈判失败,克莱格还可以与落败的工党(labourparty)达成替代协议,后者支持选举制度改革。

    Mr Clegg could also strike an alternative deal with the defeated Labour Party which supports electoral reform if the talks with Mr Cameron fail .

  7. 在本月举行的年度股东大会上,苹果(apple)将面临来自美国最大公共养老基金的全新压力:改革董事选举制度。

    Applefaces fresh shareholder pressure at its annual meeting this month from the largest US public pension fund , to change the way it elects directors .

  8. 从选举制度的规定和实施两方面,阐述从1990年到2002年J村五届村委会选举制度的演进及农村妇女的当选状况。

    In the second part , the evolution process of election institution in village committee and rural women 's election status is stated .

  9. 从FEC面临的问题看美国选举制度的内在矛盾

    Peruse the inner contradictions of American electoral system from the problems which FEC faces with

  10. 村委会选举制度的演进对农村妇女当选的影响&来自宜昌J村的调查

    The Influence of the Evolution of the Election Institution in Village Committee on Rural Women 's Election & Reports from Village J in YiChang

  11. 我国直接选举制度若干问题的讨论

    A Discussion on Some Issues about China 's Direct Election System

  12. 建章立制与衔接稳定:回归以来澳门选举制度的发展

    Establishment and Stable Connection : Macao Electoral System Development after Reunification

  13. 论选举制度与儒家伦理之同构

    On the isomorphism between the selection system and the Confucian ethics

  14. 简论我国选举制度的改革和完善

    Reform and Perfection of Voting System of Our Country in Brief

  15. 新选举制度是否达成改革的目的?

    Did the new electoral system accomplish the aim of reform ?

  16. 她为选举制度的改革提出极为激进的建议。

    She is putting forward radical proposals for electoral reform .

  17. 我国政体中的选举制度分析

    The Political System of Our Country 's Electoral System Analysis

  18. 2004年美国大选对美国选举制度的影响

    Influence of the 2004 US General Election on the US Electoral System

  19. 从政治方面看,影响幅度最大的是选举制度。

    Politically , the election system made effects in the largest scale .

  20. 他在立宪、议会制度以及选举制度等方面都有自身的见解。

    His constitutional idea , parliament system and election system etc.

  21. 中国村民直接选举制度推行的制约因素

    Restricting factors in the pursuance of the village people direct electoral system

  22. 市场经济条件下我国选举制度的完善

    The Improvement of Election System Under the Market Economy Condition

  23. 第四章探讨的是党的代表大会的选举制度。

    Chapter four is discussing the election of Party congress .

  24. 由一些带着图表看上去一模一样的人解释新的选举制度。

    Grey men with graphs explain the new voting system .

  25. 因此,选举制度的改革与完善应与时俱进。

    Therefore , the electoral system should keep pace with the times .

  26. 这个国家的选举制度应进行改革。

    The electoral system in this country should be changed .

  27. 中国古代选举制度发展的基本趋向

    The Basic Tendency of Selection System Development in Ancient China

  28. 民国北京政府时期选举制度研究

    On the Electoral System of Beijing Government of the Republic of China

  29. 有鉴于此,不愿改变选举制度的人似乎会取得胜利。

    Given this , it seems likely that indifference will win the day .

  30. 完善选举制度是达成这一目标的唯一手段。

    Obviously , direct election is the only means to realize these targets .