
  • 网络selection theory;selective theory;clonal selection theory
  1. NAA的发现,向经典的克隆选择学说提出了挑战,具有重要的理论意义。

    The discovery of NAAs is theoretically significant in providing a challenge to the traditionally accepted " clonal selection theory " .

  2. 克隆选择学说的建立奠定了现代免疫学的理论框架。

    Furthermore , clonal selection theory was established as the paradigm of modern immunology .

  3. 上个世纪60年代,Kimura提出的中性进化假说使经典的达尔文自然选择学说遭遇了前所未有的挑战。

    In the 1960s , the neutral theory proposed by Kimura caused an unprecedented challenge to the classical Darwin 's theory of natural selection .

  4. 本文在量子进化算法的基础上结合基于克隆选择学说的克隆算子,提出了改进的进化算法&量子克隆进化策略算法(QCES)。

    Based on the combining of the quantum evolutionary algorithms ( QEA ) with the main mechanisms of clone , an improved evolutionary algorithm-quantum clonal evolutionary strategies ( QCES ) was proposed in this paper .

  5. 抗生素是对自然选择学说一个十分知名的论证。

    ANTIBIOTIC drugs are a well-known test of the idea of natural selection .

  6. 亲缘选择学说的经济学分析

    The Economic Analysis of Kin Selection Theory

  7. 根据自然选择学说,我们便可充分理解那自然史上的古老格言的意义。

    On the theory of natural selection we can clearly understand the full meaning of that old Canon in natural .

  8. 苦闷之余,达尔文甚至采纳了拉马克获得性遗传的观点来补充他的自然选择学说。

    In his puzzle he even adopted the concept of acquired heredity of Larmack to supplement his theory of natural selection .

  9. 教材在有关进化内容的章节中,介绍了以达尔文自然选择学说为基础的更为科学的现代进化理论;

    The chapters concerning evolution contents in the teaching material introduce the more scientific modern evolution theories which are based on Darwin 's nature choice theory .

  10. 一种谬误的学说会象自然选择学说那样给予上面所详述的几大类事实以这样圆满的解释。

    A false theory would explain , in so satisfactory a manner as does the theory of natural selection , the several large classes of facts above specified .

  11. 同英国植物学家约瑟夫·胡克一样,莱尔是少数了解达尔文在自然选择学说方面研究的早期草稿的人之一。

    Along with English botanist Joseph Hooker , Lyell was one of a small handful of people Darwin had shown early drafts of his own work on natural selection .

  12. 方法以达尔文的自然选择学说为基础,吸收非达尔文主义及广义进化综合理论的思想,提出了生命进化的优化选择机制。

    Methods Based on Darwin 's theory of natural selectivity , the optimizing selective mechanism of the evolution of creatures is presented through adoption of some ideas of non-Darwinism and grand evolutionary synthesis .

  13. 互惠利他行为是生物有机体乃至人类社会普遍存在的一种现象,经典的自然选择学说难以解释生物有机体的这类行为。

    Reciprocal altruistic behavior exists not only among organisms but also in the society , but it has been hard to explain the altruistic behavior of organisms to the classical natural selection theory .

  14. 本文研究了一种将量子理论运用到进化计算当中并结合人工免疫系统中的克隆选择学说的量子克隆进化算法,提出了它的理论框架,证明了其收敛性,并讨论了它的应用。

    In this paper , a frame of quantum clonal evolutionary algorithm is presented by the combining of quantum theory with the clonal selection theory in artificial immune system ( AIS ) . Its algorithms are given in detail and their convergences are proved .

  15. 该算法基于生物免疫系统的细胞克隆选择学说和生物进化过程中的变异思想构造了自适应变异算子,使系统能够根据环境条件自适应地确定各抗体的变异强度;

    In order to make the system decide the mutation intensity of each antibody according to their environment , a self-adaptive mutation operator is constructed based on the cellular clonal selection theory of biological immune system and the mutation ideas of biological evolution process ;

  16. 英国博物学家(1809-1882),他的《生物起源论》阐明了自然选择的进化论学说。

    English natural scientist whose ` On the Origin of Species ' formulated a theory of evolution by natural selection ( 1809-1882 ) .

  17. 法律选择理论是国际私法的核心理论,主要是以各种法律选择学说为载体,具体表现为各种法律选择方法。

    The theory of choice of law is the basic theory of international private law , and its carriers are many kinds of doctrines of choice of law and its forms are many kinds of methods of choice of law .