
xuǎn zé xìng
  • selectivity
选择性 [xuǎn zé xìng]
  • [selectivity] 一个电路或仪器选取有用信号并拒绝无用信号的程度的一种定量或定性度量

选择性[xuǎn zé xìng]
  1. 它也给学校提供了更高的收益率,这通常被用作衡量大学选择性和受欢迎程度的方法之一。

    It also gives schools a higher yield rate , which is often used as one of the ways to measure college selectivity and popularity .

  2. 人口迁移的选择性一直以来都是人口学家和经济学家关注的焦点

    Selectivity of human migration long been the focus of demographers and economists .

  3. 记忆有选择性而且会出错。

    Memory is selective and fallible .

  4. 为挽救现存兽群和它们的栖息地,国家公园部计划选择性捕杀2,000头大象。

    To save remaining herds and habitat , the national parks department is planning to cull 2000 elephants .

  5. “你知道,人们会选择性地忘记自己说过的话。”——“嗯,是这样。”

    ' You know , people conveniently forget the things they say . ' — ' Well this is it . '

  6. 对于自己在该事件中所扮演的角色,罗宾斯先生患上了选择性失忆症,因此几乎在每次庭审中都会受到其他证人的反驳。

    Mr Robins , suffering from selective amnesia about his role in the affair , was contradicted in nearly every instance by other witnesses .

  7. 《华盛顿邮报》报道了普林斯顿大学经济学最近的一项研究,在该研究中,将那些在十二年级申请高选择性院校的大学毕业生与那些申请选择性略低院校的大学毕业生进行了对比。

    The Washington Post reported on a recent study by Princeton economists , in which college graduates , who applied to the most selective schools in the 12th grade were compared to those who applied to slightly less selective schools .

  8. 你是在积极地维持现状,选择性地遗忘过去,还是大胆地创造未来呢?

    Are you actively preserving the present , or selectively forgetting the past , or boldly creating the future ?

  9. 一组研究人员训练了三只恒河猴,让它们将26个明显不同的符号(包括数字和选择性字母)与0-25滴水或果汁联系起来作为奖励。

    A team of researchers trained three Rhesus monkeys to associate 26 clearly different symbols consisting of numbers and selective letters with 0-25 drops of water or juice as a reward .

  10. 这与选择性饮食失调有所不同。“新食物恐惧症”在婴幼儿身上尤为常见。

    Food neophobia is particularly common in toddlers and young children .

  11. 洞察力包括选择性编码、选择性比较、选择性联合。

    Perspicacity includes selective code , selective comparing and selective combining .

  12. 这种选择性的放弃就叫做机会成本

    The alternative forgone is called the opportunity cost .

  13. 它应该包括竞争性、可选择性、历史继承性和可代表性

    It'should include sex of emulative , optional choose , history inheritance and but representative .

  14. 恐音症,也叫选择性声音敏感综合征,其实都是有个触发点的。

    Misophonia , also known as selective sound sensitivity syndrome , starts with a trigger .

  15. 结果表明,B1型催化剂具有良好的催化活性和选择性。

    The results showed that B_1 type catalyst possesses good activity and selectivity .

  16. 并指出选择性肾上腺动脉造影对诊断肾上腺嗜铬细胞瘤较B超、CT,有较高的特异性。

    Selective adrenal arteriography was more sensitive than ultrasound , CT , etc in diagnosing adrenal pheochromocytoma .

  17. 用于乙烯齐聚高选择性制1-辛烯反应的Cr(Ⅲ)基催化剂体系

    Cr (ⅲ) - Based Catalyst System for Oligomerization of Ethylene to 1-Octene with High Selectivity

  18. 并将选择性参数BIAS引入快速随机搜索树算法,加快了趋近速度。

    During producing local target , bias parameter is introduced to speed the search .

  19. 频率选择性衰落信道中多用户OFDM系统的自适应分配算法

    An Adaptive Allocation Algorithm for Multiuser OFDM System over Frequency Selective Fading Channels

  20. NMR基于横向弛豫时间不同的选择性检测方法

    NMR selective detection based on different transverse relaxation times

  21. 选择性分离放线菌PVC涂层钢丝绳

    Selective Isolation of Actinomycetes PVC Coated Wirerope

  22. 新型选择性复位CMOS图像传感器电路结构

    Novel selective reset CMOS image sensor circuit structure

  23. 高电压脉冲电场选择性致使K562癌细胞凋亡的研究

    Selective Apoptosis of the K562 Cells Induced by High Intensity Pulsed Electric Fields

  24. 以十六烷基三辛基氟硼酸铵为电活性物质,制备了BF4~-离子选择性电极。

    PVC membrane BF4-ion selective electrode based on cetyl trioctyl ammonium iodide was prepared .

  25. MoO3/TiO2催化剂对NH3选择性催化还原NOx的研究

    Study on selective catalytic reduction of no_x over moo_3 / tio_2 catalysts

  26. 选择性非催化还原法脱除NOx的实验研究

    NO_x Removal with Selective Non catalytic Reduction

  27. 钒污染对CRC-3FCC催化剂选择性的影响及钝钒剂的研究

    The effects of vanadium on selectivity of CRC-3 FCC catalyst and vanadium passivator

  28. 新型选择性抗胆碱能药物作为支气管扩张剂在COPD治疗中发挥了重要的作用。

    As bronchodilators , new type selective anticholinergics play an important role in the treatment of COPD .

  29. GABA和甘氨酸选择性抑制STR,多巴胺对STR有明显抑制作用。

    GABA and glycine selectively suppressed the STR , Dopamine heavily suppressed the STR.

  30. 采用不同相位序列的选择性映射降低PAPR的效果是不同的。

    Different phase sequences have different effects on reducing PAPR in SLM .