
  • 网络selectable marker;selective marker;tag;Check mark
  1. 植物选择标记基因hpt在大肠杆菌中的融合表达、纯化及活性测定

    Fusion Expression , Purification and Bioactivity Assay of Plant Selectable Marker Gene hpt in E. coli

  2. 对小麦遗传转化上常用的选择标记基因NPTⅡ的选择剂及GUS基因在幼胚愈伤组织中的转移进行了研究。

    The selectable marker gene ( NPT ⅱ ) that is usually used for wheat transformation was tested for the optimal selector .

  3. 无抗性选择标记的植酸酶基因转化DNA的构建

    Construction of transformed system for phytase gene without resistance label

  4. 以Bar为选择标记的遗传转化体系的建立

    Development of Transformation System with Selective Marker Bar Gene

  5. 目前,正结合进行田间分离纯合和DNA分子鉴定,培育去除选择标记基因的转基因抗虫玉米自交系。

    At present , inbred lines of transgenic insect resistant maize with selective marker gene removed are in separating and inbreeding program assisted by DNA marker detection .

  6. 利用DNA免疫法制备植物选择标记基因hpt表达蛋白抗体的研究

    Study on the preparing of polyclonal antibodies against plant-selected maker gene hpt expression protein by DNA immunization

  7. 用BPV转化灶做选择标记表达HBsAg的研究

    Using BPV Transforming Foci as Selective Markers to Express HBsAg

  8. 含kan抗性基因作为选择标记。

    Kanmycin resistance gene was used as a selective marker .

  9. 用hMT-Ia基因作选择标记基因在BPV载体中表达HBsAg的研究

    Using bMT-Ia Gene as Selective Marker to Express HBsAg in a BPV Vector

  10. 无抗性选择标记的转高赖氨酸蛋白(LRP)基因籼稻恢复系的获得

    LRP Transgenic Indica Rice Restorer Line without Resistance Selection Marker

  11. 以neo作选择标记富集和筛选阳性重组杆状病毒

    An efficient method to identify positive recombinant baculovirus by using Neo as selection marker

  12. 利用双T-DNA载体系统获得无选择标记转基因菊花

    Obtaining Marker Free Transgenic Chrysanthemum Through Double T-DNA System

  13. 循环中首先选择标记名为content的所有子元素,然后从发现的节点中获得CDATA文本。

    This first selects all of the children with the tag name content , then gets the CDATA text from within the found nodes .

  14. 结果经脂质体法转染CHO细胞,以氨甲喋呤为选择标记,经过一轮扩增后,获得表达绿色荧光蛋白的CHO细胞株。

    Results After one cycle of amplification by methotrexate ( Mtx ), the CHO cell colonies stably expressed green fluorescent protein .

  15. 通过共转化法培育无抗性选择标记的转反义Wx基因水稻的研究

    Co-transformation of Rice for Production of Selectable Marker-free Transgenic Plants Containing Antisense Wx Gene

  16. 同时构建了一个双T-DNA载体建立了一个无选择标记转化体系,用于遗传转化研究。

    Also , we build a marker-free transforming system by using double T-DNAs vector for genetic transformation .

  17. 经Cre介导后可将外显子1α和选择标记Neo基因同时删除。

    Both exon 1 α and the selection marker Neo will be deleted in targeted cells when mediated by Cre .

  18. Bar基因是转基因商品化作物中应用最多的目标基因,也是水稻遗传转化中应用较多的选择标记基因,因此,建立以Bar基因为选择标记的通用和高效的遗传转化体系非常必要。

    Bar gene is widely used in commercialized transgenic crops as a selective marker and also used in rice transformation . Therefore , the establishment of a kind of common and efficiency genetic transformation system is necessary .

  19. 研究表明,两段独立的T-DNA在一定的条件下共同转化植物时,可能整合到植物基因组的不同染色体上,转基因植株在自交后代发生分离,可得到无选择标记的转基因株系。

    Two independent T-DNA segments could integrate into different sites of plant genome when co-transformation , and marker-free plants could be obtained .

  20. 无抗性选择标记转AP1基因抗病水稻新品系的选育

    Breeding of Selectable Marker-Free Transgenic Rice Lines Containing AP1 Gene with Enhanced Disease Resistance

  21. 为彻底消除选择标记基因的负面影响,目前已经发展了多种去除选择标记基因的植物转化系统,如共转化系统、位点特异性重组系统、转座子系统及MAT载体系统等。

    Presently many plant transformation systems have been developed in order to remove selectable marker genes such as co-transformation system , site-specific recombination system , transposable element system and MAT vector system etc.

  22. 在对T1代群体进行叶片涂抹除草剂检测的基础上,不抗除草剂植株进行PCR、Southernblot和NorthernBlot检测,共鉴定出41棵无选择标记转基因植株,无标记植株获得率为7·6%。

    By the analysis of PCR , southern blot and northern blot combining with leaf painting of herbicide in T_1 progenies , 41 plants were confirmed to be eliminated of bar gene with the frequency of 7.6 % .

  23. 进一步证明上述利用暂时选择标记k1l基因构建重组MVA的系统具有十分可靠的安全性,适合作为人体活疫苗开发和基因治疗的载体。

    Our data indicated that recombinant MVA with a transient selection marker system was safe for use as live vaccine and gene therapy vector for human .

  24. 在此基础上,找到了合适的Basta筛选压,为以bar基因作为选择标记基因的水稻遗传转化奠定了基础。

    On the basis of this result , optimal selection pressure of basta was determined , thus laying a foundation for the transformation of rice with bar gene serving as selection marker gene .

  25. 目的为了验证CodA基因是否适宜作为有效的青蒿基因打靶负选择标记。

    Objective To explore the feasibility of utilizing the cytosine deaminase A ( CodA ) gene as an effective negative selectable marker in Artemisia annua for gene targeting .

  26. 同时,还发现,gypsy绝缘子能增强选择标记基因的表达,从而有利于转基因植株的筛选。

    The gypsy insulator was also able to improve the expression of a selectable marker gene outside the insulated region , which facilitated the screen of transgenic plants .

  27. 目的:制备抗潮霉素B磷酸转移酶(HPT)的单克隆抗体(McAb),建立一种快速检测转基因作物中该选择标记基因HPT编码蛋白的方法。

    Objective : To produce monoclonal antibodies ( McAb ) against hygromycin B phosphotransferase ( HPT ) and to establish a rapid method for the measurement of HPT antigen in the genetically modified crops ( GMC ) .

  28. 用产黄青霉HY876作受体菌,建立amds(Acetamidase)基因为选择标记的VHb表达系统。

    A exogenous gene expression system was established in P. chrysogenum strain by using acetamidase ( amds ) gene as selection markers .

  29. 分析了T0代发生共转化的13个T1代株系,共951株植株,分离得到只具有sck基因,无选择标记基因的植株为166株,其比率为17.46%。

    The percentage of co-transformation with hpt and sck were 63.93 % . 166 marker free transgenic plants were obtained by PCR from 13 of lines which developed from TO plants .

  30. 在MS培养基中用0.5μg/mL的PPT可以代替卡那霉素对转化后代进行筛选,这暗示NADPGDH基因可以作为一种新的选择标记用于植物基因工程的研究。

    0.5 μ g / mL PPT could be used as a selecting drug instead of kanamycin to develop the transformants . These results suggested that the NADP_GDH gene might be used as a new selecting gene in the future research of plant gene engineering .