
kàng chóng xìng
  • insect resistance
抗虫性[kàng chóng xìng]
  1. 转Bt基因玉米后代的抗虫性鉴定及其遗传分析

    Identification of Insect Resistance and Inheritance of Transgenic Bt Gene in Maize

  2. Bt棉抗虫性遗传研究

    Studies on the inheritance of insect resistance of Bt cotton

  3. 转Bt毒蛋白基因玉米及其抗虫性研究进展

    Transgenic Corn with Bt Toxin Protein Gene and Insect - resistance

  4. 玉米Bt转基因植株抗虫性量化分析

    Quantitative analysis of insect-resistant plant with Bt transformed gene in maize

  5. 转Bt基因棉抗卡那霉素与抗虫性比较分析

    Comparative Analysis on Kanamycin-resistance and Bollworm-resistance of Transgenic Bt Cotton

  6. 转Bt基因棉的抗虫性及棉田害虫综合防治策略

    Insect - resistance of Transgenic Bt Cotton and Strategy of Preventing Insect

  7. 转Bt基因和蛋白酶抑制剂基因杨树抗虫性的研究

    Study on insect resistant transgenic poplar plants containing both BT and PI gene

  8. 玉米Bt转基因植株抗虫性鉴定研究初报

    Preliminary study on the identification of corn borer resistance of Bt transgenic plant

  9. 种子生测法鉴定转Bt基因棉抗虫性

    Insect resistance to Bt-transgenic cotton by seed bioassay

  10. Bt棉抗虫性与产量构成因素的相关性测定及分析

    Determination and Analysis of Relativity between Pest-resistance of Bt Transgenic Cotton and Its Yield Components

  11. 植物蒸腾耗水研究Bt转基因水稻在回交一代的抗虫性表现

    Performance of pest resistance of the Bt transgenic rice plant in its first backcross progeny

  12. Bt水稻的抗虫性鉴定及转基因的遗传分析

    Identification of Bt Rice for Resistance to Stripe Stem Borer and Genetic Analysis of Transgenes

  13. CryIA(c)转基因结球甘蓝的抗虫性研究

    Inheritance and Resistance to Insect in CryIA ( c ) Transgenic Cabbage

  14. 用DNA标记进行QTL作图可以加深人们对作物抗虫性中复杂的生理和遗传机理的理解。

    QTL mapping with DNA-markers will increase our understandings of complicated physiological and genetic mechanisms in varietal resistance in crop plants .

  15. 不同启动子驱动下马铃薯蛋白酶抑制剂PinⅡ转基因水稻的遗传、表达和抗虫性分析

    Inheritance , Expression and Insects Resistance of Protease Inhibitor ⅱ Gene ( Pin ⅱ) Driven by Different Promoters in Transgenic Rice

  16. 采用田间接虫鉴定与室内PCR扩增,对玉米4个遗传背景,2个不同回交世代转基因材料进行了抗虫性鉴定。

    The identification of insect resistance has been made on the four backcross materials by inoculating insect eggs into leaf spindle in the field and indoor PCR .

  17. Bt棉叶对棉铃虫抗虫性的时空变化及气象因素的影响

    Temporal-spatial variation in efficacy of Bt cotton leaves against Helicoverpa armigera ( H ü bner ) and effect of weather conditions

  18. 根据抗、感亲本的虫食粒率和受害荚率,将F2代植株的抗虫性分为5级。

    Based on the percentage of damaged seeds or pods of the resistant and susceptible parents , insect resistance of the F2 plants were rated on a 5 grade scale .

  19. 杨树NL-80106转Bt基因植株的获得及抗虫性

    Genetic transformation of poplar NL-80106 transferred by Bt gene and its insect-resistance

  20. 结果表明:药用野生稻亲本Pc和种间杂交后代品系Ac鄄1、Ac鄄3对稻纵卷叶螟表现较高抗虫性,可为选育抗虫品种提供参考。

    The results showed that medical wild rice ( Pc ) and the hybrid Ac-1 and Ac-3 had the strong-resistance to rice leaf roller , which could be used in rice insect-resistant breeding .

  21. 田间抗虫性接卵鉴定结合分子鉴定进一步证实外源Bt基因存在的可靠性。

    Both identification of insect-resistance in the field and PCR detecting analysis confirmed that Bt gene existed reliably in the backcross progeny of Bt transgenic corn .

  22. 转Bt基因棉32B不同生育期抗虫性的变化及其机理

    Changes of Insect Resistance of Bt Transgenic Cotton 32B at Different Growth Stages and Its Physiological Mechanisms

  23. 转BmKIT4基因烟草的抗虫性

    Studies on Insect Resistance of Transgenic Tobacco Plants Carrying the BmK IT_4 Gene

  24. 对转基因植株进行了抗虫性测试,结果表明某些植株具有较好的抗虫性,并且这种抗虫性在T1代仍能保持。

    The bioassay of transgenic plants showed that some of the plants exhibited tolerant to pest insects and insect resistance was maintained in the T 1 generation .

  25. 转SCK基因水稻田间抗虫性评价

    Insect Resistance Identification of sck Transgenic Rice in Paddy-field

  26. 经对棉铃虫抗虫性鉴定和PCR、RT-PCR、southernblotting分析,证明获得了表达API基因的抗虫棉。

    After tests of resistance to pest insects and analyses of PCR , RT-PCR and Southern blotting , the transgenic plants were proved to have expressed the API gene and to be resistant to cotton bollworm .

  27. 从T3代中获得卡那霉素抗性和抗虫性纯合的株系。试验结果显示,卡那霉素抗性和抗虫性状在转基因植株自交后代中的表现基本符合显性单基因的分离规律。

    Results indicated that the behaviours of kanamycin resistance and insect resistance in the transgenic plants and progenies were conformed to Mendelian Law of the dominant single gene segregation .

  28. 而肉桂醇脱氢酶(CAD)是控制木质素生物合成途径的关键酶之一,然而茶树体内CAD基因相关研究及其与抗虫性之间的关系研究至今未见报道。

    Cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase is one of the key genes that plays an important role in the synthesis of the monomeric precursors of lignin . However , the research between the CAD in tea and in pests resistance has not been reported up to now .

  29. 由于F2代在产量、品质和抗虫性方面与其亲本比较具有一定的优势,因此,可以考虑利用。

    In conclusion , heterosis of F2 generation hybrids in yields , quality and worm-resistance presented well than its parent , so the utilization of F2 generation hybrids of cotton is considerable .

  30. 表达昆虫特异性神经毒素AaIT基因的转基因烟草的抗虫性

    Insect-resistant Tobacco Plants Expressing Insect-specific Neurotoxin AaIT