
xuǎn zé quán
  • option;choice
选择权[xuǎn zé quán]
  1. Criteria拥有一项选择权,可以增持东亚银行股份至12.5%,并正考虑通过谈判,进一步增持东亚银行股份至20%。

    Criteria holds an option to increase that stake to 12.5 per cent and is considering negotiating a further rise to 20 per cent .

  2. 另一个构想是给用户向谷歌或Facebook付费的选择权——以换取看不到任何广告,也没有任何数据被收集的保证。

    Another idea would be to give customers the option to pay for Google or Facebook - in return for seeing no advertising and a guarantee that no information is collected .

  3. 本届政府承诺扩大父母在教育方面的选择权。

    This government is committed to extending parental choice in education .

  4. 政府不断地宣扬选择权和市场的力量,人们的期望值也因此提高了。

    Expectations have been raised with the Government going on about choice and market forces

  5. 我保留选择权,这两件事我都还没有作出决定。

    I am keeping my options open . I have not made a decision on either matter .

  6. 家长将会获得更多的自由和选择权,选择脱离地方政府管辖的学校将会越来越多。

    More freedom and choice will be given to parents , and the school opt-outs will be stepped up .

  7. 这是场威胁到人民选择权的运动,是场有可能建立神权政体的运动。

    It is a movement that threatens the choice of the people and threatens to install a theocratic state .

  8. 在这两个之中,你有选择权。

    You have your choice between the two .

  9. 新书《选择权》(ThePowerofChoice)的作者麦克尔•海特尔也表示赞同。

    Michael hyter , author of a new book called the power of choice , agrees .

  10. 期权(Option)又称选择权,它最早是从股票期权交易开始的,直到20世纪80年代才有外汇期权产生。

    Options , also known as the right to choose , it is first started from the stock options trading .

  11. 关于HIV阳性患者生育权和选择权方面的问题,现时的政府机构没有对卫生工作者作出指引。

    There is no official framework to guide health workers on advising HIV-positive people about their reproductive rights and options .

  12. 如果你不具备对默认值的选择权,但是却希望仍然让该属性值存在,那么你不妨使用required关键词。

    Use the # required keyword if you don 't have an option for a default value , but still want to force the attribute to be present .

  13. 我在RPM中建立的基于角色的安全选择权将可以被重复。

    The role-based security choices I make in RPM will also be repeatable .

  14. 与过去依赖监管者自主选择权的行为方式相比,PCA的强制性监管,在发现问题银行并采取矫正措施方面,显然更有效率。

    Compare with actions were up to the discretion of supervisors in the past , PCA is reasonably effective mandatory sanctions for identifying troubled banks and taking corrective actions .

  15. aig有一项特殊选择权,可视需求将出售股权比例从49%左右提高到59%左右。

    AIG has a special option to increase the size of the stake it is selling from about 49 per cent to about 59 per cent , depending on demand .

  16. 在实际中,选择权价值的计算主要是借用金融期权定价的Black-Scholes模型和CRR模型来进行。

    In practice , the computation of real option is the application of the Black-Scholes model and CRR model of financial option theory .

  17. H∞回路成形方法通过选择权函数,对名义对象进行回路成形,改善对象的开环奇异值函数曲线特性,然后按照标准H∞最优控制求解方法得到鲁棒镇定控制器。

    To improve the frequency characteristics of the open loop singular function , the approach shape the nominal plant with selected weighting function according to the desired behavior . After that , getting the robust stability controller through the algorithm of the standard H_ ∞ control problem .

  18. 家庭学校或在家上学(home-schooling),作为一种提倡自由的教育选择权运动兴起于20世纪50年代的美国。

    As a kind of movement of calling for free education option , homes-schooling turned up in America in 1950s .

  19. 科技博客TechCrunch的撰稿人艾伦•柯恩指出,在过去,一线员工没有什么选择权,只能凑合着用这些效率低下的软硬件。

    In the past , however , front-line workers would have had little choice but to struggle with these clunky legacy programs dictated from above .

  20. 已推测上述冲突不会被接受,此时奥兰多国际机场(oia)业主具有选择权。

    It has been assumed that a conflict is unacceptable and in the event of a conflict the OIA owner would have preference .

  21. 如何分配会计政策选择权,实现会计政策选择公允是完善公司治理的重要组成部分。第四部分:对TCL集团合并TCL通讯的合并会计政策选择结合其公司治理情况进行分析。

    How to assign right of choice of accounting policy , choice of accounting policy fair is an important component of improving corporate governance . Part ⅳ: TCL Group merge merging accounting policy choice of TCL communication with its analysis of the situation of corporate governance .

  22. 二是是否存在发行人选择权。

    The second one is whether the debenture has issuer option .

  23. 为客户提供使用信息的选择权。

    Providing customers with choices in the use of their information .

  24. 当事人不公开审理选择权的探讨

    Discussion of the Litigant 's the Option of Not Hearing Public

  25. 选择权在你,告诉我们你的决定。

    The choice is yours ; tell us what you decide .

  26. 重要的一点是,选择权应当在阿拉伯人民手中。

    The important point is that the choices belong to Arabs .

  27. 接着概述实际选择权理论的发展历程。

    Then we talk about the development of real option theory .

  28. 扩大父母在孩子应入哪所学校的问题上的选择权

    To extend parental choice as to which schools children should attend

  29. “,”检索时发生了一个错误的选择权价值:%s。

    An error occurred while retrieving the option value : % s.

  30. 第二部分是对国外民事诉讼程序选择权的考察和启示。

    This part explores the content of foreign civil procedural options .