
  • 网络dido
  1. 我想狄多已经把这件伤心事全部告诉你了吧?

    Dido 's told you the whole sad story , I presume ?

  2. 狄多友好而殷勤地接待这些著名的漂泊者。

    Dido received the illustrious exiles with friendliness and hospitality .

  3. 他的描述使狄多着了迷,她对他的功绩称羡不已。

    Dido was charmed with his discourse and filled with admiration of his exploits .

  4. 狄多成功地带着一大批男女朋友和侍从逃出了提尔。

    Dido , with a numerous body of friends and followers , both men and women , succeeded in effecting their escape from Tyre .

  5. 透纳认为这幅《狄多建设迦太基》是他最杰出的作品,但捐赠有个条件,就是要挂在他心目中的艺术大英雄克劳德•洛兰所作的这幅画旁边。

    He considered it to be his greatest work , Dido Building Carthage , but on condition , that it was shown next to this painting by Claude Lorrain , his great artistic hero .