
  • 网络Dike;Dice
  1. 此外,赫密士在欧律狄刻回首去望妻子第二眼的时候,把欧律狄刻带到地狱,与俄耳甫斯相一致。

    In addition , Hermes brought Eurydice back to Hades after Orpheus looked back towards his wife for a second time .

  2. 就写作框架来说,首先,本文第一章主要阐述了神话中的正义观念,通过解析忒弥斯正义与狄刻正义的区别,揭示出古希腊社会正义思想的流变。

    As far as the framework is concerned , the first chapter mainly states the justice notion in ancient Greek Myth , and reveal the spreading and change of socialism in ancient Greece by distinguish between Themis justice and Dike justice .