
xuǎn jí
  • selections;anthology;selected works;selected writings
选集 [xuǎn jí]
  • [selected works;anthology] 选录一人或多人的著作而成的集子

  • 毛泽东选集

选集[xuǎn jí]
  1. 这篇文章已收录在他的选集里。

    This essay is included in his selected works .

  2. 规训与认同的话语实践&以1950-1957年现代作家选集的序跋为例

    Normalized and Recognized Discourses & Prefaces and Postscripts of Selected Works of Modern Writers During 1950-1957

  3. 这本最新选集既无风格,又无创意。

    This latest collection lacks style and originality .

  4. P.G.沃德豪斯的书信选集卖了1,232英镑。

    A selection of correspondence from P G Wodehouse realised £ 1,232 .

  5. 除了编辑上的一些巧妙之处,这本选集乏善可陈。

    Despite some artful editing , the anthology is a weak one .

  6. 整本选集有着惊人的连贯性。

    The anthology has a surprising sense of coherence .

  7. 迈克尔·罗森是这本选集的编者。

    Michael Rosen is the editor of the anthology .

  8. 我买了一本英国文学选集。

    I bought an anthology of English literature .

  9. WebSphereProcessServerV6.2包括一个Web界面选集,从而提供了选择灵活性。

    WebSphere Process Server V6.2 includes a selection of Web interfaces , offering flexibility of choice .

  10. Apriori算法会产生大量的侯选集,同时多次扫描数据库。

    Apriori algorithm engender a large number of Candidate Sets , and repeatedly scan the database .

  11. 一方面,从理论上论证了减小候选集Ck的大小对提高整个算法效率有着明显的贡献。

    On one side , we theoretically prove the method that reducing the Candidate Set ( Ck ) can be high-powered .

  12. 他的名作已经被翻译成英语、俄语和日语,其选集已于2o世纪80年代出版。

    His best-known works have been translated into English , Russian , and Japanese , and his collected works were published in the 1980s .

  13. 现在齐柏林飞船乐队推出了一个新的双DVD套装,其中收录了他们四场演唱会的精华选集、访谈及电视短片。

    Now Led Zeppelin has a new two-DVD set , which features excerpts of four concerts as well as interviews and TV clips .

  14. 在APM中,所有参与计算的处理器能独立地产生备选集和计算支持度。

    All participating processors in APM generate candidates and count their supports independently without synchronization .

  15. 财务申报方面的教授迈克尔琼斯(MichaelJones)在介绍伪造账目方面不可或缺的选集时,指明了4种主要策略——增加收入、减少支出、增加资产以及减少负债。

    In the introduction to his indispensable anthology of creative accounting , Michael Jones , a professor of financial reporting , identifies just four main strategies - increasing income , decreasing expenses , increasing assets and decreasing liabilities .

  16. 这期IBJ选集是专门为关心此问题的中国管理者而精心挑选的。

    This collection of IBJ articles was carefully selected for their relevance to Chinese managers .

  17. 本文提出了一种基于旅行商问题(TSP)几何结构的蚁群算法,利用象限邻居表构造候选集和对偶限象邻居的方法初始化信息素,用以克服上述缺陷。

    In this paper , an ant algorithm based on a geometry structure of TSP is presented to solve these shortcomings , constructing candidate list by quadrant neighbor list and initializing pheromone table by dual quadrant neighbor method .

  18. 基于故障信息维度表与关系规则维度表应用Apriori算法的频繁项集方法对故障信息进行分析,通过故障匹配、生成候选集、过滤候选集,最后确定故障原因,优选出排除故障方案。

    The fault information is analyzed by a set of frequent items with the apriori algorithm based on the dimensionality tables of fault information and association rules . Causes of fault are found and the primary solution is chosen by fault matching , candidate generation and candidate screening .

  19. 拉塞尔•杰克逊,〈两部亨利五世的电影:结构和故事〉,《Astraea选集第四号:在戏剧和其他插入物内的演出》。

    Russell Jackson ," Two Films of Henry V : Frames and Stories ," Collection Astraea , No.4 : The Show Within : Dramatic and Other Insets .

  20. 后来,英国作家、前外交官A.B.米特福德在他的选集《古日本故事集》中突出介绍了这一事件,之后便流传开来。如今该书已经成为西方故事的权威版,也是我们今天主要依赖的版本。

    The event was later popularized by British writer and former diplomat A.B. Mitford who featured it prominently in his anthology book Tales of Old Japan . This has become the definitive version of the story in the West and the one we will be mostly relying on today .

  21. 他的新诗集和他以前的选集不一样。

    His new collection of poems is unlike his previous anthologies .

  22. 逃脱黑奴法〉,收录于《爱默森选集-袖珍版》,1854。

    " The Fugitive Slave Law . " In Portable Emerson.1854 .

  23. 玛莎给我一本《弗吉尼豫伍尔芙选集》作为我的生日礼物。

    Martha gave me a Virginia Woolf omnibus for my birthday .

  24. 不同基调和风格的故事选集。

    A collection of stories that vary in mood and style .

  25. 陈女士出版过一部自传和几本作品选集;

    She has published an autobiography and several collections of writings .

  26. 选集中的性别比例明显偏向男性作者。

    The gender balance here is sharply skewed toward male writers .

  27. 这部选集显示出对抒情诗人有所偏爱

    The anthology reveal a prejudice in favour of lyric poet

  28. 所有的选集都在五号架上。

    All the anthologies are arranged on the fifth stack .

  29. 基于统计的锚点词候选集的获取对掘支锚一体化试验的几点认识

    Acquirement of Anchor Word Candidate Set Based on Statistical Approach

  30. 《科幻之路》选集为他赢得了很高的学术声誉。

    His Road to Science Fiction collections brought him great academic reputation .