
  • 网络Social exclusion;social ostracism
  1. 社会排斥是近来社会研究的重要概念。

    Social Exclusion is the important concept of latter social research .

  2. 社会排斥往往是问题的根源。

    Social exclusion is often at the root of the problem .

  3. 农民工社会排斥的制度性因素分析

    An Analysis of the System Factors of Peasant-workers ' Social Exclusion

  4. 城市贫困:从社会排斥角度分析

    An Analysis of Urban Poverty from the Perspective of Social Exclusion

  5. 社会排斥理论视角中弱势阶层的概念界定及其生成原因

    The Concept of Disadvantaged Groups From the Perspective of Social Exclusion

  6. 社会排斥是社会学的一个重要概念。

    Social exclusion is one of the important concepts of sociology .

  7. 社会排斥与农民工地位的边缘化

    Social Exclusion and the Marginalization of Status of the Peasant Workers

  8. 社会排斥概念:语义考察和话语转换

    The Concept of Social Exclusion : Semantic Reflection and Discourse Switch

  9. 数钞票的人感觉被社会排斥的可能性相对来说比较低。

    The cash counters were less likely to feel socially excluded .

  10. 城市公共交通与社会排斥&巴西在城市机动性问题上的经验与启示

    Urban Mobility , Social Exclusion and Public Transportation-Information of Brazilian Experiences

  11. 社会排斥与农民工体育边缘化问题研究

    Study on Social Exclusion and Marginalization of Peasant Workers ' Sports

  12. 社会排斥视角下的城市乞丐问题

    Urban Mendicant Problems under the View of the " Social Exclusion "

  13. 处于社会排斥中的城市贫困现状分析;

    Present situation analysis of urban poverty in social exclusion ;

  14. 社会排斥角度的城市反贫困战略;(6)就业+保障型城市反贫困政策建议。

    Anti-poverty strategy in urban areas from the perspective of social exclusion ;

  15. 广西区职业流动中社会排斥的表现。

    The performance of social exclusion in Guangxi occupation flow .

  16. 社会排斥:宅青现象的社会学解读

    Social Exclusion : Sociological Explanation of " Otaku " Phenomenon

  17. 我们凭直觉知道的一些情况是,残疾与社会排斥相关。

    We somehow know intuitively that disability is associated with social exclusion .

  18. 中国乡村社区成员的社会排斥问题研究

    Study on the Social Exclusion of Rural Community in China

  19. 社会排斥、社会工作与艾滋病防治

    Social Exclusion , Social Work , and Prevention of AIDS

  20. 论社会排斥与农村新贫困

    Analysis of " social exclusion " and rural " new poverty "

  21. 社会排斥视角下的中国农村贫困

    On the Rural Poverty from the Perspective of Social Discrimination

  22. 流动儿童幸福感、安全感及其与社会排斥的关系

    Migrant Childen 's Well-being and Security and Their Relationship to Social Exclusion

  23. 但减少社会排斥,担心不够。

    But reducing fears of social rejection is not enough .

  24. 暴力行为和遭到社会排斥正在恶性循环。

    Violent behaviour and rejection by society are mutually reinforcing .

  25. 社会排斥与个体自我认同的重构

    Social Exclusion and the Reconstruction of Self-identity of Individual

  26. 当前在我国教育领域中存在各种社会排斥现象。

    In our current educational field , there are various social exclusion phenomena .

  27. 中国转型时期公共政策的社会排斥研究

    Research into Social Exclusion of Public Policies during the Transformation Period of China

  28. 许多妇女因为该病遭受巨大的侮辱和社会排斥。

    Many women suffer intense shame and social rejection because of their condition .

  29. 人黝黑的皮肤和白癜风往往是他们的社会排斥。

    People with dark skin and vitiligo are often ostracized by their community .

  30. 制度安排、社会排斥与城市常住人口的居住分异&以武汉市为例的实证研究

    Institutional Arrangement , Social Exclusion and Urban Residential Segregation