
  • 网络Economic migrant;economic immigrants
  1. 他们宣称自己是政治难民,不是经济移民。

    They claimed they were political refugees and not economic migrants .

  2. 马来西亚想遣返那些被归为经济移民的难民。

    Malaysia wants to send back refugees classed as economic migrants .

  3. 政府把寻求避难者划分为经济移民与真正的难民。

    The government divides asylum-seekers into economic migrants and genuine refugees .

  4. 反对把经济移民遣送归国是不合逻辑的。

    It is illogical to oppose the repatriation of economic migrants

  5. 他还呼吁北京停止将北韩难民当做经济移民,将他们送回北韩。

    He also called on Beijing to stop treating North Koreans refugees as economic migrants subject to repatriation .

  6. 桂东南是一个经济移民地区,也是一个粤化很明显的地区。

    The southeast of modern Guangxi is an region with a lot of economic immigrant . It characterizes Guangdong .

  7. 一些来自贫穷国家的经济移民在到达到富裕国家后所获得的巨大成功,也说明了这一点。

    The striking success of economic migrants once they move from poor countries to rich points the same way .

  8. 许多寻求避难的人都是些经济移民,他们认为欧洲的街道是用黄金铺成的。

    Many asylum seekers appear to be economic migrants , convinced that the streets of Europe are paved with gold .

  9. 上世纪初,成千上万日本经济移民穿越太平洋,在巴西找到新生活。

    In the early 20th century , thousands of Japanese economic migrants sought a new life across the Pacific in Brazil .

  10. 遣返巴尔干移民的决策在一定程度上是对这些批评的回应,其意图是通过清查并遣返经济移民来减少移民总数。

    The Balkan strategy is in part a response to those critics . The idea is to reduce the influx by weeding out economic migrants and sending them home .

  11. 几年前,我曾建议进行一项为期5年的试验,在此期间解除一切对移民的管制,消除庇护寻求者与经济移民之间的差异。

    Chen Some years ago , I suggested a five - year experiment in which all immigration controls were lifted and the distinction between asylum seekers and economic migrants removed .

  12. 其次,政府承诺改革户籍制度。在当前的户籍制度下,经济移民们在背井离乡之时,即牺牲了自己享受福利、教育和住房的权利。

    Second , a promise to reform the hukou system of residency permits , through which economic migrants sacrifice rights to welfare , education and housing when they leave their hometowns .

  13. 作为一个关心美国的人,我希望能够对经济和移民问题提供一些建议。

    As a concerned American , I would like to offer a few suggestions on the Economy and Immigration Issues .

  14. 本论文从美国与东亚关系在政治、经济、移民及国家人格等方面的实例展开,论证了上述动力结构的存在及其作用。

    This essay expounds and proves the existence and effects of the said structured driving force by looking through the real cases in US-East Asia Relations in aspects of politics , economy , immigration , national personalities etc.

  15. 本文将清代经济性移民作为研究对象,进行经济动因分析和历史分期的研究,特别是对经济性移民与清政府封禁政策尖锐斗争的研究。

    This paper will be of the Qing Dynasty economic migrants as subjects , cause economic analysis and historical s (?) ages of research , especially on economic migration policy and the Qing government blocked the intense struggle on .

  16. 在全球化与国际化时代,先进国家及地区纷纷制定适合其所需的经济性移民政策,招揽资金与人才,以促进经济发展,提升国家竞争力。

    In the era of globalization and internationalization , the government of the well - developed countries establishes appropriate economical immigrant policy for attracting financial resources and human resources so as to promote the development of economy and competitive of the country .

  17. 经济、移民等问题不易解决,但考虑到土耳其的增长速度以及几年前开展国内改革(包括赋予库尔德人新的权利)的势头,这些问题远非无法克服。

    The economics , migration and other issues are not straightforward , but given the rate at which Turkey is growing , and the momentum a few years ago for internal reform including new rights for Kurds , they are far from insuperable .

  18. 在一些国家,经济衰退驱使移民回国,这些移民的生育率较高。

    In some countries , recession has caused migrants to return home-and those migrants had high fertility .

  19. 那些至少知道教育有经济价值的移民家长第一关注的就是自己的孩子是否与学校老师的要求相吻合。

    Those immigrant parents who recognize at least the economic value of education will be the first to see that their kids cooperate with schoolteachers .

  20. 经济上,移民的到来,传播了先进的农耕技术,加速了东北的土地开发与农业发展,东北商品粮基地初步形成。

    Economically , the migrants spreads the advanced agricultural techniques and speeds up land exploration and agricultural development in the northeast and commodity grain base is primarily formed .

  21. 论文列举了一些造成语言消亡的原因,包括政府的压制政策、同化作用、经济压力、移民风潮、疾病以及自然灾害等等。

    The study cites several reasons for the disappearance of languages , ranging from repressive government policies and assimilation to economic pressures , migratory trends , disease and natural disasters .

  22. 生态移民需要走城市化的道路,应考虑从西部向东部经济发达地区移民,使西部地区的生态得到恢复。

    The migration for ecological reasons should follow the path of urbanization , and should take into account the migration from west to east part of China in an attempt to recover the ecology in west China .

  23. 地理环境、政区、经济类型、移民、城市发展以及地方特权、方言、风俗是影响多样性区域之生成、演变的重要因素。

    There are many significant factors , such as geographical environment , political region , eco - nomic types , immigrant , the development of cities , local privilege , dialect , social customs , which influ - ence the producing and development of the diversity of regions .

  24. 亚洲开发银行(asiandevelopmentbank)首席经济学家艾弗兹阿里(ifzalali)承认,亚洲地区内部的经济差异促进了移民的流动。

    Ifzal Ali , chief economist at the Asian Development Bank , acknowledges that economic disparities within the region are encouraging migration .

  25. 市场经济条件下工程移民整合的运行机制

    The Mechanism of Immigration Resettlement in Market-Oriented Economy System

  26. 似乎来自各个社会经济阶层的男女移民都有。

    Migrants , both male and female , seem to come from all socioeconomic strata .

  27. 祸不单行,受经济衰退影响,移民西班牙的“海归”纷纷回国,国外汇款数量相继减少。

    To make matters worse , Bolivian migrants are returning from recession-hit Spain , cutting remittances .

  28. 经济原因造成的移民和难民

    Economic migrants and refugees

  29. 新移民家庭普遍较低的社会经济地位,新移民的恶劣的社会遭遇是导致亲子关系恶化的根源。

    The generally low social and economic status and the sordid social circumstances of those families produce worse parentage .

  30. 毫无疑问,在欧洲,因经济衰退引起的移民人数、结婚人数以及出生人数的减少导致了生育率的降低。

    In Europe there is little doubt that recession has reduced fertility by cutting migration , marriages and births .