
  • 网络ministry of economy, trade and industry;METI
  1. 日本经济产业省(meti)预测,5年之内,生活在亚洲其他地区的高收入者数量将超过日本本国数量。

    METI estimates that within five years there will be more high earners living in other parts of Asia than in Japan itself .

  2. 经济产业省表示,尽管产出增长较快,但5月份的库存总量还是环比下降了0.6%,这是连续第五个月下降。

    In spite of the pace of output growth , total stockpiles fell 0.6 per cent month-on-month in May their fifth consecutive decline , Meti said .

  3. 政府推出了酷日本(CoolJapan)计划。经济产业省表示,该计划资助那些充分利用了日本文化和生活方式独特性的诱人产品或服务。

    The government 's Cool Japan project subsidizes attractive products or services that , according to the Ministry of Economy , Trade and Industry , make full use of the unique characteristics of Japanese culture and lifestyle .

  4. 日本经济产业省(MEIT)监督管理者并对安全问题负责。

    The Ministry of Economy , Trade and Industry ( METI ) oversees the regulator and is responsible for safety issues .

  5. JISZ3198是关于无铅钎料及其接合部性能测试的工业标准,由日本焊接协会提出初始提案,经日本工业标准调查会审议,最终由日本经济产业省于2003年6月20日并发布。

    JIS Z 3198 is an industry standard about test method for lead-free solders and their joints . This standard was proposed initially by Welding Society of Japan , and reviewed by Council of Japan Industry Standard .

  6. 日本政府通常对国内工业部门向海外转移充满担忧,但是当1月份信越化学(shin-etsuchemical)表示要在越南建立稀土回收厂,而不是升级国内工厂时,日本经济产业省对此并没有提出反对。

    The Japanese government is usually concerned about the hollowing out of the industrial sector , but when Shin-Etsu chemical said in January it would build a rare earth recycling plant in Vietnam instead of upgrading its domestic facilities , the trade ministry had no objections .

  7. 日本经济产业省(Meti)宣布,5月份环比产出增长的初步数据为5.9%,与4月份修订后的数据相同,都是1953年3月以来的最高纪录。

    The preliminary 5.9 per cent month-on-month output growth announced for May by the Ministry of Economy , Trade and Industry ( Meti ) was the same as the revised figure for the previous month , and the highest recorded since March 1953 .

  8. 他的团队注意到前日本经济产业省能源官员石田亨直接作为高层顾问进入东京电力公司任职。

    His office notes that Toru Ishida , a former METI energy official , moved straight into a job as senior adviser to TEPCO .

  9. 不过,这低于分析师们此前的预测,而且远低于上月接受经济产业省调查的制造商预测的8.8%的增幅。

    It was less than analysts had forecast , however , and was well below the 8.8 per cent growth that manufacturers surveyed by the ministry had predicted last month .

  10. 经济产业省进行的另一项调查发现,三分之二的制造商计划在5年内将部分研发工作移至海外,而5年前,这样想的企业还不到一半。

    Two-thirds of manufacturers plan to conduct some R & D abroad within five years , according to another industry ministry survey , compared with less than half five years ago .

  11. 日本环境会计的开展分别由环境省和经济产业省实施。

    The development of environmental accounting in Japan have been taken by the Ministry of the Government ( MOE ) and the Ministry of the Economy , Trade and Industry ( METI ) .

  12. 作为经济产业省的负责人,宫泽洋一在推动重启核反应堆方面将起到关键作用,这些核反应堆在2011年灾难性的海啸和随之而来的核危机之后关闭至今。

    As head of Meti , Mr Miyazawa will play a crucial part in the push to restart the nuclear reactors that have remained closed since the catastrophic tsunami and ensuing nuclear crisis in 2011 .

  13. 从结构上看,这是因为核电监管机构隶属于日本经济产业省,认为自身的职责是推动核能利用,作为避免依赖外国石油的一种途径。

    Structurally that is because the nuclear regulator is part of the trade ministry , which sees its job as promoting the use of nuclear energy as a way of weaning the country off foreign oil .

  14. 如果日本企业界认同日本经济产业省设立的一个研究小组的观点,那么上述趋势可能加速。这个研究小组鼓励私人部门加大在发展中国家(包括低收入国家)的活跃度。

    The trend could accelerate if corporate Japan agrees with a study group set up by the ministry of economy , trade and industry that is encouraging the private sector to step up activities in developing countries , including among low-income earners .