
jīnɡ jì jiè
  • economic circles
  1. 学术界也好,经济界也好,都还有教条主义。

    It still exists in academic circles and in economic circles too .

  2. 所以经济界在受到战争的巨大冲击后主张立刻动武。

    So economic circles advocated use force immediately after the huge impact of the war .

  3. 直到去年,经济界的共识还是货币政策能快速平稳经济,而且比退税以及政府支出成本低。

    Until last year , the economic consensus was that monetary policy could smooth the business cycle with greater speed and less waste than countercyclical taxes or spending .

  4. 20世纪60年代以来,西方传媒业采用经济界盛行的企业集团(Conglomerate)发展理念和发展模式,出现了一批传媒企业集团。

    Since the 1960 's , western medium industry has adopted development idea and development model of Conglomerate that was popular in economics circle .

  5. 经济界人士似乎对经济前景更为乐观。

    People in economic circles seem to be more optimistic about the economic outlook .

  6. 然而推出股指期货之前,学界和经济界进行了激烈地争论。

    However , academic and economic professionals had a hot debated before it launched .

  7. 俄罗斯的资本外逃问题引起了国际经济界和金融界的广泛关注。

    An outflow of Russian capital has provoked a widespread concern of international economic and financial circles .

  8. 自创立至今飞跃发展的城野医生,在日本经济界广受瞩目。

    Since the establishment of the leap development in Japan , doctor wild city business widely publicized .

  9. 假日消费是近年来我国居民消费的一个亮点,也是经济界研究的热点。

    Holiday consumption is a highlight of civil consumption in our country and a high-frequency topic in economy field .

  10. 预测(这是经济界的一种心理冲动)的必要性导致了最疯狂的警示。

    The need to predict , a psychological urge in the economic tribe , led to the wildest warnings .

  11. 第三,探讨了经济界、社会界和自然界物流科学技术研究和发展的前沿问题。

    The article also analyzes problems concerning researches and development of MF in economic , social and natural world .

  12. 这一协议也受到了其他国家政府、国际组织以及金融和经济界的广泛赞扬。

    The Agreement has been widely praised by other Governments , in international organizations and in financial and economic circles .

  13. 日本经济界人士随即组成民间贸易组织要求和中国继续发展贸易往来。

    Therefore , people from economic circles in Japan established a nongovernmental organization to continue the business trade with China .

  14. 因此,如何为股票准确的定价一直都被各国经济界所重视。

    Therefore , how to set a right stock price has been being the emphasis of economic circles in all countries .

  15. 依据传统的比较优势理论,经济界对北京企业的优势与劣势与北京的产业环境已做过详尽的分析。

    Based on traditional theory of comparative advantage , economists have analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of industrial environment of Beijing .

  16. 物质财富的增长引起了社会结构、人们的爱好及经济界人士活动方式的重大变化。

    The growth of affluence was responsible for major transformations in the social fabric , preferences , and behavior of economic actors .

  17. 面对当前希腊严峻的债务形势,经济界和学界有观点认为希腊将退出欧元区。

    Due to the current debt situation , economic and academic circles have a view that Greece will leave the Euro Area .

  18. 科教界,经济界与金融界交流,融合与合作共事的平台。

    A platform of communication , coalescence and cooperation in community in the field of technology and education , economy and finance .

  19. 它是当前档案界和经济界研究的新问题,是整个社会所关注的新话题。

    It is a new subject of the current archive and economic fields , and it is also a new social focus .

  20. 经济界对汽车产业是否为支柱产业,是否为主导产业有不同的意见。

    Nowadays there are different opinions about whether the automotive industry is the leading sector or not among the provincial economic field .

  21. 西部大开发(发展)、技术创新是近年来国内外经济界和科技界研究的熟点问题,也是相对传统的研究领域。

    Comparatively speaking , " western development ", " technical innovation " are heated issues in recent years as well as traditional research .

  22. 在我国,随着产权概念的引入,财务分层成为理财界、经济界争相讨论的焦点。

    With the introduction of the concepts of property rights , layers of finance have been the focus of Finance and Economics circles .

  23. 德国军事顾问团在华地位的变化同其与德国政界、经济界的关系紧密联系。

    The status of the German military consultant delegation in China altered in accordance with its relations to German political and economic groups .

  24. 产学研合作创新作为一种创新组织形式,架构起了经济界与科技界联系的桥梁,正在全球范围内蓬勃发展。

    Cooperative innovation of industry-university-research institution established a bridge between economical circle and technical circle , which has been developing vigorously all over the world .

  25. 针对近几年经济界对项目法人负责制的讨论,从契约的角度、用契约治理理论,解释了项目法人负责制的必要性和实质。

    This paper provides a new perspective of contractual governance to explain the interesting coexistence of low defaulting probabilities and quite imperfect informal financial contract .

  26. 产业与事业的分野问题是当今社会经济界和教育界亟待重新界定的一个重大的现实问题。

    The problem of the dividing line between industry and institution is an important problem demanding prompt solution in social economic and educational circles at present .

  27. 经济界人士分析,通过网络进行商务活动,是意识上的变革,是大势所趋。

    As is analyzed by people in the economic circles , it is revolution of consciousness and general trend to carry out business activities through network .

  28. 对倾销和反倾销问题的研究,越来越受到理论界、经济界和各国政府的普遍关注。

    The theory circle , economy circle and governments of many countries are more and a more commonly concerned with the research on dumping and anti-dumping issues .

  29. 在两国经济界共同努力下,中德经济技术合作取得了累累硕果,给两国人民带来了实实在在的利益。

    Thanks to joint efforts of the business communities of the two countries , our business relations have flourished , bringing great benefits to our two peoples .

  30. 非国大竞选纲领发布以后,经济界对南非政治这种“左倾”走向的担忧似乎正一步步变为现实。

    ANC election platform release , the economic circles of the South African political such " left-leaning " toward the concerns seemed to gradually become a reality .