
  • 网络ancient sites;ancient ruins;sites
  1. 中文版本星堆古遗址文化旅游区是国家AAAA级景区、四川省五大旅游区之一。

    Stars heap ancient sites of cultural tourism is the country-level AAAA scenic spot in Sichuan Province , one of the top five tourist areas .

  2. 依据点云数据进行了古遗址的三维重建。

    Reconstruction of ancient sites based on point cloud data .

  3. 对古遗址高程以及埋藏古树、泥炭14C年龄数据统计分析结果表明,新石器时代人类居住高程与地面水域扩张和缩小状况相一致。

    Analysis performed on altitude of the Neolithic cultural sites and the () ~ ( 14 ) C data of the buried paleo-trees and peat demonstrated that the height of human living places was in close relation to the expansion and shrinking of the ground surface water area .

  4. 考古学家们逐渐使古遗址失了神秘密感。

    Gradually the archaeologists made the ancient site give up its secrets .

  5. 济南市五区古遗址调查报告

    Surveys of Ancient Sites in Five Districts of Jinan City

  6. 上海地区古遗址遥感初步研究

    Remote Sensing Study on Ancient Sites in Shanghai Region

  7. 这里是一个古遗址,曾经是贸易和商业的中心。

    This is an ancient site that had once had been the hub of trade and commerce .

  8. 一个以三星堆古遗址为主题的活动将于今天在四川省广汉市举行。

    An event themed on the ancient Sanxingdui Ruins will be held today in Guanghan , Sichuan Province .

  9. 迄今为止,许多古遗址被发现,无数历史和文化古物被发掘出来。

    Up to now , many ancient ruins and remains were found , countless historical and cultural relics were unearthed .

  10. 古遗址是人类文化的瑰宝,在文物保护与考古研究中备受重视。

    The Ancient ruins are the soul of human culture , in the protection of cultural relics and archaeological research importance .

  11. 主要研究了古遗址三维模型的两种后期处理技术,即古遗址三维模型的三角网格修补技术和网格简化技术。

    Two kinds of major post-processing technologies were studied in modeling ancient sites : the triangular mesh repair techniques and mesh simplification techniques .

  12. 通过对古遗址、古交通线路的多年考察以及沉积剖面分析,结合历史文献和考古资料,探讨了塔里木盆地南缘汉代以来在自然与人文环境影响下交通线路变迁的特点。

    From Han dynasty on , traffic lines located in southern Tarim basin had been changed under the influence of natural and human environment vicissitudes .

  13. 不仅如此,这里还有大量文艺复兴时期的大教堂、有珍藏像卡拉瓦乔这样大师级作品的博物馆,还有古遗址博物馆。此外,它还是埃特纳火山的门户。

    Chock full of Renaissance cathedrals , museums featuring works by masters like Caravaggio and ancient ruins , Messina is also the gateway to Mount Etna .

  14. 土遗址是以土为主要建筑材的具有历史、文化和科学价值的古遗址。

    Earthen heritage site ( EHS ) takes soil as the main building materials , it has historical , cultural and scientific value of the ancient ruins .

  15. 西安现境内有重点文物保护单位314处,古遗址、陵寝4000多处。

    At present , there are 314 cultural relic places ( 84 of them are national or provincial level ); ancient ruins and mausoleum are above 4000 places .

  16. 提出了一种新的多分辨率模型融合技术,并对古遗址模型群进行了组合,建成一个大的古遗址场景。

    We proposed a new way for multi-resolution models merging , as well as combining the ancient sites of model groups to a large scene of ancient sites .

  17. 与此同时,本文还通过对研究区古遗址时空分布的统计分析,获取了新石器以来古文化兴衰变迁的完整信息。

    Meanwhile , through the statistical analysis of spatial and temporal distribution in ancient ruins , obtain the complete vicissitudes information of the ancient culture in the Neolithic .

  18. 但如何在保护和展示古遗址的前提下将遗址复原和仿建成了近些年文保工作的研究热点之一。

    But how to protect and display in the ancient ruins the premise of site restoration and imitation built in recent years the protection of cultural relics agro-scientific research work .

  19. 大型古遗址是一种重要的文化资源,记录着人类历史的发展历程,承载着丰富的文化信息,是人类了解自身过去的最直观参照物。

    Large ancient site is a kind of important cultural resources , It records the development course of human history , bearing the rich cultural information , It is human understanding its own past the most intuitive references .

  20. 据了解,高迪奥的研究小组在1996年时就在亚历山大港的海域下发现过类似古遗址,当时发现的建筑物中有许多宝物由于周围的沉淀物保护,使它们免于盐水的侵蚀而依然完好无损。

    It was learned that Goddio 's team has already found the similar ancient sites in the sea area of Alexandria Port . Many of its treasures are completely intact , wrapped in sediment protecting them from the saltwater 。

  21. 在学习中国传统建筑文化和现代景观生态学的基础上,结合对古遗址、古村落的实地考察,进而对中国人的理想环境模式与其相应的土地资源类型进行了生态效应的探讨。

    An the base of Chinese traditional building culture and modern landscape ecology , combining with the field survey of historic sites and ancient villages , Chinese ideal model on environment and it 's land resource type are explored with the objective ecological effect .

  22. 江南地区古遗址古墓葬水环境治理的案例介绍将(尸体)土葬,海葬

    The Case Introduction of Water Harnessing for Ancient Sites and Tombs in the Regions South of Yangtze River bury / 5berI ; ` bZrI / v ( pt , pp buried ) place ( a dead body ) in a grave or in the sea

  23. 本文以古遗址、出土文物和有关史料为依据,对中国古代西北地区的少数民族建筑中琉璃的应用进行了探讨碑刻历来是我国民族研究最重要的史料之一。

    This article is concerned with the use of colored glaze in the buildings of ancient northwest minorities according to the remains , unearthed relics and some related historical materials . The inscription on a tablet has always been one of the most important historical materials to ethnologic studies .

  24. 二级过程的存在对ESR法测早期古人类遗址动物牙化石年龄的影响需进一步研究。

    The effect of the 2nd-order annealing kinetics on ESR dating of ancient ( early Pleistocene ) fossil tooth enamel samples should be further studied .

  25. 宁河古栈道遗址新探

    The New Study of the Ruin of Ninghe Ancient Plank Road

  26. 湖南省西北地区古人类遗址及其生态考察

    Human Sites and Ecological Survey in Northwest Area of Hunan Province

  27. 山东阳信县古文化遗址调查

    Survey of Ancient Cultural Sites in Yangxin County , Shandong

  28. 秦岭古金矿遗址调查

    The investigation of the ancient gold mines ruins in Qinling

  29. 风塔,罗马安哥拉,古安哥拉遗址,雅典,希腊。

    Tower of the Winds , Roman Agora , Athens , Greece .

  30. 赤壁是三国古战场遗址。

    Red Cliff is the site of three ancient battlefields .