
ɡǔ xùn
  • Ancient precepts;ancient maxims/precepts
古训 [gǔ xùn]
  • [ancient maxims or precepts] 古代人遵行和推崇的准则

  • 问他为什么,他总是说古训如此

  1. 人们竟敢忘记古训的崇高?

    Of that sublimest lore which man had dared unlearn ?

  2. 古训古代智者明智的教育。

    Wise teachings of the ancient sages .

  3. 怎样理解这些古训?

    How to understand these old maxim ?

  4. 而“工欲善其事,必先利其器”这句古训在这里得到了新的诠释。

    The " CPU facilitate their device ," this ancient saying here , get a new interpretation .

  5. 记者:你是怎样看待“开卷有益”这句古训的?

    Reporter : How do you consider such an ancient motto as " Reading is always beneficial "?

  6. 这是因为这家滑雪服装生产商创始人所奉行的古训就是&做自己喜欢做的事。

    That 's because the founders of the ski-and snowboard-wear maker followed the old maxim & Do what you love .

  7. 于古音、古训考究淹通是黄生的学术根底之所在。

    Huang 's academic foundation is reflected in the investigation of the ancient sounds and old sayings to achieve profound mastery .

  8. 原道古训与影响焦虑&《文心雕龙》的人文意蕴及其传承

    Its source 's old standard and the influence 's anxious & The literary mind and carving of dragons ' humanity and inheritance

  9. 房东告诉我,大概这些都是一些如何做人的寓意深刻的古训,这些古训教育着一代又一代人。

    I am told that the general content is advice on how to be a proper person , and how to educate following generations .

  10. 那些在买卖中国电信业巨头的股票时遵循“在传言时买进,在证实时卖出”这一古训的投资者们最近遭受了严重损失。

    INVESTORS who follow the old axiom'buy on rumor , sell on fact'when trading shares in China 's giant telecommunications sector have been getting burned of late .

  11. 它不但是勤求古训,博采众方的集大成之作,还做出了诸多开创性的伟大贡献。

    It is not only " ground seeking old saying , gathering public square " for the masterpiece , but also made a great many pioneering contributions .

  12. 我们应该记住这样一条古训:行百里者半九十。

    We should always remember this important thing , that is half of the people who have embarked on a one hundred mile journey may fall by the wayside .

  13. 父亲不这么认为,他引用古训,认为只有“劳动的果实”带来的幸福生活才会更加甜美。

    My father , citing such ancient wisdom as life 's blessings being more enjoyable when they are " the fruit of thy labor ", doesn 't think so .

  14. “置于死地而后生”、“狭路相逢勇者胜”的中国千年古训,仍是当今的醒世恒言。

    " In the American "," meet on on a narrow path Who Dares Wins " China thousands of years old , still is today 's stories to awaken men .

  15. 正如你可以从这个可以实现的情景中看到的,“销售工作只是实现了初次销售,服务工作负责以后所有的销售”这句销售古训依然是有生命力的。

    As you can see from this would-be scenario , the old sales adage " Sales makes the first sale , service takes care of the rest " is still valid .

  16. 但是这些古训没有得到重视,这些门将要从房东的家里消失,被拿到古玩市场换取一点点金钱。

    But , this ancient advice will remain unheeded and the doors will only be removed from their home just before it is destroyed and sold on some market for a profit .

  17. 古训:无论一个人的生命该被认作是幸福还是悲惨,在他死去之前,你不能评价他的一生。

    There is an ancient saying , famous among men , that thou shouldst not judge fully of a man 's life before he dieth , whether it should be called blest or wretched .

  18. 恰好在这时候,激进的无神论者提出了他们的古训:知识上的空白让人们空虚地迷恋上帝,对宇宙万物意义的追问其实毫无意义,等等。

    On cue , militant atheists trotted out their own hoary lines : vacuity of the god of the gaps , meaninglessness of the questions about the meaning of it all , and so on .

  19. 中国的同仁堂有这样一条古训:炮制虽繁,必不敢省人工;品味虽贵,必不敢省物力。

    China 's Tongren Temple has this kind of ancient precept : Concocts although numerous , must not dare to omit artificial ; Savors although is expensive , must not dare to omit physical resource .

  20. 近代白话文献中的一些俗语词,现代字典、辞书往往由于无古训可据或不明其作为方言俗语的确切含义,或失收,或释义难以到位。

    Some of the documents of modern vernacular can not be found or be given definite explanation in modern dictionaries and word books because there were no ancient writings as evidence or their meanings are not quite clear as dialect and vernacular .

  21. 人类社会发展史告诉我们,一国经济无论怎样的高度发达也改变不了民以食为天、土为粮之母的古训,耕地对实现粮食安全、国民经济发展、社会稳定的作用和地位不可取代。

    History of the development of human society tells us that no matter how advance a country 's economy is , it can not change the ancient saying " people 's life depends on the grain , while the grain depends on the land " .