
  1. 人与世界的和谐乐章&论17世纪法国新古典主义文学的价值取向

    Harmonious Melody of Man and World & On the Attitudes of Value of French Neo-classical Literature in the 17th century

  2. 他的古典主义文学观以新人文主义思想为支撑,强调以理智节制情欲,反对人道主义。

    New humanism is the basis of his classicism views of literature , lay great stresses on the controling the emotions by reason , oppose humanitarianism .

  3. 文章立足于人与世界关系的维度,分析了17世纪法国新古典主义文学的理性价值立场及其艺术得失。

    This essay tries to analyze the attitude of the rational value of neo-classical literature in the 17th century in French based on the relationship between man and the world .

  4. 在法国大革命的影响之下,作为浪漫主义运动代表的湖畔派诗人在创作领域发起了被后来人称为诗歌革命的运动,此运动是对当时新古典主义文学的一种反驳。

    Under the influence of French Revolution , the Lake Poets , as the representatives of English Romantic Movement , initiated a revolution in poetry writing , which was later regarded as the " poetic revolution " . Essentially it was a rebellion against the neoclassical literature .

  5. 人性论是其古典主义文学观的核心,常态的人性和人生经验是他坚持的客观的古典主义文学批评标准;天才论是其对人性中智力、能力因素存在显著差异的近于唯心的阐释。

    Theory of human nature is the centre of his classicism views of literature , nomal humanity and life experiences are the objective criticism standard of his classicism views of literature ; theory of talent is his somewhat platonic interpretation about factors of reason and ability existing distinct differences .

  6. 新古典主义批评家从文学教谕观出发,认为莎士比亚没有道德意识。

    From a didactic tradition , the neoclassical critics thought that Shakespeare had no sense of morality .

  7. 与其他文学思潮一样,现代中国文学中的古典主义也是古今中外文学碰撞交融的结果。它的生成受到了西方观念尤其是西方古典主义决定性和渊源性的强势影响。

    Like other literary trends , classicism in modern Chinese literature is the result of collision and integration of Chinese literature with foreign literature .

  8. 理性文学与文学理性&古典主义和启蒙主义文学的辨析和思考

    Rational literature and literary rationality

  9. 在这三个领域的研究中,笔者将这部小说放在西方叙事文学系统中,在与古典文学、现实主义文学和现代主义文学的比较研究中深入挖掘《法》叙事的独特性。

    On basis of those researches , this paper , from the view point of Western narrative literature , probes into the unique narrative skills of The French Lieutenant 's Woman through comparing the novel with western classical literature , realism literature and modernism literature .