
  • 网络Greek Art;Ancient Greece
  1. 古希腊艺术代表作品集

    A representative collection of ancient Greek art

  2. 古希腊艺术把握住的是时间从过去向未来延伸的中继点,其中占据着时间的绵延厚度。

    What the ancient Greek art captured is the relay point that time extends from the past to the future , which occupies a consistent thickness of the time .

  3. 论古希腊艺术高度和谐之原因

    Discussion on the Reason of Perfect Harmony in Ancient Greek Arts

  4. 古希腊艺术关注的中心是人体。

    Hellenic art mainly aims to resurrect body appropriately .

  5. 温克尔曼把风格史的方法和艺术直觉、想象力等感性因素引入古希腊艺术史研究中,开启了造型美学研究的现代性之门。

    Winkelmann leaded the method of style history and art intuition , imagination into the ancient Greek art history study , opening the modelling of aesthetic study the door of modernity .

  6. 文艺复兴对古希腊艺术的借鉴、新材料技法的运用、科学技术发展,使写实绘画逐渐走向成熟,两度平面再现了写实绘画的立体形象&空间。

    The Renaissance of Greek art for reference , the use of new materials techniques , the development of science and technology , make the realistic painting gradually mature and twice plane reproduce the realistic painting stereo image-space .

  7. 古希腊雕塑艺术的地理学诠释

    The geographical explanation about the art of sculpture in ancient Greece

  8. 他为什么如此推崇古希腊的艺术?

    Why does he esteem the ancient Greek art so much ?

  9. 静穆之动&秦俑与古希腊雕塑艺术比较初探

    Qin Terracotta Army and the Ancient Greek Sculpture Comparison

  10. 论古希腊雕刻艺术所体现的美学思想

    On Aesthetics Ideology Embodied by Ancient Greece Engraving Art

  11. 拟剧是古希腊文学艺术的特有形式。

    Mime is a particular form of Greek literature .

  12. 上篇通过对波利特著作的研究,介绍古希腊的艺术批评观念。

    The first part studies the books of Pollitt , and introduces the ways of Greek Art critic .

  13. 在古希腊的艺术中,通过悲剧形式创造了表达和推崇个人的痛苦的新的方式。

    In the art of ancient Greece , the new form of tragedy created the means to voice and honor personal suffering .

  14. 古希腊的艺术珍品,女性美的原型,牵引着民族的脚步,走进世界。

    The art treasure of ancient Greece , the prototype of female beauty , leads the nation 's steps into the world .

  15. 不像文艺复兴之前,中世纪时期所言的古希腊罗马艺术的死亡,那是一种隐匿,绘画的精神和技艺失去了传承。

    Unlike before Renaissance , the death of ancient Greece and Rome in the Middle ages is a kind of hidden . There is no adherence to spirit and skill of drawing .

  16. 图中尼采美学始源于对叔本华的唯意志论与古希腊悲剧艺术的赓续与创新,奠基于对传统理性主义的反思与超越,从而走向审美感性的回归。

    Nietzsche 's aesthetics of the " map " root in the ductibility and creation of Schopenhauerian voluntarism and ancient Greece tragedy art , lay a foundation on the self-reflection and transcendence of conventional rationalism and then tend towards the regression of aesthetics .

  17. 汤姆是个研究古希腊罗马文学艺术的学者。

    Tom is a classical scholar .

  18. 古希腊家具成就与艺术思想探析

    The Achievements and Artistic Ideas of Ancient Greek Furniture

  19. 在西方艺术史中,写实主义的传统可以上溯至古希腊时期的古典艺术。

    Content : In the history of Western Art , the tradition of realism can be dated back to the Classical Art of Ancient Greece .

  20. 古希腊建筑式的,古希腊艺术风格的这段时期的古希腊艺术或建筑风格的或与其有关的古希腊建筑与古代东方传统在这里交汇相融。

    Relating to or in the style of the Greek art or architecture of this period . It is one of the world 's most famous archaeological sites , where ancient Eastern traditions blend with Hellenistic architecture .