
gǔ dì tú
  • ancient map
古地图[gǔ dì tú]
  1. Loken说:很多的国外游者和中国游者沿着明长城从嘉峪关到达终点,即河北省山海关现存明城墙遗址。他是第一个沿着明朝古地图路线-很多的城石都磨上几个世纪之久的痕迹-到达湖山。

    While about a dozen foreigners and even more Chinese have followed the Ming Wall from Jiayuguan to the end of the existing bulwark in Hebei province 's Shanhaiguan , Loken was the first to continue on to retrace the Ming-era maps ' original route - the stone of which centuries have mostly ground away - to Hushan .

  2. 中国古地图发展分期的初探

    Initial Research on Different Stages of Development in China 's Ancient Maps

  3. 在美国的中文古地图,《中国国家地理》2003年第2期,北京。

    Antique Chinese Maps in America , Chinese National Geography , No.2,2003 .

  4. 中国古地图起源探讨

    The Probe of the Most Primitive Maps in China

  5. 根据中国古籍《山海经》复原绘制的中国4200年前的古地图

    Recover the Old Chinese Map Drawn 4200 Years Ago Based on Chinese Ancient Book Shan Hai Jing

  6. 他们提出,一些包括日本古地图在内的有几百年历史的文件都把这片水域叫做朝鲜海。

    They point to centuries-old documents , include old Japanese maps , that refer to it as the Sea of Korea .

  7. 古地图有极高的审美价值、收藏价值,除了其历史久远外,还因为使用了山水画技法。

    Old maps have very high appreciation value and collection value , in addition to their long history , but also because of the use of landscape painting techniques .

  8. 在标签上使用的海底生物是基于古探险家用于装饰地图和预示着危险和未知的海怪。

    The sea creature on the label is based on the sea monsters that were used on antique explorers maps for decoration and to indicate danger and the unknown .