
  • 网络LCOE;Grid parity;Levelized Cost of Electricity, LCOE;cost of electricity;generation cost
  1. 从短期来看,煤炭价格上涨将提高发电成本。

    In the short term , the price rises will raise the cost of electricity generation .

  2. 基于最小化发电成本的聚变驱动次临界堆参数优化分析

    Optimization of design parameters based on minimizing the cost of electricity of the fusion-driver sub-critical system Forecasting of next generation power plants

  3. ERP在发电成本核算中的应用

    The Adhibition of the ERP In Cost of Generating Electricity

  4. 彭博新能源财务公司(BloombergNewEnergyFinance)今天称,到2020年,大型光伏项目的发电成本将降至每瓦特1.45美元,是现在价格的一半。

    Large photovoltaic projects will cost $ 1.45 a watt to build by2020 , half the current price , Bloomberg New Energy Finance estimated today .

  5. 在电厂的建造成本、发电成本及运行和维护方面,F型燃机联合循环电厂也比E型燃机联合循环电厂具有优势。

    In the construction costs , power generation costs , operation and maintenance , the former are also superior to the latter .

  6. 使用ccs技术的确会增加煤炭或天然气发电成本,尽管这种成本将随着技术创新而下降。

    Adding CCS does increase the cost of coal or gas power , although this cost will fall with innovation .

  7. 其Nash均衡结果表明:市场中发电成本和运行容量越低的机组,提高爬坡率申报值的动机越强。

    The Nash equilibrium shows that , the units with low cost or low operating capacity have strong motivation to increase the bidding ramping .

  8. 通过遗传算法(GA)优化,实现微电网内发电成本进行优化控制,以达到满足负荷需求情况下的最小发电成本的目的。

    Optimizing by genetic algorithm ( GA ), the cost of power generation within the microgrid achieve the purpose of optimal control and the minimum cost of power generation meet the load demand .

  9. TRT装置发电成本低,发电过程无污染和公害,回收能源效果显著。

    TRT device has a low cost of power generation , without pollution and hazards , energy recovery effect is remarkable .

  10. 分析人士和企业高管认为,太阳能的广泛应用只有在达到“电网平价”(gridparity)时才会出现,即太阳能发电成本降低到与传统发电方式相当的水平。

    Analysts and executives believe widespread use will not happen until so-called " grid parity " is reached . This is when the cost of generating electricity from solar is reduced to levels comparable with traditional means .

  11. 本文研究不同金属背电极材料对CdTe太阳电池性能的影响,寻找能够获得更高转换效率和明显降低发电成本的金属背电极材料;

    In order to find one kind of metal back electrode material , which can provide higher conversion efficiency at obviously lower cost , the effects of different metals on properties of CdTe solar cells have been studied .

  12. 文中建立了以停电指标为基础的安全指标和以发电成本表示的系统经济指标,并给出了IEEE-14节点系统的仿真结果。

    Security indices based on load curtailment and economic indices based on generation cost are presented and illustrated by the results of IEEE-14 test system .

  13. 过去几年中,太阳能发电成本快速降低,美国出台了“可再生能源组合标准”【RenewablePortfolioStandards(RPS)】项目,该项目要求发电厂利用可再生能源生产一部分电能。

    Over the past few years , rapidly declining solar costs and state renewable portfolio standards ( RPS ) programs , which require utilities to generate a percentage of power from renewable energy sources , have combined to create 30GW of solar projects in the later stages of development .

  14. 分散式风力发电成本与效益评价方法及应用研究

    Evaluation Method and Application Research on Distributed Wind-Power Cost and Benefit

  15. 市场经济下的燃煤火电厂的发电成本分析

    Generation cost analysis of coal-fired power station in market economy situation

  16. 火电机组实时发电成本分析与辅助报价决策研究

    Research on Real-time Cost of Fossile Feul Unit and Supporting Decision

  17. 煤质特性对电站发电成本的影响

    Effect of Coal Characteristics on Generation Cost of Power Plant

  18. 实验结果使得全网发电成本减少和约束条件满足。

    The test results show the cost savings and the constraint satisfying .

  19. 发电成本优化决策知识库系统概述

    Knowledge base system for optimizing generation cost in electricity market

  20. 电力市场无功发电成本与补偿

    Reactive Power Generation Costs and Compensation in Electricity Market

  21. 风力发电成本主要影响因素分析与计算

    An Analysis on Key Factors Influencing Wind Power Generation Cost and its Computation

  22. 水电厂控制发电成本的有效途径

    Effective Way to Control Generation Cost of Hydropower Plant

  23. 燃气联合循环电厂发电成本预测

    Electricity price analysis for gas-fired combined cycle power plants

  24. 发电成本及网损分摊的潮流追踪方法

    Electricity Tracing Method of Generation and Loss Cost Allocation

  25. 机组发电成本曲线的相关研究

    Relevant Research on the Generating Cost Curve of Units

  26. 煤价对火电厂发电成本的影响及应对策略研究

    Coal for Power Generation Cost of Thermal Power Plant and Study Coping Strategies

  27. 风力发电成本低廉,具有广阔的发展前景。

    Due to its lost cost , it has broad prospects for development .

  28. 而为了使光伏发电成本降低,还需要进一步技术上的重大革新。

    It 's going to take further technological breakthroughs to make photovoltaics cheaper .

  29. 中国风力发电成本研究

    Study on Wind Power Generation Cost in China

  30. 基于设备可靠性的发电成本改进算法

    Improvement Algorithm of Generation Cost Based on Reliability