
  • 网络finds;Find Meteorite
  1. 我国首次发现陨石坑

    The First Discovery of Impact Crater in China

  2. 因为外来天体陨石的元素构成与地表元素构成有一定的差异,人们还可以通过分析有关特殊的矿物成分以及各成分的比例关系来发现陨石可能分布的地点。

    Because the elements of space objects are some different from that of earth , so people can discover the possible locations of meteorite by analyzing the elements of related special mineral and the proportion of elements .

  3. 因此陨石其实就是那些穿透大气层到达地球表面的行星体。如今我们发现陨石的历史已经有几千年了,我们已经对其进行了足够的分析,解了很多关于陨石的成分,知道大部分是来自小行星,尽管有些陨石是来自彗星。

    So meteorites are the ones that actually make it through . Now we 've been finding meteorites on earth for thousands of years , and we 've analyzed enough of them to learn a lot about their composition , most come from asteroids , though a few may have come from comets .

  4. 之前的研究发现,陨石中还有构成生命体的三种元素其中的两种。

    Previous studies found meteorites harbour the other two of the three basic ingredients of life .

  5. 它有棒球大小,不仅比大部分发现的陨石古老,还曾经富含水分。

    Not only is it older than most , the baseball-size meteorite also contains more water .

  6. 太空岩石由铁和镍构成的篮球大小的陨石,这是第一块在其他星球发现的陨石。

    Space rock the basketball-size chunk of iron and nickel , above , is the first meteorite found on another world .

  7. 其他太空飞船的发现和火星陨石也证明了火星表面是有盐分存在的。

    Other spacecraft and Martian meteorites have shown that the Martian surface is salty .

  8. 在阿迪斯阿巴巴发现一块陨石?

    A meteorite found in Addis ababa ?

  9. 首先是从发现它们的陨石中将其提取出来的方法存在问题。

    First there was the matter of the process used to extract the grains from the meteorites in which they were found .

  10. 山东苍山地区发现一大型陨石坑,通过大量的勘察工作,目前已找到一些重要的证据。

    One great meteorite crater was found in Cangshan region , Shandong Province , and main impact evidences are obtained from macroscopical geologic features , local region characters and so on .

  11. 在许多书中,我阅读了边境历史,没有发现一只陨石在英国或美国获得牧羊冠军。

    In all the books I have read on Border Collie history , I have never seen a reference to a merle as a herding champion either in Britain or in the USA.

  12. 当拍摄水星中央巨大的卡洛斯盆地时,MESSENGER发现了一个陨石坑,如上图所示,可以看到从它的中心放射出一组奇怪的射线。

    When imaging the center of Mercury 's extremely large Caloris Basin , MESSENGER found a crater , pictured above , with a set of unusual rays emanating out from its center .

  13. 我们在新墨西哥希克苏鲁伯发现了巨大的陨石坑。

    We discovered the meteor impact crater near Chicxulub New Mexico .

  14. 在发现奇克苏鲁伯陨石坑之后,有些人还是坚持认为,就算喷发不是大灭绝的罪魁祸首,但也对生物圈造成了冲击,并使得形成奇克苏鲁伯陨石坑的那次撞击尤其具有杀伤力。

    After its discovery , some argued that even if the eruptions did not cause the extinction , they weakened the biosphere and made it particularly vulnerable to the Chicxulub hammer-blow .

  15. 这些性能是观测的关键,不仅可以发现致命的太空陨石也可以发现庞大数量的更加普遍的天文现象,从我们太阳系行星大小的物体到广泛遥远的宇宙大爆发。

    These abilities are key to discovering not only killer space rocks but huge numbers of much more common phenomena , from planet-size bodies in our solar system to far-flung cosmic cataclysms .