
  • 网络earth mass
  1. 地球质量可能在减小

    On probable Decreasing of the Earth Mass

  2. 在重力分异过程中,随着地球质量不断向地心集中,地球自转动能也不断向地核集中,从而产生圈层分化和差异旋转。

    During gravitational differentiation the earth mass is gradually concentrated to the core of the earth and the motion energy of the earth self rotation is also to the core and cause division of spheres and their differential rotation .

  3. “这使得智利断层更显著地使地球质量发生垂直变化,并更有效地移动了地球的形状轴,”NASA官员说。

    " This makes the Chile fault more effective in moving Earth 's mass vertically and hence more effective in shifting Earth 's figure axis ," NASA officials said .

  4. 它的初衷是想弄清楚在银河系中地球质量大小的行星是如何友好共存的。

    Its primary mission is to figure out how common Earth-size planets in life-friendly orbits are in the Milky Way .

  5. 冰川融化不仅引起了海平面上升,而且把地球质量从极点转移到了赤道。

    Melting water from glaciers not only causes sea-level rise , but also shifts mass from the pole to the equator .

  6. 在地震中,地球质量移动得离赤道越近,地球转速就越快。

    The closer the mass shift during an earthquake is to the equator , the more it will speed up the spinning Earth .

  7. 本文假设一个质量与地球质量相等,且任意分布并具有弹性地壳的地球模型。

    We presuppose that reference earth model , the mass of which is taken equal to the earth 's mass , has a elastical crust .

  8. 一项在半个世纪前就开始构思的实验已经证实了爱因斯坦广义相对论中关于地球质量和自转运动的时空效应的预言。

    An experiment conceived a half century ago has confirmed Einstein 's general relativity predictions of the spacetime effects of Earth 's mass and spin .

  9. 地轴是地球质量平衡的轴线,偏离南北轴线约33英尺(10米)。

    The figure axis is the axis around which the Earth 's mass is balanced and the north-south axis by about 33 feet ( 10 meters ) .

  10. GIS支持下生态环境地球化学质量评价方法探索

    Measure Investigation for Geochemical Quality Evaluation of Ecological Environment Based On GIS Support

  11. GIS支持下的黑龙江省中部黑土区环境地球化学质量评价

    The geochemical environment quality evaluation on the black soil region based on GIS

  12. GIS技术支持下的江西德兴地区矿山环境地球化学质量评价

    An assessment of mine environmental geochemistry quality by GIS methods in Dexing , Jiangxi , China

  13. GRACE重力计划在揭示地球系统质量重新分布中的应用

    Mass Redistribution to be Revealed by GRACE Project

  14. NASA认为,该行星的质量大约要比地球的质量大5倍,其岩石表面上空的大气层要比地球的大气层厚许多。

    NASA believes the planet has a mass about five times more massive than Earth 's , with a rocky surface below a thicker atmosphere than our own .

  15. 地球的质量是所有人类质量的10万亿倍以上。

    Earth outweighs us by a factor of over ten trillion .

  16. 地球的质量约是6乘以10的21次方吨

    The estimated weight of the earth is six sextillion tons .

  17. 武陵源风景区的环境地球化学质量评价

    Quality Evaluation of Environmental Geochemistry in Wulingyuan Scenic Area

  18. 我们能够求出地球的质量。

    We can find the mass of the earth .

  19. 这样我就又考虑,到了地球的质量。

    So now I will put in the mass of the Earth here .

  20. 地球表面质量负荷的静态响应

    Static response of the earth under surface mass loads

  21. 我认为,地球的质量如果能增大,那么苹果下落所需时间便会更少。

    I would think if I increased the mass of the Earth that the apple will fall faster .

  22. 本文综述了土壤重金属污染研究现状,介绍了环境地球化学质量评价中常用的几种方法,并讨论了各种评价方法的适用范围与不足。

    The paper summarizes the nowadays situation about heavy metal elements polluted , and introduce several approaches that usually be used to evaluate the environment chemical geography quality .

  23. 地核外面被岩石质的地幔环绕,占地球总质量的近三分之二,最外面是薄层的地壳,占据了地球剩余的部分。

    " Surrounding this core is a rocky mantle that accounts for most of the remaining two-thirds ," with the thin crust of the Earth 's surface making up the rest .

  24. 举例来说,地球的质量使得时光在流经树梢的苹果时,比流经在树荫下工作的物理学家来得快些。

    The earth 's mass , for example , makes time pass slightly more rapidly for an apple near the top of a tree than for a physicist working in its shade .

  25. 将地形高、地球内部质量异常以及重力、大地水准面展开成球谐级数,依据岩石圈弹性挠曲均衡补偿理论建立地形&均衡补偿重力、大地水准面异常的球谐级数表达式。

    Expending geography , earth interior mass , gravity and geoid into sphere harmonic series , we establish topography-isostasy compensation gravity and geoid sphere harmonic series expression according to isostatic compensation theory of lithospheric flexibility .

  26. 气体具有最大的激活能,但大气圈仅占地球总质量的10-6,它不可能是主要圈层。

    Atmosphere ( gas ) has maximum activation energy , but it is only 10 - 6 of the mass of earth system , so it is impossible for atmosphere to acts as the key role .

  27. 利用模糊数学方法对遥感卫星地球站工作质量进行评定

    A Model by Fuzzy Sets to Assess the Working Quality of the Ground Station of RS Satellite

  28. 色谱文件是决定地球物理影像质量与分辨率的重要因素。

    The rationality of color spectrum files is an important factor to ensure the quality and resolution of geophysical images .

  29. 流体控制着地球系统中质量和能量的传输。流体岩石反应过程在岩石圈中是十分普遍的现象。

    Fluid controls the transport of mass and energy in the Earth system , and the process of fluid-rock interactions is a very common phenomenon in the lithosphere .

  30. 这个地质构造与其他诸如高山、地、脊、沟等构造,是使得地球表面的质量分布不均匀的主因,造成重力的作用略有差异。

    This geologic feature , among others mountains , valleys , ridges , trenches and such distributes mass unevenly about the planet 's surface , thereby making the pull of gravity vary slightly .