
  • 网络Sociology of Development;Development Sociology
  1. 社会转型:发展社会学的新议题

    Social Transformation : The new issue on sociology of development

  2. 这些议题扩展着发展社会学的视野,也为建构新的发展社会学理论提供了可能。

    These themes will expand theoretical horizon of sociology of development and provide probability of building new theories .

  3. 本文采用发展社会学的研究方法对农民发展创新过程中的社会网络进行研究。农民社会网络包括功能性社会网络与社会构建性社会网络。

    Farmers ' functional network and socially constructed network comprise their social networks .

  4. 在传统的发展社会学中,学术传统主要有两个,一个是以发达国家的现代化为研究对象的现代化理论,一个是以拉丁美洲、非洲和东亚模式为研究对象的发展理论。

    There are two academic traditions in sociology of development , one is theories of modernization which focuses on modernization of Western developed countries ;

  5. 依附理论是发展社会学中的重要流派之一,主要是在对现代化理论进行批判的基础上探讨不发达国家经济发展问题。

    As one of school in sociology , the Attachment Theory discusses the economic development in underdeveloped countries based on the criticism for the theory of modernism .

  6. 在此基础上,作者提出发展社会学应当面对转型国家的社会转型实践过程,形成现代化理论、发展理论、转型理论三足鼎立的发展理论新格局。

    The author suggests that sociology of development should face practical transformation of transitional states and theories of development should include theories of modernization , development and transformation .

  7. 发展社会学视野中关于政治现代化的论述,散见于各个时期对发展问题的研究中,但一直为人们所忽略。

    The discussion about the modernization of politics in sight of the sociology of development , scattered in all kinds of researches concerning development , has been ignored for a long time .

  8. 这两种理论模式经过帕森斯的综合集成,最终演变为当代发展社会学的第一大理论&现代化理论。

    Later , these two theoretic models were integrated into the theory of structure and function by Parsons which in the end moved into the most important theory of sociology of development & theory of modernization .

  9. 从发展社会学角度讲,城市中心战略对加快社会现代化进程是至为关键的,发展大中城市从而带动区域经济已成为共识。

    From the angle of developing sociology , the urban center strategy is very critical to increase the process of social modernization . It is agreed that developing the big and middle cities can influence the regional economy .

  10. 历史比较法是发展社会学一个重要的研究方法,通过对中国和巴西乡村发展的比较,可以更好地加深对中国三农问题的认识,为中国的乡村发展提供借鉴和启示。

    The comparative study in rural development is still singularly between China and Brazil . The comparative method is an important kind of research method in sociology of development , and that will expand existing apprehension of " agriculture , farmer and rural area " .

  11. 中国体育旅游迅速发展的社会学思考

    Sociological Research on the Rapid Development of Sport Tourism in China

  12. 对我国保健教育发展的社会学思考

    Sociological Thought on the Development of Health Physical Education in China

  13. 影响中国职业足球俱乐部发展的社会学因素

    Major sociology factors of restricting the development of Chinese professional soccer clubs

  14. 我国大众体育迅速发展的社会学思考

    Sociological Research on the Rapid Development of Sport for All in China

  15. 上海市竞技体育可持续发展的社会学论述

    Sociological Discussion on Sustainable Development of Sports in Shanghai

  16. 我国大众健美操发展的社会学分析

    Social Analysis on Development of Aerobics in China

  17. 国外竞技体育发展的社会学研究及启示

    The Sociological Study of the Public Sports Inspiration

  18. 对农业转基因技术发展的社会学分析

    Sociological Analysis on Agricultural Transgenic Technology Development

  19. 德国统一前后竞技体育发展的社会学分析和展望

    Social Analysis and Prosperity on the Development of German Athletic Sports Before and After Reunification

  20. 网球选项课教学在普通高校发展的社会学思考

    Sociological Consideration on the Burgeoning of Tennis Teaching an Optional Course at Regular Colleges and Universities

  21. 经济发展与社会学参与

    Economic Development and Participation of Sociology

  22. 理论的建构和发展对社会学学科建设和发展具有举足轻重的作用。

    Theory is the core of sociology study , with which science of sociology will develop .

  23. 社会科学的新发展:社会学与人类学的兼容与贯通

    The New Development of Social Sciences : Have a Thorough Knowledge of Both Sociology and Anthropology

  24. 随着社会学研究的发展,社会学与民族学的联系和互动越来越紧密,民族社会学也就应运而生。

    With the development of sociology , interaction between sociology and ethnology becomes more closely related .

  25. 社会发展与社会学

    Social Development and Sociology

  26. 发展干预社会学研究综述解读《寻找中间地带发展干预社会学研究》

    Review of Sociology of Development Intervention & Interpretation of " In Search of the Middle Ground : Essays on the Sociology of Planned Development ";

  27. 本文采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法、数理统计法、逻辑推理法、综合归纳法对我国大众健美操发展进行社会学分析。

    By the methods of literature research , investigation , survey of experts , mathematical statistics , logical deducing , we analyze the development of aerobics in China .

  28. 同时,研究者关注的焦点大多都是集中在对时尚产生和发展的社会学以及心理学原因的探讨上,却鲜有学者从审美的角度来审视时尚。

    At the same time , scholars focus mostly concentrated in the fashion of the emergence and development of sociological and psychological reasons , but few people from the aesthetic point of view to re-examine the fashion .

  29. 资源与体制:我国私学发展史的社会学分析

    Resources Systems : An Analyze on the History of Private School in China

  30. 新经济时代体育发展趋势的社会学思辨

    Sociological Reflection on the Development Tendency of Physical Culture in New Economic Era