- 名microsociology

Micro-sociology deals with social behaviors , while macro-sociology , social structures .
Understanding the relationship between macro-sociology and micro-sociology
This study collects materials through questionnaire survey and in-dept interview . Based on the micro-sociology perspective , this paper analyses the characteristic and influence factors of Chinese urban residents ' trust .
Under the macro framework of social transformation in China , this micro sociological research is on the current status and characteristics of care taking for left-behind children which was conducted in 10 rural communities .
The last of these aims to establish a macroscopic standpoint for micro-sociology and attempts to analyze the micro-aspects from this standpoint , reflecting on the macro-aspect through the micro-aspect and emphasizing the function of theory throughout practice .
From the angle of micro-sociology and anthro-sociology , this paper discusses how to do the tribal marketing to the special group , the differences between tribal marketing and conventional marketing and the role changing of an enterprise in the course of marketing .
Tourist individual research , including tourist behavior and motivation , psychology , value , aesthetic standards etc.
This paper studies the application of functionalist theory in sports sociology from micro to macro perspective .
This research will focus on the disadvantaged problems of compulsory education , and hope to make a new explanation with the perspective of sociology from microcosmic field .